# CPU type is by default 68EC020, try 68000 or 68010 if EC020 doesn't work with the ROM. # (CPU support on classic Macs seem to be severely limited by the system ROM used, and later ROMs are needed for any 32-bit CPU.) cpu 68EC020 # Map any size ROM to a the (max) 512KB KB system ROM default address with OVL enabled. # (From what I could tell, the ROM was mirrored across this entire 512KB space regardless of physical capacity.) map type=rom address=0x400000 size=512K file=system.rom ovl=0 id=sysrom # Map X KB/MB of RAM starting at $0. The type of this RAM map is "wtcram", which is short for Write Through Cache RAM. # It appears that the Mac Classic sound/video chips can't write to RAM, only read from it, so this should be sufficient # unless there's something I've missed. Only uncomment one of these lines at any time, depending on how much physical RAM is installed. #map type=wtcram address=0x0 size=128K id=sysram #map type=wtcram address=0x0 size=256K id=sysram #map type=wtcram address=0x0 size=512K id=sysram #map type=wtcram address=0x0 size=1M id=sysram #map type=wtcram address=0x0 size=2M id=sysram #map type=wtcram address=0x0 size=2560K id=sysram #map type=wtcram address=0x0 size=4M id=sysram # Number of instructions to run every main loop. loopcycles 300 # Set the platform to Mac68k to enable all the registers and stuff. platform mac68k #setvar iscsi # ... Just kidding! #setvar iscsi0 system.hdf #setvar iscsi1 simcity2000.hdf # No keyboard/mouse forwarding is available for Mac68k, and uncommenting any of these lines won't do anything. # Forward keyboard events to host system, defaults to off unless toggle key is pressed, toggled off using F12. # Syntax: keyboard [grab key] [grab|nograb] [autoconnect|noautoconnect] # "grab" steals the keyboard from the Pi so Amiga/etc. input is not sent to the Pi # (also helps prevent sending any ctrl-alt-del to the Amiga from resetting the Pi) # # "autoconnect" connects the keyboard to the Amiga/etc. on startup #keyboard k nograb noautoconnect # Select a specific filename for the keyboard event source. # This is typically /dev/input/event1 or event0, but it may be event3 with for instance a wireless keyboard. # Use ls /dev/input/event* to check which event files are available and try until you find the one that works. #kbfile /dev/input/event1 # Forward mouse events to host system, defaults to off unless toggle key is pressed on the Pi. # Syntax is mouse [device] [toggle key] [autoconnect|noautoconnect] # (see "keyboard" above for autoconnect description) #mouse /dev/input/mice m noautoconnect