schema_version: 0.1 type: filter identifier: movit.sharpen title: Deconvolution Sharpen (GLSL) version: 1 copyright: Dan Dennedy creator: Steinar H. Gunderson license: GPLv2 language: en tags: - Video description: > Deconvolution Sharpen is a filter that sharpens by way of deconvolution (i.e., trying to reverse the blur kernel, as opposed to just boosting high frequencies), more specifically by FIR Wiener filters. It is the same algorithm as used by the (now largely abandoned) Refocus plug-in for GIMP, and I suspect the same as in Photoshop's “Smart Sharpen” filter. The effect gives generally better results than unsharp masking, but can be very GPU intensive, and requires a fair bit of tweaking to get good results without ringing and/or excessive noise. parameters: - identifier: matrix_size title: Matrix Size type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 25 default: 5 mutable: yes - identifier: circle_radius title: Circle Radius type: float minimum: 0 default: 2 mutable: yes - identifier: gaussian_radius title: Gaussian Radius type: float minimum: 0 default: 0 mutable: yes - identifier: correlation title: Correlation type: float minimum: 0 default: 0.95 mutable: yes - identifier: noise title: Noise Level type: float minimum: 0 default: 0.01 mutable: yes