/***************************************************************************** * axvlc.idl: ActiveX control for VLC ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 the VideoLAN team * * Authors: Damien Fouilleul * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ //comments terminated by [t] are by tonsofpcs, regarding the string review. April 02, 2006. [t] //Possibly change all instances of "the current playlist" to "the playlist" and "current playlist" to "the playlist" [t] import "oaidl.idl"; [ uuid(DF2BBE39-40A8-433b-A279-073F48DA94B6), version(1.0), helpstring("VideoLAN VLC ActiveX Plugin") ] library AXVLC { // Forward declare all types defined in this typelib interface IVLCControl; interface IVLCAudio; interface IVLCInput; interface IVLCLog; interface IVLCMessage; interface IVLCMessageIterator; interface IVLCMessages; interface IVLCPlaylist; interface IVLCVideo; interface IVLCControl2; dispinterface DVLCEvents; importlib("stdole2.tlb"); typedef [public] enum VLCPlaylistMode { VLCPlayListInsert = 1, VLCPlayListInsertAndGo = 9, VLCPlayListReplace = 2, VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo = 10, VLCPlayListAppend = 4, VLCPlayListAppendAndGo = 12, VLCPlayListCheckInsert = 16 } eVLCPlaylistMode; // playlist target position const int VLCPlayListEnd = -666; // DISPID definitions const int DISPID_Visible = 100; const int DISPID_Playing = 101; const int DISPID_Position = 102; const int DISPID_Time = 103; const int DISPID_Length = 104; const int DISPID_Volume = 105; const int DISPID_MRL = 106; const int DISPID_AutoPlay = 107; const int DISPID_AutoLoop = 108; const int DISPID_StartTime = 109; const int DISPID_BaseURL = 110; [ odl, uuid(C2FA41D0-B113-476e-AC8C-9BD14999C1C1), helpstring("VLC Control (deprecated)"), dual, hidden, oleautomation ] interface IVLCControl : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_Visible), propget, bindable, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether viewing area is visible or hidden.")] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* visible); [id(DISPID_Visible), propput, bindable, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether viewing area is visible or hidden.")] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL visible); [helpstring("Play current target in playlist.")] HRESULT play(); [helpstring("Pause playback.")] HRESULT pause(); [helpstring("Stop playback.")] HRESULT stop(); [id(DISPID_Playing), hidden, propget, helpstring("Returns a value that determines whether VLC is currently playing.")] HRESULT Playing([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* isPlaying); [id(DISPID_Position), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets playback position within the current item. Position is a relative value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.")] HRESULT Position([out, retval] float* position); [id(DISPID_Position), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets playback position within the current item. Position is a relative value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.")] HRESULT Position([in] float position); [id(DISPID_Time), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets playback time relative to the start of the current item.")] HRESULT Time([out, retval] int* seconds); [id(DISPID_Time), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets playback time relative to the start of the current item.")] HRESULT Time([in] int seconds); [helpstring("Advance or backtrack playback time, relative to current time.")] //possibly find a better word to replace 'backtrack' [t] HRESULT shuttle([in] int seconds); [helpstring("Switch video between normal and fullscreen view modes.")] HRESULT fullscreen(); [id(DISPID_Length), propget, hidden, helpstring("Returns the total length, in seconds, of the current item, may be unknown.")] HRESULT Length([out, retval] int* seconds); [helpstring("Increases playback speed. Possible speeds are: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x.")] HRESULT playFaster(); [helpstring("Decreases playback speed. Possible speeds are: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x.")] HRESULT playSlower(); [id(DISPID_Volume), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets playback volume, ranges from 0 to 200%.")] //possibly remove % from 'ranges', change to 'values', and specify that 200 is equivilant to 200% (remember, 200% == 2.0, but this gets an int not a float) [t] HRESULT Volume([out, retval] int* volume); [id(DISPID_Volume), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets playback volume, ranges from 0 to 200%.")] HRESULT Volume([in] int volume); [helpstring("Mute/unmute playback audio.")] HRESULT toggleMute(); [helpstring("Sets the value of a VLC variable.")] HRESULT setVariable([in] BSTR name, [in] VARIANT value); [helpstring("Returns the value of a VLC variable.")] HRESULT getVariable([in] BSTR name, [out, retval] VARIANT *value); [helpstring("Add an item to the playlist.")] /* ** use VARIANT rather than a SAFEARRAY as argument type ** for compatibility with some scripting language (JScript) */ HRESULT addTarget([in] BSTR uri, [in] VARIANT options, [in] enum VLCPlaylistMode mode, [in] int position); [propget, helpstring("Returns index of current item in playlist.")] HRESULT PlaylistIndex([out, retval] int* index); [propget, helpstring("Returns number of items in playlist.")] HRESULT PlaylistCount([out, retval] int* index); [helpstring("Advance to next item in playlist.")] HRESULT playlistNext(); [helpstring("Advance to previous item in playlist.")] HRESULT playlistPrev(); [helpstring("Remove all items from playlist.")] HRESULT