schema_version: 0.1 type: filter identifier: lumaliftgaingamma title: LumaLiftGainGamma version: 1 copyright: Janne Liljeblad creator: Janne Liljeblad license: GPL language: en tags: - Video description: > Filter can be used to apply lift, gain and gamma correction to luma values of image. parameters: - identifier: lift title: Lift type: double minimum: -0.5 maximum: 0.5 default: 0 description: > Adds a value computed using parameter value to color channel values. - identifier: gain title: Gain type: double minimum: -0.5 maximum: 0.5 default: 0 description: > Multiplies color channel values by value computed using parameter value. - identifier: gamma title: Gamma type: double minimum: -1.0 maximum: 1.0 default: 0 description: > Applies a gamma correction to all color channel values.