# VLC Todo # Difficulty values: Easy, Medium, Hard, Guru # # Urgency values: Wishlist, Normal, Important, Critical Task Difficulty: Easy Urgency: Critical Platform: any Description: World domination We need to dominate the world Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Medium Platform: any Urgency: Wishlist Description: RAR/ZIP/... access An access module that would be able to uncompress compressed files Status: Todo Task Difficulty: easy Platform: Linux, Win32 Urgency: Normal Description: Streaming wizard Finish the streaming wizard Status: Assigned to zorglub Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: Embedded video outputs Embedded video outputs support Status: Assigned to gibalou Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: Multichannel downmixing 5:1 to Stereo proper downmixing Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Guru Platform: any Urgency: Normal Description: Demux2 transition Complete the transition to demux2, changing what is needed in dvd and dvb Status: Assigned to fenrir Task Difficulty: Guru Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: Multi-acccess Allow several access from an input thread to allow for multi-input Status: Assigned to fenrir Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: make everything UTF-8 based Convert everything that deals with strings to a UTF-8 based system. Not very difficult, but needs a lot of checking, testing and allows for easy breakage. Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: OSD Icons Make OSD Icons for Play/Pause/Stop Status: Assigned to yoann Task Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: Full blown OSD system In the line of freevo etc. Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: Rewrite the SAP parser The SAP parser is very dirty at the moment, and needs a complete rewrite. - caching support - sdp file support? (because live.com doesn't handle udp announces) Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: Tree playlist A hierarchized playlist structure, eventually using a media library. Think playlist within playlist, directory structures, SAP section, TV channels list, iTunes library like stuff etc. Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Easy Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: GSM decoder GSM decoder not based on standard reference sources. Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Easy Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: MusePack decoder Need I say more? Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Easy Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: VobSub support Implement VobSub support (.sub and .idx files). Needs SPU scaling support. Status: Waiting Task Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: Closed Captions/Teletext support In order to conform to international regulations, VLC needs to be able to decode the closed captions in TV, DVD, DVB and HDTV video. V4L has a CC api, DVD and HDTV usually have them in a seperate stream. Perhaps look at Xawtv, dvbtext and other vbi, vtx systems. Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Normal Platform: Mac OS X Description: New OS X preferences New preferences for Mac OS X. Current not suited for Mac Users and several Pref. elements are broken (hotkeys and int with string desc.). Status: Assigned to thedj Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Critical Platform: OSX Description: CoreAudio multichannel audio output. Convert to AUHAL based sytem. Still no info over S/PDIF output available. Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: Stream text subtitles Find a a way to stream text subtitles, in TS and in RTP. - Find an existing norm - Implement it Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: RTSP server Full implementation of a RTSP server. Status: fenrir has some code Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: Picture filters picture per picture chained filter system that also works on output streams Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Guru Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: Vout redesign - vout needs distinct splitting into vout_core, vout_window - needs 'assistence' vout windows (filters,goom etc) - 4:3, 16:9, freeform AR - cropping and padding Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: SPU redesign - multiple subpicture channels - centralized rendering and use of chroma filters - centralized scaling support (also look at ogt/cvd sub work) Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Guru Urgency: Wishlist Platform: Mac OS X Description: intf / vout dependency The application specific parts of the intf need to be brougth to the VLC application core. A valid NSApplication needs to be created on VLC opening, with the dock and menu hidden/disabled, only being generated on VLC intf loading. Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Guru Urgency: Wishlist Platform: Mac OS X Description: skins2 Port VLC skins to Objective C++ and OSX. Also requires the intf to be a dialog handler. Is slighly dependant on intf/vout dependency todoitem Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: Equalizer Implement an equilizer for VLC. Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: informing user. Implement a system to - Alert the user of critical errors (cannot play file) - Ask the user a question (Are you sure? or Try to Fix index of avi? or Overwrite File?) - Inform the user, without disturbing him. (Buffering stream) Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Guru Urgency: Normal Platform: Mac OS X Description: SVCD support libcdio needs to be ported to the Mac to support the cddax and vcdx modules for proper SVCD support Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Wishlist Platform: Mac OS X Description: QuickTime capturing Allow capturing from QuickTime Firewire, USB and PCI devices. Possibly see: Bug 416 Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Normal Platform: Mac OS X Description: Finish Mac Mozilla plugin The Mac mozilla plugin needs some more work to be useable. Basic funtionality is working. However the video-output part needs some more work since it was crashing. See svn history for the old code. Status: Halfway (stalled) Task Difficulty: Easy Urgency: Normal Platform: any Description: Controlling the mozilla plugin The mozilla plugin needs to be better controllable (via javascript). - retrieve variable values. - open VLC media player - (look at fen-php?) Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Wishlist Platform: Windows Description: ActiveX control for VLC We need an ActiveX version of VLC for IE intergration Status: Todo Task Difficulty: Easy Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: export paramaters of an input Export the info of a file/source to a standard xml file for use by other applications. Possibly combine with file "probe'ing". - AR - size - resolution - codecs, etc. Status: Todo Task Difficlty: Easy Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: SSL http SSL encrypted HTTP communication. To support protected VoD. Status: Todo Task Difficlty: Hard Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: http cookies For protected VoD (http://a-select.surfnet.nl) Status: Todo Task Difficlty: Easy Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: mime-type VLC launching Allow application/vlc mimetype to launch VLC instead of plugin for video file. Allows for Progressive download to TEMP folder from browsers. VLC would play the file in the TEMP. Status: Todo Task Difficlty: Hard Urgency: Wishlist Platform: any Description: rendezvous announces DMAP protocol announce for videos. Status: Todo # Do not remove me Task