// GLSL is pickier than the C++ preprocessor in if-testing for undefined // tokens; do some fixups here to keep it happy. #ifndef SQUARE_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION #define SQUARE_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION 0 #endif void main() { INPUT(); } vec4 tex2D(sampler2D s, vec2 coord) { return texture(s, coord); } void cs_output(uvec2 coord, vec4 val) { cs_output(ivec2(coord), val); } void cs_output(ivec2 coord, vec4 val) { // Run the value through any preprocessing steps we might have. CS_OUTPUT_VAL = val; val = CS_POSTPROC(vec2(0.0, 0.0)); #if SQUARE_ROOT_TRANSFORMATION // Make sure we don't give negative values to sqrt. val.rgb = sqrt(max(val.rgb, 0.0)); #endif imageStore(outbuf, coord, val); }