Miracle Test Procedure Copyright (C) 2003 Ushodaya Enterprised Limited Author: Dan Dennedy Last Revision: 2004-03-20 NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT REQUIRES REVISION TO NEW, EXPECTED BEHAVIOR FROM MIRACLE. Tests are divided into 9 sections: 1. Command Line Usage 2. Unit Management 3. Server Configuration 4. Simple Playback 5. Multi-unit Playback 6. Unit Configuration 7. Advanced Playback 8. Bus Reset 9. Server Side Queuing Each section contains many tests which I've divided into a minimum of two lines: n.m action to carry out --> expected result Further lines may appear to show the actual results when they deviate from what I expected or if there are special cases to consider. Sequential tests are indicated as: n.m.o action to carry out --> expected result It is suggested that you run top during the testing and note cpu hikes or any excessive memory usage related to an operation. 0. Introduction --------------- The tests following are by no means exhaustive, but they should cover typical use cases - creativity is encouraged with more cases being added where necessary. This document should also be maintained to dictate actual state, especially with regard to a final release. Unit test cases are encouraged, but are excluded from this document. It is important to carry out the full test cycle when preparing a final release. In this situation, please resist the temptation to bug fix a given test case and resume the tests from that point onward - it is better to repeat from the beginning (but you can of course employ common sense in this situation). Before starting the final tests, please delete/backup your current /etc/dv139d.conf file. This (more or less) ensures that tests are carried out for a virgin install. 1. Command Line Usage --------------------- Run these from the top level project directory 1.1.0 Start miracle in interactive mode: src/miracle/miracle -test --> miracle starts interactively and reports: (5) Starting server on 5250. (5) miracle version 0.0.1 listening on port 5250 1.1.1 Stop the server by pressing Ctrl-C --> miracle returns the following and returns control to the console: (5) miracle version 0.0.1 server terminated. 1.2.2 Start miracle as a daemon: src/miracle/miracle --> control returns to the console 1.2.3 Verify miracle is running: ps ax --> several miracle processes are running 1.2.4 Verify successful miracle startup using syslog: sudo tail /var/log/syslog --> miracle: miracle version 0.0.1 listening on port 5250 1.2.5 Verify connectivity on port 5250: telnet localhost 5250 --> 100 VTR Ready 1.2.6 Test clean disconnect: BYE --> Connection closed by foreign host. 1.2.7 Stop the daemon: killall miracle --> no errors 1.2.8 Verify a clean server shutdown: sudo tail /var/log/syslog --> miracle: shutdown complete. 1.3.0 Start miracle on a different port: src/miracle/miracle -port 5260 1.3.1 Verify successful miracle startup using syslog: sudo tail /var/log/syslog --> miracle: miracle version 0.0.1 listening on port 5260 1.3.2 Verify connectivity on port 5260: telnet localhost 5260 --> 100 VTR Ready 1.3.3 Test clean disconnect: BYE --> Connection closed by foreign host. 1.3.4 Stop the daemon: killall miracle --> no errors 2. Unit Management ------------------ Start the miracle server and connect to it with telnet or a protocol- level client (albino). 2.1 List the AV/C devices on the bus: NLS --> 201 OK --> one or more lines listing devices with GUID in second column 2.2 Add a device as a miracle unit: UADD {sdl, bluefish}:{NTSC, PAL} --> 201 OK --> U0 2.3 List the units: ULS --> 201 OK --> U0 ?? {sdl, bluefish} 1 --> It is important that the last column is '1' to indicate it is online. 2.4 Add an offline unit by using some bogus GUID value: UADD foo --> 201 OK --> U1 2.3 List the units: ULS --> 201 OK --> U0 ?? {GUID} 1 --> U1 00 0000000f00055c1 0 --> It is important that the last column of the last row is '0' to indicate offline. 2.4 Attempt unit commands for a unit that does not exist: LOAD U6 foo --> 403 Unit not found 2.5 Attempt unit commands without specifying a unit: PLAY --> 402 Argument missing 2.6 Attempt unit commands for a unit that is offline: PLAY U1 --> 403 Unit not found 2.7.0 Load a clip into an offline unit: LOAD U1 test.dv --> 200 OK 2.7.1 Verify the status of the offline unit: USTA U1 --> 202 OK --> 1 offline "test.dv" 0 1000 25.00 0 ... --> only the first 3 columns are relevant in this test 2.9 Set the property of an online unit: USET U0 points=use --> 200 OK 2.8 Set the property of an offline unit: USET U1 points=ignore --> 200 OK 3. Server Configuration ----------------------- Start miracle if not already started from a previous test. 3.1 Get the hard-coded default root property value: GET root --> 202 OK --> / 3.2 List the files and subdirectories at the root: CLS / --> 201 OK --> "bin/" --> ... 