schema_version: 0.1 type: filter identifier: vid.stab.deshake title: Vid.Stab Deshake copyright: Jakub Ksiezniak creator: Georg Martius version: 1 license: GPLv2 language: en url: tags: - Video description: Stabilize Video (for wiggly/rolling video) notes: > Deshakes a video clip by extracting relative transformations of subsequent frames and transforms the high-frequency away. This is a single pass version of the vidstab filter. parameters: - identifier: shakiness title: Shakiness type: integer description: How shaky the video is. readonly: no required: no minimum: 1 maximum: 10 default: 4 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: accuracy title: Accuracy type: integer description: The accuracy of shakiness detection. readonly: no required: no minimum: 1 maximum: 15 default: 4 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: stepsize title: Stepsize type: integer description: The step size of the search process. readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 100 default: 6 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: mincontrast title: Minimum Contrast type: float description: Below this contrast, a field is discarded. readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0.3 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: smoothing title: Smoothing type: integer description: Number of frames for lowpass filtering (2N + 1 frames) readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 100 default: 15 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: maxshift title: Maxshift type: integer description: Maximum number of pixels to transform the image. -1 = no limit unit: pixels readonly: no required: no minimum: -1 maximum: 1000 default: -1 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: maxangle title: Maxangle type: float description: Maximum angle to rotate, -1 = no limit unit: radians readonly: no required: no minimum: -1 maximum: 3.142 default: -1 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: crop title: Crop type: integer description: 0 = keep border, 1 = black background readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: zoom title: Zoom type: integer description: Additional zoom amount unit: percent readonly: no required: no minimum: -500 maximum: 500 default: 0 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: optzoom title: Optimal Zoom type: integer description: Automatically determine optimal zoom. 1 - static zoom, 2 - adaptive zoom readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 2 default: 1 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: zoomspeed title: Optimal Zoom Speed type: float description: Zoom per frame (used when optzoom = 2) unit: percent readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0.25 mutable: yes widget: spinner