#version 450 core in vec2 image_pos; flat in int image0_layer, image1_layer; flat in vec2 flow_du; flat in float mean_diff; out vec3 flow_contribution; uniform sampler2DArray image_tex; void main() { // Equation (3) from the paper. We're using additive blending, so the // sum will happen automatically for us, and normalization happens on // next read. // // Note that equation (2) says 1 for the minimum error, but the code says 2.0. // And it says L2 norm, but really, the code does absolute value even for // L2 error norm (it uses a square root formula for L1 norm). float diff = texture(image_tex, vec3(image_pos, image0_layer)).x - texture(image_tex, vec3(image_pos + flow_du, image1_layer)).x; diff -= mean_diff; float weight = 1.0 / max(abs(diff), 2.0 / 255.0); flow_contribution = vec3(flow_du.x * weight, flow_du.y * weight, weight); }