3.3 Change the server root to a place where clips are stored: e.g., SET root=/tmp --> 200 OK 3.4 Get the new value of the root property value: GET root --> 202 OK --> /tmp/ --> Notice that if you did not use a trailing slash in step 2.3, one is added for you and appears in this step. This is normal and correct. 3.5 List the files and subdirectories at the root: CLS / --> 201 OK --> zero or more lines listing subdirectories followed by files. 3.6 Try to set a property that does not exist: SET foo=bar --> 405 Argument value out of range 3.7 Try to set no property or value: SET --> 402 Argument missing 3.8 Attempt a bogus command: FOO --> 400 Unknown command XXX 3.9 Attempt the incorrect case for a command: get root XXX --> 400 Unknown command 3.10 Attempt case insensitivity of property key: GET Root --> 202 OK --> /tmp/ 4. Simple Playback ------------------- Start miracle or restart if already started. Add an online unit. Set the server root property if desired. 4.1.0 Load a clip into the unit: LOAD U0 test.dv --> 200 OK 4.1.1 Check the unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 stopped "test.dv" 0 1000 25.00 0 ... --> Only the first 3 columns are relevant in this test. --> The remaining columns are only relevant to the tester. 4.2.0 Play the clip: PLAY U0 --> 200 OK --> Verify audio and video output 4.2.1 Check the unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 playing "test.dv" 1739 1000 25.00 0 ... --> Only the first 3 columns are relevant in this test. --> The remaining columns are only relevant to the tester. 4.3.0 Pause playback: PAUSE U0 --> 200 OK --> Verify video continues, but audio is muted. 4.3.1 Check the unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 paused "test.dv" 1739 0 25.00 0 ... --> The fifth column --------^ should be 0; it indicates speed. 4.3.2 Stop playback: STOP U0 --> 200 OK --> The analog video output stops 4.3.3 Pause playback: PAUSE U0 --> 200 OK --> Analog video starts again, but it is held on the same frame paused in 4.3.0. 4.3.4 Stop playback: STOP U0 --> 200 OK --> The analog video signal ceases. 4.3.5 Rewind the unit: REW U0 --> 200 OK 4.3.6 Play the unit: PLAY U0 --> 200 OK --> Analog audio and video are produced from the beginning of the file. 4.4 Stop the server during playback and ensure clean shutdown. 5. Multi-unit Playback ----------------------- Start miracle or restart if already started. Add *2* online units. Set the server root property if desired. 5.1.0 Load a clip into one unit: LOAD U0 test.dv --> 200 OK 5.1.1 Load a clip into the other unit: LOAD U1 test.dv --> 200 OK 5.1.2 Start playing one unit: PLAY U0 --> 200 OK --> Verify audio and video output 5.1.3 Start playing the other unit: PLAY U1 --> 200 OK --> Verify audio and video output of both units 5.2 Verify independence of units by pausing one of them: PAUSE U0 --> 200 OK --> Verify video continues, but audio is muted on the first unit only. 5.3 Stop the server during multi-unit playback and ensure clean shutdown. 6. Advanced Playback -------------------- Start miracle or restart if already started. Add *2* online units. Set the server root property if desired. Trick play modes: 6.1.0 Load a clip: LOAD U0 test.dv --> 200 OK 6.1.1 Start playback by pausing on the first frame: PAUSE U0 --> 200 OK --> analog video starts, but audio is muted. 6.1.2 Play fast forward: FF U0 --> 200 OK --> verify video is playing fast in the forward direction. 6.1.3 Get unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 playing "test.dv" 219 2000 25.00 0 ... --> The important column is --^, indicates speed 6.1.4 Play fast reverse: REW U0 --> 200 OK --> verify analog video output is fast in the reverse direction. 6.1.5 Get unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 playing "test.dv" 4621 -2000 25.00 0 ... --> The important column is ---^, negative mean reverse 6.1.6 Play slow forward: PLAY U0 500 --> 200 OK --> Verify the analog video output is slow in the forward direction. 