schema_version: 0.1 type: filter identifier: loudness title: Loudness version: 1 copyright: Brian Matherly creator: Brian Matherly license: LGPLv2.1 language: en tags: - Audio description: Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128. notes: > This filter requires two passes. The first pass performs analysis and stores the result in the "results" property. The second pass applies the results to the audio in order to achieve the desired loudness over the range of the filter. parameters: - identifier: results title: Analysis Results type: string description: > Set after analysis. Used during application. Loudness information about the original audio. When results are not supplied, the filter computes the results and stores them in this property when the last frame has been processed. mutable: no - identifier: program title: Target Program Loudness type: float description: > Used during application. The target program loudness in LUFS (Loudness Units Full Scale). readonly: no mutable: yes default: -23.0 minimum: -50.0 maximum: -10.0 unit: LUFS