schema_version: 0.1 type: filter identifier: region title: Regionalize version: 1 copyright: Ushodaya Enterprises Limited creator: Charles Yates license: LGPLv2.1 language: en tags: - Video description: > Apply one or more filters to a region of the video image. The region can be shaped as well using the alpha channel of another producer. bugs: - Circle is unpredictable in the absence of the librsvg pixbuf loader. parameters: - identifier: argument title: File type: string description: > A file whose alpha channel will "shape" the region. The string "circle" is a shortcut but it requires pixbuf with the librsvg loader. The circle is automatically stretched to the region to create an ellipse. - identifier: region.* title: Region description: > Properties may be set on the encapsulated region transition. See "region" transition for details.