* Testing If you try to compile the bindings from a development tree, you will have to specify the path for VLC modules, which cannot be guessed by the extension module (and are hardcoded for a standard installation, i.e. /usr/lib/vlc on *NIX) For vlc.MediaControl: mc=vlc.MediaControl('--plugin-path /path/to/vlc/directory'.split()) For vlc.Instance: i=vlc.Instance('--plugin-path /path/to/vlc/directory'.split()) * Skeleton generation (for developpers of the module): ** For method bindings: perl -n -e 'print "static PyObject *\nvlcInput_$2( PyObject *self, PyObject *args )\n{\n libvlc_exception_t ex;\n LIBVLC_TRY;\n $1_$2( self->p_input, &ex); LIBVLC_EXCEPT;\n Py_INCREF( Py_None );\n return Py_None;\n}\n\n" if /(libvlc_input)_(\w+)/ and ($2 ne "t")' ../../include/vlc/libvlc.h ** For method table: perl -n -e 'print " { \"$2\", $1_$2, METH_VARARGS,\n \"$2()\" },\n" if /^(vlcInstance)_(\w+)/' vlc_instance.c