language: cpp sudo: required dist: trusty matrix: include: - os: linux compiler: gcc addons: apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['g++-6', 'g++-6-multilib', 'g++-multilib', 'valgrind', 'expect'] env: - COMPILER=g++-6 - COMP=gcc - os: linux compiler: clang addons: apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test', 'llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0'] packages: ['clang-5.0', 'llvm-5.0-dev', 'g++-multilib', 'valgrind', 'expect'] env: - COMPILER=clang++-5.0 - COMP=clang - LDFLAGS=-fuse-ld=gold - os: osx compiler: gcc env: - COMPILER=g++ - COMP=gcc - os: osx compiler: clang env: - COMPILER=clang++ V='Apple LLVM 6.0' # Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.54) (based on LLVM 3.5svn) - COMP=clang branches: only: - master before_script: - cd src script: # Obtain bench reference from git log - git log HEAD | grep "\b[Bb]ench[ :]\+[0-9]\{7\}" | head -n 1 | sed "s/[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\1/g" > git_sig - export benchref=$(cat git_sig) - echo "Reference bench:" $benchref # # Verify bench number against various builds - export CXXFLAGS=-Werror - make clean && make -j2 ARCH=x86-64 optimize=no debug=yes build && ../tests/ $benchref - make clean && make -j2 ARCH=x86-32 optimize=no debug=yes build && ../tests/ $benchref - make clean && make -j2 ARCH=x86-32 build && ../tests/ $benchref - make clean && make -j2 ARCH=x86-64 build && ../tests/ $benchref # # Check perft and reproducible search - ../tests/ - ../tests/ # # Valgrind # - export CXXFLAGS=-O1 - if [ -x "$(command -v valgrind )" ]; then make clean && make -j2 ARCH=x86-64 debug=yes optimize=no build > /dev/null && ../tests/ --valgrind; fi - if [ -x "$(command -v valgrind )" ]; then ../tests/ --valgrind-thread; fi # # Sanitizer # # Use g++-6 as a proxy for having sanitizers, might need revision as they become available for more recent versions of clang/gcc - if [[ "$COMPILER" == "g++-6" ]]; then make clean && make -j2 ARCH=x86-64 sanitize=undefined optimize=no debug=yes build > /dev/null && ../tests/ --sanitizer-undefined; fi - if [[ "$COMPILER" == "g++-6" ]]; then make clean && make -j2 ARCH=x86-64 sanitize=thread optimize=no debug=yes build > /dev/null && ../tests/ --sanitizer-thread; fi