pr0n is copyright Steinar H. Gunderson . Everything (that includes the Perl code, the configuration snippets, the database schema, the CSS, the templates, any HTML or JavaScript and any documentation, but _not_ any of the images on etc.) is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. For the full license text, see the COPYING file. Documentation? Forget it; if you can't set it up, use something else. You can have a typical Apache 2 vhost snippet, though: ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /srv/ ServerName ServerAlias LogLevel info ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined ServerSignature On PerlSwitches -wT # Keep this on during debugging # PerlModule Apache2::Reload # PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload # PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off # PerlSetVar ReloadModules "Sesse::pr0n::*" # PerlSetVar ReloadConstantRedefineWarnings Off # Share the loadavg module PerlModule Sesse::pr0n::Overload PerlSetVar ImageBase /srv/ PerlSetVar TemplateBase /srv/ PerlSetVar OverloadMode Off PerlSetVar OverloadEnableThreshold 100.0 PerlSetVar OverloadDisableThreshold 5.0 # All URLs are handled by the central pr0n module SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler Sesse::pr0n::pr0n ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /srv/ ServerName ServerAlias LogLevel info ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined ServerSignature On PerlSwitches -wT SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile ssl/ SSLCertificateKeyFile ssl/ # Keep this on during debugging # PerlModule Apache2::Reload # PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload # PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off # PerlSetVar ReloadModules "Sesse::pr0n::*" # PerlSetVar ReloadConstantRedefineWarnings Off # Share the loadavg module PerlModule Sesse::pr0n::Overload PerlSetVar ImageBase /srv/ PerlSetVar TemplateBase /srv/ PerlSetVar OverloadMode Off PerlSetVar OverloadEnableThreshold 100.0 PerlSetVar OverloadDisableThreshold 5.0 # All URLs are handled by the central pr0n module SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler Sesse::pr0n::pr0n Also, mod_deflate is recommended; just install it and use the default configuration, and it will work transparently. (You might want to add text/css to the list of compressed formats, but it's not really _that_ important.)