6.1.7 Play reverse normal speed: PLAY U0 -1000 --> 200 OK --> Verify the analog video output is at a normal speed in the reverse direction. --> Audio output is reverse, but not the field order of video Loading while playing: 6.2.0 Stop the unit (might be playing): STOP U0 --> 200 OK 6.2.1 Rewing the unit: REW U0 --> 200 OK 6.2.2 Start playing: PLAY U0 --> 200 OK --> verify analog audio and video output 6.2.3 Load another clip: LOAD test002.dv --> 200 OK --> playback seamlessly switches to the new clip --> verify the analog appearance of the video makes a clean switch 6.2.4 Load another clip, this time with in and out points: LOAD test.dv 100 500 (whatever works for your test footage) --> 200 OK --> verify the analog appearance of the video makes a clean switch 6.2.5 Get unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 playing "test.dv" 403 1000 25.00 100 ... --> verify position -----^ is beyond --^ in point, last column is the out point specified in the previous step. Edit points: 6.3.0 Load a clip: LOAD U0 test.dv --> 200 OK 6.3.1 Pause the playback unit: PAUSE U0 --> 200 OK 6.3.2 Set the in point: SIN U0 100 --> 200 OK --> verify the frame displayed in analog video out changes 6.3.4 Get the unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 paused "test.dv" 100 0 25.00 100 ... --> verify position ---^ and in ---^ 6.3.5 Change the mode of the unit to not restrict playback to the edit region: USET U0 points=ignore --> 200 OK 6.3.6 Jump to a frame before the in frame: GOTO U0 50 --> 200 OK 6.3.7 Get the unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 paused "test.dv" 50 0 25.00 100 ... --> position ----------^ preceeds -^ (in) 6.3.8 Set the unit mode to restrict playback to the edit region: USET U0 points=use --> 200 OK --> verify frame on analog video output changes 6.3.9 Get the unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 paused "test.dv" 100 0 25.00 100 ... --> verify position ---^ and in ---^ 6.3.10 Clear the in point: SIN U0 -1 --> 200 OK 6.3.11 Get the unit status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 paused "test.dv" 100 0 25.00 0 ... --> verify the in point is reset --^ The above sequence should be repeated in a similar manner for the out point using the SOUT command. Transfer: 6.4.0 Load a clip into the first unit: LOAD U0 test.dv --> 200 OK 6.4.1 Load a clip into the second unit: LOAD U1 test002.dv --> 200 OK 6.4.2 Start playing the first unit: PLAY U0 --> 200 OK --> verify audio and video analog output 6.4.3 Set an in point on the clip in the second unit: SIN U1 100 --> 200 OK 6.4.4 Play the second unit: PLAY U1 --> 200 OK --> note the beginning footage 6.4.5 Transfer the clip from the second to the first unit: XFER U1 U0 --> 200 OK --> verify a clean switch on the analog audio and video output of the first unit. --> upon transfer it should play the same footage previewed in step 6.4.4 6.4.5 Get the first unit's status: USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 playing "test002.dv" 963 1000 29.97 100 2502 --> note the in point set from U1 ---------^ 7. Unit Configuration --------------------- Start miracle or restart if already started. Add an online unit. Set the server root property if desired. 7.1.0 Load a short clip: LOAD U0 test.dv --> 200 OK 7.1.1 Play a clip: PLAY U0 --> 200 OK --> Wait until it gets to the end, and it should pause on the last frame. 7.1.2 Make the clip start looping: USET U0 eof=loop --> 200 OK --> verify the clip starts playing from the beginning and loops 7.2.0 Set the in point: SIN U0 10 --> 200 OK --> playback pauses at in point (verify with USTA U0) 7.2.1 Set the out point: SOUT U0 200 --> 200 OK --> playback pauses at in point (verify with USTA U0) 7.2.2 Start playing again: PLAY U0 --> 200 OK --> verify playback loops between in and out points 7.3 Tell the unit to ignore the edit points: USET U0 points=ignore --> 200 OK --> verify playback loops over entire video file 7.4 Get the current value of the points property: UGET U0 points --> 202 OK --> ignore 9. Server Side Queuing ---------------------- Only one unit is used for these test cases, and users are encouraged to test with multiple units online. It is assumed that a number of dv files are available for use in the servers ROOT directory - this document assumes that they are named test001.dv and up. 9.1.0 Start miracle in interactive mode and add a unit (all tests will assume U0) --> server started with unit 0 available 9.1.1 Obtain a miracle shell (via telnet or albino). --> 100 VTR (if reported by the client) 9.1.2 Load a clip with LOAD U0 test001.dv and PAUSE U0 --> 200 OK 9.1.3 List the clips with LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 1 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 25.00 --> The 1 on the second line denotes the number of times the list has been changed via user commands (known as the 'generation' number). --> The third line and beyond reports the clip index (from 0 to n), file loaded, in point, out point, real size of the file and the calculated size (out - in + 1 ). 