schema_version: 0.1 type: filter identifier: vidstab title: Vid.Stab Detect and Transform copyright: Jakub Ksiezniak creator: Marco Gittler version: 1 license: GPL language: en url: tags: - Video description: Stabilize Video (for wiggly/rolling video) notes: > This filter requires two passes. The first pass performs analysis and stores the result in the "results" property. The second pass applies the results to the image. To use with melt, use 'melt ... -consumer xml:output.mlt all=1' for the first pass. For the second pass, use output.mlt as the input. parameters: - identifier: results title: Analysis Results type: string description: > Set after analysis. Used during application. A set of image motion information that describes the analyzed clip. When results are not supplied, the filter computes the results and stores them in this property when the last frame has been processed. mutable: no - identifier: shakiness title: Shakiness type: integer description: > Used during analysis. How shaky the video is. readonly: no required: no minimum: 1 maximum: 10 default: 4 mutable: no widget: spinner - identifier: accuracy title: Accuracy type: integer description: > Used during analysis. The accuracy of shakiness detection. readonly: no required: no minimum: 1 maximum: 15 default: 4 mutable: no widget: spinner - identifier: stepsize title: Stepsize type: integer description: > Used during analysis. The step size of the search process. readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 100 default: 6 mutable: no widget: spinner - identifier: mincontrast title: Minimum Contrast type: float description: > Used during analysis. Below this contrast, a field is discarded. readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0.3 mutable: no widget: spinner - identifier: show title: Show type: integer description: > Used during analysis. 0 = draw nothing 1 or 2 = show fields and transforms readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 2 default: 0 mutable: no widget: spinner - identifier: tripod title: Tripod type: integer description: > Used during analysis and application. if 0, tripod mode is disabled. if > 0, specifies the frame to be used as a reference frame for tripod mode During application, relative and smoothing properties are both ignored if tripod mode is in use. readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 100000 default: 0 mutable: no widget: spinner - identifier: smoothing title: Smoothing type: integer description: > Used during application. Number of frames for lowpass filtering (2N + 1 frames) readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 100 default: 15 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: maxshift title: Maxshift type: integer description: > Used during application. Maximum number of pixels to transform the image. -1 = no limit unit: pixels readonly: no required: no minimum: -1 maximum: 1000 default: -1 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: maxangle title: Maxangle type: float description: > Used during application. Maximum angle to rotate, -1 = no limit unit: radians readonly: no required: no minimum: -1 maximum: 3.142 default: -1 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: crop title: Crop type: integer description: > Used during application. 0 = keep border, 1 = black background readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: invert title: Invert type: integer description: > Used during application. Invert transforms readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: relative title: Relative type: integer description: > Used during application. Consider transforms as absolute (0) or relative (1) readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 1 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: zoom title: Zoom type: integer description: > Used during application. Additional zoom amount unit: percent readonly: no required: no minimum: -500 maximum: 500 default: 0 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: optzoom title: Optimal Zoom type: integer description: > Used during application. Automatically determine optimal zoom. 1 - static zoom, 2 - adaptive zoom readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 2 default: 1 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: zoomspeed title: Optimal Zoom Speed type: float description: > Used during application. Zoom per frame (used when optzoom = 2) unit: percent readonly: no required: no minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0.25 mutable: yes widget: spinner - identifier: reload title: Reload Results description: > The application should set this to 1 when it updates the results property to indicate that the results should be reloaded. type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 1 mutable: yes