schema_version: 0.1 type: transition identifier: luma title: Wipe version: 1 copyright: Ushodaya Enterprises Limited creator: Dan Dennedy license: LGPLv2.1 language: en tags: - Video description: > A generic dissolve and wipe transition processor. "luma" gets its name from how it uses a grayscale "map" file. As the luma value varies over time, a threshold filter is applied to the map to determine what parts of frame A vs. frame B to show. It reads PGM files up to 16 bits! Alternatively, it can use the first frame from any producer that outputs yuv, but it will be limited to the luma gamut of 220 values. This performs field-based rendering unless the A frame property "progressive" or "consumer_progressive" or the transition property "progressive" is set to 1. bugs: - Assumes lower field first output. parameters: - identifier: argument title: Luma map file type: string description: > Either PGM or any other producable video. If not supplied, performs a dissolve. - identifier: factory title: Factory type: string description: > The name of a factory service used as a non-PGM producer loader. default: loader - identifier: softness title: Softness type: float mutable: yes description: > Only when using a luma map, how soft to make the edges between A and B. 0.0 = no softness. 1.0 = too soft. - identifier: reverse title: Reverse type: integer mutable: yes description: > Reverse the direction of the transition. default: 0 - identifier: producer.* title: Producer mutable: yes description: > Properties may be set on the encapsulated producer. Any property starting with "producer." is passed to the non-PGM luma producer. readonly: no