Introduction to XML::Template (name suggestions welcome) [In plain text; HTML coming soon. Note that this is mainly a rough brain dump, even though the code is out there and working; nothing is finished yet, especially as I haven't used it in a bigger project yet.] XML::Template is a templating system; there are already many others, so if you do not like it, look into a different one (its design is inspired by at least Template Toolkit and Kid, probably also including elements from others). XML::Template is (like Kid or TAL) designed to guarantee that your output is well-formed XML, which is a good step on the road to give you valid XHTML. You can get the latest version of XML::Template with bzr; get bzr from your favourite distribution and do "bzr get" to check out the code and this documentation. There is a lot to be said about design philosophy, but let's first give a simple example to give you the feel of how it works. (The example is in Perl, but there are also functionally equivalent PHP and Python versions, and more languages should probably come soon.) Template (simple.xml): </head> <body> <p t:id="hello">This will be replaced.</p> </body> </html> Code ( #! /usr/bin/perl use XML::Template; my $doc = XML::Template::process_file('../xml/simple.xml', { 'title' => 'A very basic example', '#hello' => 'Hello world!' }); print $doc->toString; Result: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>A very basic example

Hello world!

This is about as simple as it gets, but we've already touched on most of the functionality we want or need. A few points are worth commenting on: - We template by first _selecting_ certain elements (either by tag name, or by ID -- the syntax is borrowed from CSS since you probably already know it), then _replace_ their contents. (Soon, we'll also _clone_ elements.) - We get a DOM tree out, which we can either print out or do other things with (say, style further if XML::Template should not prove enough). (Actually, we start with a DOM tree as well, but process_file is a shortcut to read in an XML file and parse it into a DOM tree first, since that's usually what we want.) - All traces of our templating system have been removed -- there is a flag you can give to prohibit this "cleaning" in case you don't want that. Note how little syntax we need to do simple things -- XML::Template is designed to _keep simple things simple_, since you want to do simple things most of the time. (I don't believe in "lines of code" as the primary metric for API usability in general, though.) We move on to another useful operation, cloning. Template (clone.xml): Cloning test

My favourite color is ; I like that very much. All my favourite things:

Code ( #! /usr/bin/perl use XML::Template; my $doc = XML::Template::process_file('../xml/clone.xml', { 'color' => 'blue', '#things' => [ { 'li' => 'Raindrops on roses' }, { 'li' => 'Whiskers on kittens' }, { 'li' => 'Bright copper kettles' }, { 'li' => 'Warm, woolen mittens'} ] }); print $doc->toString; Result: Cloning test

My favourite color is blue; I like that very much. All my favourite things:

This isn't much harder than the example above; we've done a simple replacement of the contents of to "blue" (and after that just removed the tag; any tag you use in the templating namespace will automatically get stripped away), and then cloned the contents of our "things" bullet list. Note that XML::Template automatically recurses after the cloning, since you probably don't want four identical elements. You can recurse as many times as you'd like, in case you'd need lists of lists or multiple tables and rows and columns -- you don't even have to understand what's happening to get it to work. Note that we did all of this without any logic in the template at all. This is completely intentional -- it's a bit of an experiment, really, but hopefully it will all turn out well. There is no logic in the templating system at all; if-s are handled with replacements (or DOM deletions), for-s are handled with cloning and expressions are handled by the language you're using. This means we have introduced all three operations we need (replacement, substitution/selection and repeating/cloning), and only need two more features before we're all done. The first one is just a variation on replacement; instead of replacing with a string, you can replace with a DOM tree or document. This facilitates simple inclusion, since you probably want some header and footer to be the same across all your pages. (No example here, you can probably work it out by yourself; just send a DOM object instead of a string. There's an example in the source code distribution if you need it.) The second one is also a variation on replacement; sometimes, you want to set attributes on elements instead of replacing their contents, and for that, we have a small hack: Template (clone.xml), repeated for your convenience: Cloning test

My favourite color is ; I like that very much. All my favourite things:

Code ( #! /usr/bin/perl use XML::Template; my $doc = XML::Template::process_file('../xml/clone.xml', { 'color' => 'red', '#things' => [ { 'li' => 'Raindrops on roses', 'li/class' => 'odd' }, { 'li' => 'Whiskers on kittens', 'li/class' => 'even' }, { 'li' => 'Bright copper kettles', 'li/class' => 'odd' }, { 'li' => 'Warm, woolen mittens', 'li/class' => 'even' } ] }); print $doc->toString; Result: Cloning test

My favourite color is red; I like that very much. All my favourite things:

Naturally, you can't put anything else than a simple string into an attribute, but it's not like this is a big limitation. (There's also a shortcut for doing stuff like odd/even automatically, but I'll leave that for yourself to find out; see the attribute2 example.) That's it for the examples; now let's turn to the boring design philosophy. The main thoughts behind XML::Template have been, in no particular order: - Make the simple things simple. (A template should not be much more cumbersome to write than if you wrote the page statically.) More complex things can be harder if it makes the simple things simpler; that's OK. - Make it easy for the user to do the right thing. (Guarantee well-formed XML, and make a design that makes it easy to separate back-end logic, viewing logic and HTML templating. Incidentially, I've only seen one library ever that does the same properly for database logic and other back-end logic, and that is the excellent libpqxx library.) - Premature optimization is the root of all evil; most web systems are not performance limited by their output anyway. - Don't try to be everything for everyone. (XML::Template can not output to plain text or PostScript, even though that would clearly be useful for some people in some cases.) - Be language agnostic. (DOM is rather universal, and there's a useful implementation for most web-relevant languages out there.) Maintaining several implementations in several languages is suboptimal, but it's better than only supporting one language or having someting that needs to reimplement the entire DOM with wrappers for each language. (Thankfully, by relying on the DOM support in each language, the code so far is under 200 lines per implementation, so maintaining this hopefully shouldn't be much work.) As proof-of-concept, I've got Perl, PHP and Python implementations that work and feel largely the same -- Ruby and other implementations are welcome. (This is backed up by a test suite, which ensures that all the different implementations return structurally equivalent XML for a certain set of test cases. Porting to a new language is not difficult, and once you've got all the test cases to pass, your work is most likely done.) As a side note to the second point, I've spent some time wondering exactly _why_ you want to separate the back-end logic from your HTML, and why people don't seem to do it. After some thought, I've decided that what I really want is to get the HTML away from my code -- not the other way round. (In other words, HTML uglifies code more then code uglifies HTML -- someone using a WYSIWYG editor to generate their HTML might disagree, though.) However, this also means that you want the _entire_ viewing logic away from your back-end logic if you can. When you process your data, you really don't want to care if you're on an odd or even row to get those styled differently in the HTML; that's for another part. XML::Template, incidentially, by moving the entire output logic to the end of your script, makes this easy for you; you _can_ do the viewing logic "underway" if you really want to, but there's no incentive to, and the natural modus operandi is to split viewing and other logic into two distinct parts. An open question is how to do internationalization on web pages; I haven't yet seen a good system for handling this. To be honest, this might be something handled in another layer (cf. "don't try to be everything to everyone" above), but I'd be interesting to hear others' thoughts on this, especially how you could achieve clean text/markup separation (stuff like gettext doesn't really work well with markup in general). More to come here at some point, probably. Now, go out and just _use_ the thing -- I hope it will make your life on the web simpler. :-) - Steinar H. Gunderson ,