################## # Known VLC bugs # ################## Feel free to work on these :) Regressions from previous versions ---------------------------------- *** OS X preferences *** OS X playlist *** OS X resampler * CDDAX ** Playlist : previous item sometimes doesn't get any item, or an item at the other edge of the playlist, when at the beginning of a node * Sort by Author unimplemented *** wxWindows : Play button state Other bugs ---------- ** DVDNav duration * Insert/Backspace hotkeys * SDL Vout ** ALSA 5.1, at least with some configuration ** hotkeys in wxWindows in embedded mode sometimes don't respond * HTTP interface : some weirds URLs (?control=stop&control=seek&control=seek&seek_value=&control=seek), state sometimes doesn't reflext the current one ** OSX LPCM ** HAL service discovery sees data DVDs as Video DVDs and adds them to the playlist