How to set up the web admin interface: 1. Install required Perl modules, e.g. on Debian/Ubuntu: aptitude install libdbi-perl libapache-session-perl libdbd-pg-perl 2. Create the Postgres ITKACL database, using itkacl.sql from the core distribution: createdb itkacl psql itkacl < itkacl.sql 3. Roots must be added manually, e.g.: echo "INSERT INTO objects (name, description) VALUES ('web', 'WWW-based systems');" | psql itkacl 4. Create a separate database for holding the sessions (see perldoc Apache::Session::Store::Postgres): createdb itkacl-sessions echo 'CREATE TABLE sessions ( id char(32) not null primary key, a_session text )' | psql itkacl-sessions 5. Create a user for itkacl-web and give it full access: createuser --pwprompt itkacl-web echo 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON objects TO "itkacl-web";' | psql itkacl echo 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON aclentries TO "itkacl-web";' | psql itkacl echo 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON sessions TO "itkacl-web";' | psql itkacl-sessions You could use a separate session username if you wish, although there's probably not point. 6. Set up an include/ file. It will probably look very much like include/, except without the eval part, and with your own values for password etc. filled in. Remember to chmod so that it is only readable by the web server. 7. Make a vhost in Apache (or any other web server supporting CGI), with the web/ directory as the DocumentRoot, as the DocumentIndex, and .pl enabled as CGI scripts. 8. Go to your vhost, and administer to your heart's content.