9.1.4 Check the unit status with USTA U0 --> 202 OK --> 0 paused "test001.dv" 0 0 25.00 0 6999 7000 "test001.dv" 0 0 6999 7000 1 1 0 --> The last two fields indicate the generation number and current clip resp. 9.1.5 Append a clip with APND U0 test002.dv followed by LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 2 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 2 and current clip of 0 9.1.6 Move clip 1 to clip 0 with MOVE U0 1 0 followed by LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 3 --> 0 "test002.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 3 and current clip of 1 9.1.7 Move clip 0 to clip 1 with MOVE U0 0 1 followed by LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 4 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 4 and current clip of 0 --> Note that the order in which you run 9.1.6 and 9.1.7 shouldn't matter as the result will be identical 9.1.8 Change the position to the next clip with GOTO U0 0 +1 --> 200 OK --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 4 and current clip of 1 9.1.9 Remove all but the playing clip with CLEAN U0 followed by LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 5 --> 0 "test002.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 5 and current clip of 0 9.1.10 Insert test001.dv back into the list using INSERT U0 test001.dv and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 6 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 6 and current clip of 1 9.1.11 Insert test003.dv at position 2 using INSERT U0 test001.dv 3 and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 7 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 2 "test003.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 7 and current clip of 1 9.1.12 Change the in point of the current clip using SIN U0 5000 and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 8 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 5000 6999 7000 2000 --> 2 "test003.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 8 and current clip of 1 9.1.13 Change the out point of the following clip using SOUT U0 5000 +1 and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 9 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 5000 6999 7000 2000 --> 2 "test003.dv" 0 5000 7000 5001 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 9 and current clip of 2 9.1.14 Change the in point of the current clip to 1000 using SIN U0 1000 and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 10 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 5000 6999 7000 2000 --> 2 "test003.dv" 1000 5000 7000 4001 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 10 and current clip of 2 9.1.15 Ignore the in/out points by running USET U0 points=ignore and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 11 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 5000 6999 7000 7000 --> 2 "test003.dv" 1000 5000 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 11 and current clip of 2 9.1.16 Turn the in/out points on again by running USET U0 points=use and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 12 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 5000 6999 7000 2000 --> 2 "test003.dv" 1000 5000 7000 4001 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 12 and current clip of 2 9.1.17 Remove the current clip using REMOVE U0 and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 13 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> 1 "test002.dv" 5000 6999 7000 2000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 13 and current clip of 0 9.1.17 Remove the next clip using REMOVE U0 +1 and run LIST U0 --> 201 OK --> 14 --> 0 "test001.dv" 0 6999 7000 7000 --> Check that USTA U0 reports a generation of 14 and current clip of 0