schema_version: 0.1 type: transition identifier: composite title: Composite version: 1 copyright: Ushodaya Enterprises Limited creator: Dan Dennedy license: LGPLv2.1 language: en tags: - Video description: > A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames. notes: > Performs dissolves and luma wipes in addition to alpha compositing. By default, the aspect ratio of the B frame is respected and the size portion of the geometry specification simply defines a bounding rectangle. This performs field-based rendering unless the A frame property "progressive" or "consumer_progressive" or the transition property "progressive" is set to 1. bugs: - Assumes lower field first during field rendering. parameters: - identifier: factory title: Factory type: string description: > The name of a factory service used as a non-PGM producer loader. default: loader - identifier: geometry title: Geometry type: geometry description: > Key frame specification. This is a ";" delimited form of the deprecated start, key[n], end properties. mutable: yes - identifier: progressive title: Progressive description: > Enable or disable field-based rendering. type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 1 mutable: yes widget: checkbox - identifier: distort title: Allow distorted scaling description: > When set, causes the B frame image to fill the WxH completely with no regard to B's aspect ratio. type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 mutable: yes widget: checkbox - identifier: halign title: Horizontal alignment description: > When not distorting, set the horizontal alignment of B within the geometry rectangle. type: string default: left values: - left - centre - right mutable: yes widget: combo - identifier: valign title: Vertical alignment description: > When not distorting, set the vertical alignment of B within the geometry rectangle. type: string default: top values: - top - middle - bottom mutable: yes widget: combo - identifier: luma title: Luma map description: > The luma map file name. If not supplied, a dissolve. type: string default: unset mutable: yes widget: fileopen - identifier: softness title: Softness description: > Only when using a luma map, how soft to make the edges between A and B. type: float default: 0.0 minimum: 0.0 maximum: 1.0 mutable: yes - identifier: luma.* title: Luma producer description: > Properties may be set on the encapsulated producer. Any property starting with "luma." is passed to the non-PGM luma producer. readonly: no mutable: yes - identifier: start title: Start geometry description: > (deprecated) A geometry specification as X/Y:WxH[!][:mix] X, Y, W, H are assumed to pixel units unless they have the suffix '%'. '!' is a shortcut to specify distort. Mix is always a 2 digit percentage, defaults to 100. type: geometry default: "0%/0%:100%x100%" readonly: no mutable: yes - identifier: end title: End geometry description: > (deprecated) X/Y:WxH[:mix] - The end geometry specification (see "start"). type: geometry readonly: no mutable: yes - identifier: key[F] title: Key frame geometry description: > (deprecated) X/Y:WxH[:mix] - set a key frame for geometry between the in and out. F is a frame number and can be negative to make it relative to the out point. type: geometry readonly: no mutable: yes