schema_version: 0.1 type: filter identifier: luma title: Wipe version: 1 copyright: Ushodaya Enterprises Limited creator: Charles Yates license: LGPLv2.1 language: en tags: - Video description: > Applies a luma transition between the current and next frames. Useful for transitions from a slideshow created using producer pixbuf. parameters: - identifier: argument title: File type: string description: The luma map file to be used for the transition - identifier: cycle title: Period type: integer description: > The duration between iterations of the transition. For best results set this to a multiple of ttl used in pixbuf. mutable: yes default: 25 - identifier: duration title: Duration type: integer description: The length of the transition. mutable: yes default: 25 - identifier: luma.* title: Luma Properties description: > All properties beginning with "luma." are passed to the encapsulated luma transition. For example, luma.out controls the duration of the wipe. mutable: yes