#version 450 core in vec3 tc; out vec4 rgba; uniform sampler2DArray image_tex; uniform sampler2D flow_tex; uniform float alpha; void main() { vec2 flow = texture(flow_tex, tc.xy).xy; vec4 I_0 = texture(image_tex, vec3(tc.xy - alpha * flow, 0)); vec4 I_1 = texture(image_tex, vec3(tc.xy + (1.0f - alpha) * flow, 1)); // Occlusion reasoning: vec2 size = textureSize(image_tex, 0).xy; // Follow the flow back to the initial point (where we sample I_0 from), then forward again. // See how well we match the point we started at, which is out flow consistency. float d0 = alpha * length(size * (texture(flow_tex, vec2(tc.xy - alpha * flow)).xy - flow)); // Same for d1. float d1 = (1.0f - alpha) * length(size * (texture(flow_tex, vec2(tc.xy + (1.0f - alpha) * flow)).xy - flow)); if (max(d0, d1) < 3.0f) { // Arbitrary constant, not all that tuned. The UW paper says 1.0 is fine for ground truth. // Both are visible, so blend. rgba = I_0 + alpha * (I_1 - I_0); } else if (d0 < d1) { rgba = I_0; } else { rgba = I_1; } }