playlistClear(); [propget, hidden, helpstring("Returns VLC Version.")] HRESULT VersionInfo([out, retval] BSTR* version); [id(DISPID_MRL), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the first MRL in playlist, used for AutoPlay")] HRESULT MRL([out, retval] BSTR* mrl); [id(DISPID_MRL), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the first MRL in playlist, used for AutoPlay")] HRESULT MRL([in] BSTR mrl); [id(DISPID_AutoPlay), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the playlist is played on startup")] HRESULT AutoPlay([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* autoplay); [id(DISPID_AutoPlay), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets a value that determines whether the playlist is played on startup")] HRESULT AutoPlay([in] VARIANT_BOOL autoplay); [id(DISPID_AutoLoop), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the playlist is looped")] HRESULT AutoLoop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* autoloop); [id(DISPID_AutoLoop), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the playlist is looped")] HRESULT AutoLoop([in] VARIANT_BOOL autoloop); }; const int DISPID_PlayEvent = 100; const int DISPID_PauseEvent = 101; const int DISPID_StopEvent = 102; [ uuid(DF48072F-5EF8-434e-9B40-E2F3AE759B5F), helpstring("Event interface for VLC control"), hidden ] dispinterface DVLCEvents { properties: methods: [id(DISPID_PlayEvent), helpstring("Playing")] void play(); [id(DISPID_PauseEvent), helpstring("Paused")] void pause(); [id(DISPID_StopEvent), helpstring("Stopped")] void stop(); }; [ odl, uuid(9E0BD17B-2D3C-4656-B94D-03084F3FD9D4), helpstring("VLC Audio APIs"), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVLCAudio : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the audio mute state.")] HRESULT mute([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* muted); [propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the audio mute state.")] HRESULT mute([in] VARIANT_BOOL muted); [propget, helpstring("Returns/sets audio volume as a percent value.")] HRESULT volume([out, retval] long* volume); [propput, helpstring("Returns/sets audio volume as a percent value.")] HRESULT volume([in] long volume); [helpstring("Mute/unmute audio playback.")] HRESULT toggleMute(); }; [ odl, uuid(49E0DBD1-9440-466C-9C97-95C67190C603), helpstring("VLC Input APIs"), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVLCInput : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Returns the clip length, in milliseconds.")] HRESULT length([out, retval] double* length); [propget, helpstring("Returns/sets playback position in current clip. Position is ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.")] HRESULT position([out, retval] double* position); [propput, helpstring("Returns/sets playback position in the current clip. Position ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.")] HRESULT position([in] double position); [propget, helpstring("Returns/sets playback time in current clip, in milliseconds.")] HRESULT time([out, retval] double* time); [propput, helpstring("Returns/sets playback time in the current clip, in milliseconds.")] HRESULT time([in] double time); [propget, helpstring("Returns current playback state.")] HRESULT state([out, retval] long* state); [propget, helpstring("Returns/sets current playback rate, normal rate is 1.0 ")] HRESULT rate([out, retval] double* rate); [propput, helpstring("Returns/sets current playback rate, normal rate is 1.0.")] HRESULT rate([in] double rate); [propget, helpstring("Returns current playback frames per seconds if available.")] HRESULT fps([out, retval] double* fps); [propget, helpstring("Returns whether current playback displays video.")] HRESULT hasVout([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* hasVout); }; [ odl, uuid(9ED00AFA-7BCD-4FFF-8D48-7DD4DB2C800D), helpstring("VLC Log Message"), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVLCMessage: IDispatch { [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT _Value([out, retval] VARIANT* message); [propget, helpstring("Returns message severity.")] HRESULT severity([out, retval] long* level); [propget, helpstring("Returns message issuer type.")] HRESULT type([out, retval] BSTR* type); [propget, helpstring("Returns message issuer name.")] HRESULT name([out, retval] BSTR* name); [propget, helpstring("Returns message header.")] HRESULT header([out, retval] BSTR* header); [propget, helpstring("Returns message content.")] HRESULT message([out, retval] BSTR* message); }; [ odl, uuid(15179CD8-CC12-4242-A58E-E412217FF343), helpstring("VLC Log iterator"), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVLCMessageIterator : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Returns whether a message is available.")] HRESULT hasNext([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* hasNext); [helpstring("Returns next message.")] HRESULT next([out, retval] IVLCMessage** msg); }; [ odl, uuid(6C5CE55D-2D6C-4AAD-8299-C62D2371F106), helpstring("VLC Log APIs"), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVLCMessages : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** _NewEnum); [helpstring("Clear all messages from log.")] HRESULT clear(); [propget, helpstring("Returns the number of messages.")] HRESULT count([out, retval] long* count); [helpstring("Returns an iterator for messages in log")] HRESULT iterator([out, retval] IVLCMessageIterator** iter); }; [ odl, uuid(8E3BC3D9-62E9-48FB-8A6D-993F9ABC4A0A), helpstring("VLC Log APIs"), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVLCLog : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Returns messages