#version 450 core in vec2 tc; out vec2 diff_flow; uniform sampler2D diff_flow_tex, smoothness_x_tex, smoothness_y_tex; uniform usampler2D equation_tex; // See pack_floats_shared() in equations.frag. vec2 unpack_floats_shared(uint c) { // Recover the exponent, and multiply it in. Add one because // we have denormalized mantissas, then another one because we // already reduced the exponent by one. Then subtract 20, because // we are going to shift up the number by 20 below to recover the sign bits. float normalizer = uintBitsToFloat(((c >> 1) & 0x7f800000u) - (18 << 23)); normalizer *= (1.0 / 2047.0); // Shift the values up so that we recover the sign bit, then normalize. float a = int(uint(c & 0x000fffu) << 20) * normalizer; float b = int(uint(c & 0xfff000u) << 8) * normalizer; return vec2(a, b); } void main() { uvec4 equation = texture(equation_tex, tc); float inv_A11 = uintBitsToFloat(equation.x); float A12 = uintBitsToFloat(equation.y); float inv_A22 = uintBitsToFloat(equation.z); vec2 b = unpack_floats_shared(equation.w); // Subtract the missing terms from the right-hand side // (it couldn't be done earlier, because we didn't know // the values of the neighboring pixels; they change for // each SOR iteration). // TODO: Multiply by some gamma. float smooth_l = textureOffset(smoothness_x_tex, tc, ivec2(-1, 0)).x; float smooth_r = texture(smoothness_x_tex, tc).x; float smooth_d = textureOffset(smoothness_y_tex, tc, ivec2( 0, -1)).x; float smooth_u = texture(smoothness_y_tex, tc).x; b += smooth_l * textureOffset(diff_flow_tex, tc, ivec2(-1, 0)).xy; b += smooth_r * textureOffset(diff_flow_tex, tc, ivec2( 1, 0)).xy; b += smooth_d * textureOffset(diff_flow_tex, tc, ivec2( 0, -1)).xy; b += smooth_u * textureOffset(diff_flow_tex, tc, ivec2( 0, 1)).xy; // FIXME: omega=1.6 seems to make our entire system diverge. // Is this because we do Gauss-Seidel instead of Jacobi? // Figure out what's going on. const float omega = 1.0; diff_flow = texture(diff_flow_tex, tc).xy; // From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Successive_over-relaxation. float sigma_u = A12 * diff_flow.y; diff_flow.x += omega * ((b.x - sigma_u) * inv_A11 - diff_flow.x); float sigma_v = A12 * diff_flow.x; diff_flow.y += omega * ((b.y - sigma_v) * inv_A22 - diff_flow.y); }