$Id: README,v 1.13 2002/11/26 15:03:28 sam Exp $ README for vlc, the VideoLAN Client =================================== ABOUT-NLS - Notes on the Free Translation Project. AUTHORS - All the people who worked on vlc. COPYING - The GPL license. ChangeLog - The vlc ChangeLog. FAQ - Commonly asked questions. HACKING - Hacking vlc. INSTALL - Installation instructions. INSTALL.libmad - Installation instructions for the libmad library. INSTALL.win32 - Installation instructions for the Win32 version of vlc. MODULES - Short description of all the available modules. README - This file. README.MacOSX.rtf - Information specific to the MacOS X port. doc/ - miscellaneous documentation. Resources ========= The VideoLAN web site : http://www.videolan.org/ Mailing-lists : http://www.videolan.org/lists.html