in log")] HRESULT messages([out, retval] IVLCMessages** iter); [propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets the log versbosity level.")] HRESULT verbosity([out, retval] long* level); [propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets the log versbosity level.")] HRESULT verbosity([in] long level); }; [ odl, uuid(54613049-40BF-4035-9E70-0A9312C0188D), helpstring("VLC Playlist APIs"), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVLCPlaylist : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Returns number of items in playlist.")] HRESULT itemCount([out, retval] long* count); [propget, helpstring("Returns whether playback displays video.")] HRESULT isPlaying([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* playing); [helpstring("Add a playlist item.")] HRESULT add([in] BSTR uri, [in, optional] VARIANT name, [in, optional] VARIANT options, [out, retval] long* item); [helpstring("Play/Resume the playlist.")] HRESULT play(); [helpstring("Play item in playlist.")] HRESULT playItem([in] long item); [helpstring("Play/Pause current clip.")] HRESULT togglePause(); [helpstring("Stop current clip.")] HRESULT stop(); [helpstring("Advance to next item in playlist.")] HRESULT next(); [helpstring("Advance to previous item in playlist.")] HRESULT prev(); [helpstring("Remove all items from playlist.")] HRESULT clear(); [helpstring("remove item from playlist.")] HRESULT removeItem([in] long item); }; [ odl, uuid(0AAEDF0B-D333-4B27-A0C6-BBF31413A42E), helpstring("VLC Video APIs"), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation ] interface IVLCVideo : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the fullscreen state.")] HRESULT fullscreen([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fullscreen); [propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the fullscreen state.")] HRESULT fullscreen([in] VARIANT_BOOL fullscreen); [propget, helpstring("Returns video original width.")] HRESULT width([out, retval] long* width); [propget, helpstring("Returns video original height.")] HRESULT height([out, retval] long* height); [helpstring("toggle fullscreen/windowed state.")] HRESULT toggleFullscreen(); }; [ odl, uuid(2D719729-5333-406C-BF12-8DE787FD65E3), helpstring("VLC Control"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IVLCControl2 : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_AutoLoop), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the playlist is looped")] HRESULT AutoLoop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* autoloop); [id(DISPID_AutoLoop), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the playlist is looped")] HRESULT AutoLoop([in] VARIANT_BOOL autoloop); [id(DISPID_AutoPlay), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether the playlist is played on startup")] HRESULT AutoPlay([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* autoplay); [id(DISPID_AutoPlay), propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets a value that determines whether the playlist is played on startup")] HRESULT AutoPlay([in] VARIANT_BOOL autoplay); [id(DISPID_BaseURL), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the base URL for relative paths")] HRESULT BaseURL([out, retval] BSTR* url); [id(DISPID_BaseURL), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the base URL for relative paths")] HRESULT BaseURL([in] BSTR url); [id(DISPID_StartTime), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets playback start time of URL.")] HRESULT StartTime([out, retval] long* seconds); [id(DISPID_StartTime), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets playback start time of URL.")] HRESULT StartTime([in] long seconds); [id(DISPID_MRL), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the default MRL in playlist")] HRESULT MRL([out, retval] BSTR* mrl); [id(DISPID_MRL), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the default MRL in playlist")] HRESULT MRL([in] BSTR mrl); [propget, helpstring("Returns VLC Version.")] HRESULT VersionInfo([out, retval] BSTR* version); [id(DISPID_Visible), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether viewing area is visible or hidden.")] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* visible); [id(DISPID_Visible), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether viewing area is visible or hidden.")] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL visible); [id(DISPID_Volume), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets default audio volume.")] HRESULT Volume([out, retval] long* volume); [id(DISPID_Volume), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets default audio volume.")] HRESULT Volume([in] long volume); [propget, helpstring("Returns the audio object.")] HRESULT audio([out, retval] IVLCAudio** obj); [propget, helpstring("Returns the audio object.")] HRESULT input([out, retval] IVLCInput** obj); [propget, helpstring("Returns the log object.")] HRESULT log([out, retval] IVLCLog** obj); [propget, helpstring("Returns the playlist object.")] HRESULT playlist([out, retval] IVLCPlaylist** obj); [propget, helpstring("Returns the audio object.")] HRESULT video([out, retval] IVLCVideo** obj); }; [ uuid(E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8), helpstring("VLC control (deprecated)"), control ] coclass VLCPlugin { [default] interface IVLCControl; interface IVLCControl2; [default, source] dispinterface DVLCEvents; }; [ uuid(9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921), helpstring("VLC control"), control ] coclass VLCPlugin2 { [default] interface IVLCControl2; interface IVLCControl; [default, source] dispinterface DVLCEvents; }; };