name: Stockfish on: workflow_call: jobs: Stockfish: name: ${{ }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }} env: COMPILER: ${{ matrix.config.compiler }} COMP: ${{ matrix.config.comp }} CXXFLAGS: "-Werror" strategy: matrix: config: - { name: "Ubuntu 20.04 GCC", os: ubuntu-20.04, compiler: g++, comp: gcc, run_32bit_tests: true, run_64bit_tests: true, shell: 'bash {0}' } - { name: "Ubuntu 20.04 Clang", os: ubuntu-20.04, compiler: clang++, comp: clang, run_32bit_tests: true, run_64bit_tests: true, shell: 'bash {0}' } - { name: "Ubuntu 20.04 NDK armv8", os: ubuntu-20.04, compiler: aarch64-linux-android21-clang++, comp: ndk, run_armv8_tests: false, shell: 'bash {0}' } - { name: "Ubuntu 20.04 NDK armv7", os: ubuntu-20.04, compiler: armv7a-linux-androideabi21-clang++, comp: ndk, run_armv7_tests: false, shell: 'bash {0}' } - { name: "MacOS 12 Apple Clang", os: macos-12, compiler: clang++, comp: clang, run_64bit_tests: true, shell: 'bash {0}' } - { name: "MacOS 12 GCC 11", os: macos-12, compiler: g++-11, comp: gcc, run_64bit_tests: true, shell: 'bash {0}' } - { name: "Windows 2022 Mingw-w64 GCC x86_64", os: windows-2022, compiler: g++, comp: mingw, run_64bit_tests: true, msys_sys: 'mingw64', msys_env: 'x86_64-gcc', shell: 'msys2 {0}' } - { name: "Windows 2022 Mingw-w64 GCC i686", os: windows-2022, compiler: g++, comp: mingw, run_32bit_tests: true, msys_sys: 'mingw32', msys_env: 'i686-gcc', shell: 'msys2 {0}' } - { name: "Windows 2022 Mingw-w64 Clang x86_64", os: windows-2022, compiler: clang++, comp: clang, run_64bit_tests: true, msys_sys: 'clang64', msys_env: 'clang-x86_64-clang', shell: 'msys2 {0}' } exclude: - config: { name: "Ubuntu 20.04 NDK armv7" } - config: { name: "Ubuntu 20.04 NDK armv8" } defaults: run: working-directory: src shell: ${{ }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Download required linux packages if: runner.os == 'Linux' run: | sudo apt update sudo apt install expect valgrind g++-multilib qemu-user - name: Setup msys and install required packages if: runner.os == 'Windows' uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2 with: msystem: ${{matrix.config.msys_sys}} install: mingw-w64-${{matrix.config.msys_env}} make git expect - name: Download the used network from the fishtest framework run: | make net - name: Extract the bench number from the commit history run: | git log HEAD | grep "\b[Bb]ench[ :]\+[0-9]\{7\}" | head -n 1 | sed "s/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g" > git_sig [ -s git_sig ] && echo "benchref=$(cat git_sig)" >> $GITHUB_ENV && echo "Reference bench:" $(cat git_sig) || echo "No bench found" - name: Check compiler run: | export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin $COMPILER -v - name: Test help target run: | make help # x86-32 tests - name: Test debug x86-32 build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_32bit_tests }} run: | export CXXFLAGS="-Werror -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG" make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-32 optimize=no debug=yes build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test x86-32 build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_32bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-32 build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test x86-32-sse41-popcnt build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_32bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-32-sse41-popcnt build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test x86-32-sse2 build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_32bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-32-sse2 build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test general-32 build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_32bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=general-32 build ../tests/ $benchref # x86-64 tests - name: Test debug x86-64-modern build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_64bit_tests }} run: | export CXXFLAGS="-Werror -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG" make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-64-modern optimize=no debug=yes build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test x86-64-modern build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_64bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-64-modern build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test x86-64-ssse3 build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_64bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-64-ssse3 build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test x86-64-sse3-popcnt build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_64bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-64-sse3-popcnt build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test x86-64 build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_64bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-64 build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test general-64 build if: matrix.config.run_64bit_tests run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=general-64 build ../tests/ $benchref # armv8 tests - name: Test armv8 build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_armv8_tests }} run: | ANDROID_ROOT=/usr/local/lib/android ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_ROOT}/sdk SDKMANAGER=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager echo "y" | $SDKMANAGER "ndk;21.4.7075529" ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/ndk-bundle ln -sfn $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk/21.4.7075529 $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT export PATH=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH export LDFLAGS="-static -Wno-unused-command-line-argument" make clean make -j2 ARCH=armv8 build ../tests/ $benchref # armv7 tests - name: Test armv7 build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_armv7_tests }} run: | ANDROID_ROOT=/usr/local/lib/android ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_ROOT}/sdk SDKMANAGER=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager echo "y" | $SDKMANAGER "ndk;21.4.7075529" ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/ndk-bundle ln -sfn $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk/21.4.7075529 $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT export PATH=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH export LDFLAGS="-static -Wno-unused-command-line-argument" make clean make -j2 ARCH=armv7 build ../tests/ $benchref - name: Test armv7-neon build if: ${{ matrix.config.run_armv7_tests }} run: | ANDROID_ROOT=/usr/local/lib/android ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_ROOT}/sdk SDKMANAGER=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager echo "y" | $SDKMANAGER "ndk;21.4.7075529" ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/ndk-bundle ln -sfn $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk/21.4.7075529 $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT export PATH=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH export LDFLAGS="-static -Wno-unused-command-line-argument" make clean make -j2 ARCH=armv7-neon build ../tests/ $benchref # Other tests - name: Check perft and search reproducibility if: ${{ matrix.config.run_64bit_tests }} run: | make clean make -j2 ARCH=x86-64-modern build ../tests/ ../tests/