// Corresponds to struct Client. message ClientProto { optional int32 sock = 1; optional string remote_addr = 8; optional int64 connect_time = 9; optional int32 state = 2; optional bytes request = 3; optional string url = 4; optional bytes header_or_error = 5; optional int64 header_or_error_bytes_sent = 6; optional int64 stream_pos = 7; optional int64 bytes_sent = 10; optional int64 bytes_lost = 11; optional int64 num_loss_events = 12; }; // Corresponds to struct Stream. message StreamProto { optional bytes http_header = 6; optional bytes stream_header = 7; repeated int32 data_fds = 8; optional int64 backlog_size = 5 [default=1048576]; optional int64 bytes_received = 3; optional int64 last_suitable_starting_point = 9; optional string url = 4; // Older versions stored the HTTP and video headers together in this field. optional bytes header = 1; // Older versions stored the data in the protobuf instead of sending file // descriptors around. optional bytes data = 2; }; // Corresponds to class Input. message InputProto { optional int32 state = 1; optional string url = 3; optional bytes request = 4; optional int32 request_bytes_sent = 5; optional bytes response = 6; optional bytes http_header = 10; optional bytes stream_header = 14; optional bytes pending_data = 7; optional bool has_metacube_header = 8; optional int32 sock = 9; optional int64 bytes_received = 11; optional int64 data_bytes_received = 12; optional int64 connect_time = 13; }; // Corresponds to class Acceptor. message AcceptorProto { optional int32 server_sock = 1; optional int32 port = 2; }; message CubemapStateProto { optional int64 serialize_start_sec = 6; optional int64 serialize_start_usec = 7; repeated ClientProto clients = 1; repeated StreamProto streams = 2; repeated InputProto inputs = 5; repeated AcceptorProto acceptors = 8; };