# Default settings for rcracki_mt # Command line arguments override these defaults # Specify default amount of threads Threads=1 # Set a default file to store temporary results. # Set AlwaysStoreResultsToFile=1 or use -o to actually store results. DefaultResultsFile=e:\default_rcracki_results.txt # This option requires DefaultResultsFile to be set to a file #AlwaysStoreResultsToFile=1 # Set some default file locations to search for rainbow tables. # You need to use these in combination with the command line argument -a [algorithm] # Or you can set a default algorithm here with 'DefaultAlgorithm'. # Algorithm is the name you use as specifier after 'DefaultRainbowTablesPath.' # You can specify multiple lines per algorithm, one path/directory per line. # Any locations you specify on the command line will be added to the list as well. # For Windows users: locations in this file with a different case # as on the command line are treated as separate locations (run through twice) #DefaultRainbowTablePath.MD5=X:\RTI\MD5 #DefaultRainbowTablePath.NTLM=X:\RTI\NTLM\ntlm_loweralpha-space#1-9_* # This option requires at least one 'DefaultRainbowTablePath.[algorithm]' to be set #DefaultAlgorithm=MD5 # Always show debugging infomation (command line option -v) # AlwaysDebug=1 # Always keep precalculation files after cracking, don't remove them. # These files are saved by session name. So you can store precalculations over multiple jobs. #AlwaysKeepPrecalcFiles=1