name: Stockfish on: workflow_call: jobs: Stockfish: name: ${{ }} ${{ matrix.binaries }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }} env: COMPILER: ${{ matrix.config.compiler }} COMP: ${{ matrix.config.comp }} EMU: ${{ matrix.config.emu }} EXT: ${{ matrix.config.ext }} OS: ${{ matrix.config.os }} BINARY: ${{ matrix.binaries }} strategy: matrix: config: - name: Android NDK aarch64 os: ubuntu-22.04 compiler: aarch64-linux-android21-clang++ emu: qemu-aarch64 comp: ndk shell: bash - name: Android NDK arm os: ubuntu-22.04 compiler: armv7a-linux-androideabi21-clang++ emu: qemu-arm comp: ndk shell: bash binaries: - armv8-dotprod - armv8 - armv7 - armv7-neon exclude: - binaries: armv8-dotprod config: {compiler: armv7a-linux-androideabi21-clang++} - binaries: armv8 config: {compiler: armv7a-linux-androideabi21-clang++} - binaries: armv7 config: {compiler: aarch64-linux-android21-clang++} - binaries: armv7-neon config: {compiler: aarch64-linux-android21-clang++} defaults: run: working-directory: src shell: ${{ }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Download required linux packages if: runner.os == 'Linux' run: | sudo apt update sudo apt install qemu-user - name: Install NDK if: runner.os == 'Linux' run: | if [ $COMP == ndk ]; then NDKV="21.4.7075529" ANDROID_ROOT=/usr/local/lib/android ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$ANDROID_ROOT/sdk SDKMANAGER=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager echo "y" | $SDKMANAGER "ndk;$NDKV" ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk/$NDKV ANDROID_NDK_BIN=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin echo "ANDROID_NDK_BIN=$ANDROID_NDK_BIN" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi - name: Extract the bench number from the commit history run: | for hash in $(git rev-list -100 HEAD); do benchref=$(git show -s $hash | tac | grep -m 1 -o -x '[[:space:]]*\b[Bb]ench[ :]\+[1-9][0-9]\{5,7\}\b[[:space:]]*' | sed 's/[^0-9]//g') && break || true done [[ -n "$benchref" ]] && echo "benchref=$benchref" >> $GITHUB_ENV && echo "From commit: $hash" && echo "Reference bench: $benchref" || echo "No bench found" - name: Download the used network from the fishtest framework run: make net - name: Check compiler run: | if [ $COMP == ndk ]; then export PATH=${{ env.ANDROID_NDK_BIN }}:$PATH fi $COMPILER -v - name: Test help target run: make help - name: Check git run: git --version # Compile profile guided builds - name: Compile ${{ matrix.binaries }} build run: | if [ $COMP == ndk ]; then export PATH=${{ env.ANDROID_NDK_BIN }}:$PATH export LDFLAGS="-static -Wno-unused-command-line-argument" fi make clean make -j2 profile-build ARCH=$BINARY COMP=$COMP WINE_PATH=$EMU make strip ARCH=$BINARY COMP=$COMP WINE_PATH=$EMU ../tests/ $benchref mv ./stockfish$EXT ../stockfish-android-$BINARY$EXT - name: Remove non src files run: rm -f *.o .depend *.nnue - name: Download wiki run: | git clone ../wiki cd ../wiki rm -rf .git - name: Create tar archive. run: | cd .. mkdir stockfish cp -r wiki stockfish/ cp -r src stockfish/ cp stockfish-android-$BINARY$EXT stockfish/ cp "Top CPU Contributors.txt" stockfish/ cp Copying.txt stockfish/ cp AUTHORS stockfish/ cp CITATION.cff stockfish/ cp stockfish/ cp stockfish/ tar -cvf stockfish-android-$BINARY.tar stockfish - name: Upload binaries uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: stockfish-android-${{ matrix.binaries }} path: stockfish-android-${{ matrix.binaries }}.tar - name: Release if: startsWith(github.ref_name, 'sf_') && github.ref_type == 'tag' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: files: stockfish-android-${{ matrix.binaries }}.tar - name: Get last commit sha id: last_commit run: echo "COMMIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8)" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Get commit date id: commit_date run: echo "COMMIT_DATE=$(git show -s --date=format:'%Y%m%d' --format=%cd HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Make sure that an old ci which still runs on master doesn't recreate a prerelease - name: Check Pullable Commits id: check_commits run: | git fetch CHANGES=$(git rev-list HEAD..origin/master --count) echo "CHANGES=$CHANGES" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Prerelease if: github.ref_name == 'master' && env.CHANGES == '0' continue-on-error: true uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: name: Stockfish dev-${{ env.COMMIT_DATE }}-${{ env.COMMIT_SHA }} tag_name: stockfish-dev-${{ env.COMMIT_DATE }}-${{ env.COMMIT_SHA }} prerelease: true files: stockfish-android-${{ matrix.binaries }}.tar