#version 440 #extension GL_NV_gpu_shader5 : enable layout(local_size_x = 1) in; const uint prob_bits = 12; const uint prob_scale = 1 << prob_bits; const uint RANS_BYTE_L = (1u << 23); const uint BLOCKS_PER_STREAM = 320; const uint STREAM_BUF_SIZE = 1024; // 1 kB per stream ought to be enough for everyone :-) const uint NUM_SYMS = 256; const uint ESCAPE_LIMIT = NUM_SYMS - 1; #define MAPPING(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7) ((s0) | (s1 << 2) | (s2 << 4) | (s3 << 6) | (s4 << 8) | (s5 << 10) | (s6 << 12) | (s7 << 14)) const uint luma_mapping[8] = { MAPPING(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3), MAPPING(0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3), MAPPING(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3), MAPPING(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3), MAPPING(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3), MAPPING(2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), MAPPING(2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3), MAPPING(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3), }; layout(std430, binding = 10) buffer outputBuf { uint8_t rans_output[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 11) buffer outputBuf2 { uint rans_start_offset[]; }; layout(std140, binding = 13) uniform DistBlock { uvec4 ransdist[4 * 256]; uint sign_biases[4]; }; struct RansEncoder { uint stream_num; // const uint lut_base; // const uint sign_bias; // const uint rans_offset; uint rans; }; layout(r16ui) uniform restrict readonly uimage2D dc_ac7_tex; layout(r16ui) uniform restrict readonly uimage2D ac1_ac6_tex; layout(r16ui) uniform restrict readonly uimage2D ac2_ac5_tex; layout(r8i) uniform restrict readonly iimage2D ac3_tex; layout(r8i) uniform restrict readonly iimage2D ac4_tex; void RansPutByte(uint x, inout RansEncoder enc) { rans_output[--enc.rans_offset] = uint8_t(x); } void RansEncInit(uint streamgroup_num, uint coeff_row, uint coeff_col, uint dist_num, out RansEncoder enc) { enc.stream_num = streamgroup_num * 64 + coeff_row * 8 + coeff_col; enc.lut_base = dist_num * 256; enc.sign_bias = sign_biases[dist_num]; enc.rans_offset = enc.stream_num * STREAM_BUF_SIZE + STREAM_BUF_SIZE; // Starts at the end. enc.rans = RANS_BYTE_L; } void RansEncRenorm(inout RansEncoder enc, uint freq, uint prob_bits) { uint x_max = ((RANS_BYTE_L >> prob_bits) << 8) * freq; // this turns into a shift. while (enc.rans >= x_max) { RansPutByte(enc.rans & 0xffu, enc); enc.rans >>= 8; } } void RansEncPut(inout RansEncoder enc, uint start, uint freq, uint prob_bits) { RansEncRenorm(enc, freq, prob_bits); enc.rans = ((enc.rans / freq) << prob_bits) + (enc.rans % freq) + start; } void RansEncPutSymbol(inout RansEncoder enc, uvec4 sym) { uint x_max = sym.x; uint rcp_freq = sym.y; uint bias = sym.z; uint rcp_shift = (sym.w & 0xffffu); uint cmpl_freq = (sym.w >> 16); // renormalize while (enc.rans >= x_max) { RansPutByte(enc.rans & 0xffu, enc); enc.rans >>= 8; } uint q, unused; umulExtended(enc.rans, rcp_freq, q, unused); enc.rans += bias + (q >> rcp_shift) * cmpl_freq; } void RansEncFlush(inout RansEncoder enc) { RansPutByte(enc.rans >> 24, enc); RansPutByte(enc.rans >> 16, enc); RansPutByte(enc.rans >> 8, enc); RansPutByte(enc.rans >> 0, enc); } int sign_extend(uint coeff, uint bits) { return int(coeff << (32 - bits)) >> (32 - bits); } void encode_coeff(int signed_k, inout RansEncoder enc) { uint k = abs(signed_k); if (k >= ESCAPE_LIMIT) { // Put the coefficient as a 1/(2^12) symbol _before_ // the 255 coefficient, since the decoder will read the // 255 coefficient first. RansEncPut(enc, k, 1, prob_bits); k = ESCAPE_LIMIT; } uvec4 sym = ransdist[enc.lut_base + ((k - 1) & (NUM_SYMS - 1))]; RansEncPutSymbol(enc, sym); if (signed_k < 0) { enc.rans += enc.sign_bias; } } void encode_end(inout RansEncoder enc) { RansEncFlush(enc); rans_start_offset[enc.stream_num] = enc.rans_offset; } void encode_9_7(uint streamgroup_num, uint coeff_row, layout(r16ui) restrict readonly uimage2D tex, uint col1, uint col2, uint dist1, uint dist2) { RansEncoder enc1, enc2; RansEncInit(streamgroup_num, coeff_row, col1, dist1, enc1); RansEncInit(streamgroup_num, coeff_row, col2, dist2, enc2); for (uint subblock_idx = 0; subblock_idx < BLOCKS_PER_STREAM; ++subblock_idx) { // TODO: Use SSBOs instead of a texture? uint x = (streamgroup_num * BLOCKS_PER_STREAM + subblock_idx) % 160; uint y = (streamgroup_num * BLOCKS_PER_STREAM + subblock_idx) / 160; uint f = imageLoad(tex, ivec2(x, y * 8 + coeff_row)).x; encode_coeff(sign_extend(f & 0x1ffu, 9), enc1); encode_coeff(sign_extend(f >> 9, 7), enc2); } encode_end(enc1); encode_end(enc2); } void encode_8(uint streamgroup_num, uint coeff_row, layout(r8i) restrict readonly iimage2D tex, uint col, uint dist) { RansEncoder enc; RansEncInit(streamgroup_num, coeff_row, col, dist, enc); for (uint subblock_idx = 0; subblock_idx < BLOCKS_PER_STREAM; ++subblock_idx) { // TODO: Use SSBOs instead of a texture? uint x = (streamgroup_num * BLOCKS_PER_STREAM + subblock_idx) % 160; uint y = (streamgroup_num * BLOCKS_PER_STREAM + subblock_idx) / 160; int f = imageLoad(tex, ivec2(x, y * 8 + coeff_row)).x; encode_coeff(f, enc); } encode_end(enc); } void main() { uint streamgroup_num = gl_WorkGroupID.x; uint coeff_row = gl_WorkGroupID.y; // 0..7 uint coeff_colset = gl_WorkGroupID.z; // 0 = dc+ac7, 1 = ac1+ac6, 2 = ac2+ac5, 3 = ac3, 4 = ac5 uint m = luma_mapping[coeff_row]; // TODO: DC coeff pred if (coeff_colset == 0) { uint dist_dc = bitfieldExtract(m, 0, 2); uint dist_ac7 = bitfieldExtract(m, 14, 2); encode_9_7(streamgroup_num, coeff_row, dc_ac7_tex, 0, 7, dist_dc, dist_ac7); } else if (coeff_colset == 1) { uint dist_ac1 = bitfieldExtract(m, 2, 2); uint dist_ac6 = bitfieldExtract(m, 12, 2); encode_9_7(streamgroup_num, coeff_row, ac1_ac6_tex, 1, 6, dist_ac1, dist_ac6); } else if (coeff_colset == 2) { uint dist_ac2 = bitfieldExtract(m, 4, 2); uint dist_ac5 = bitfieldExtract(m, 10, 2); encode_9_7(streamgroup_num, coeff_row, ac2_ac5_tex, 2, 5, dist_ac2, dist_ac5); } else if (coeff_colset == 3) { uint dist_ac3 = bitfieldExtract(m, 6, 2); encode_8(streamgroup_num, coeff_row, ac3_tex, 3, dist_ac3); } else { uint dist_ac4 = bitfieldExtract(m, 8, 2); encode_8(streamgroup_num, coeff_row, ac4_tex, 4, dist_ac4); } }