/** * @file libvlc.cs * @brief libvlc-control CIL bindings * * $Id$ */ /********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the license, or (at * * your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, you can get it from: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * **********************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace VideoLAN.LibVLC { /** * The VLC class is used to create LibVLC Instance objects. * The VLC class has only one static method and cannot be instanciated. * * @code * string[] argv = new string[]{ "-vvv", "-I", "dummy" }; * * Instance vlc = VLC.CreateInstance (argv); * @endcode */ public sealed class VLC { /** * Loads native LibVLC and creates a LibVLC instance. * * @param args VLC command line parameters for the LibVLC Instance. * * @return a new LibVLC Instance */ public static Instance CreateInstance (string[] args) { U8String[] argv = new U8String[args.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) argv[i] = new U8String (args[i]); NativeException ex = new NativeException (); InstanceHandle h = InstanceHandle.Create (argv.Length, argv, ex); ex.Raise (); return new Instance (h); } }; /** * Safe handle for unmanaged LibVLC instance pointer. */ public sealed class InstanceHandle : NonNullHandle { private InstanceHandle () { } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_new")] internal static extern InstanceHandle Create (int argc, U8String[] argv, NativeException ex); [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_release")] static extern void Destroy (IntPtr ptr, NativeException ex); /** * System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle::ReleaseHandle. */ protected override bool ReleaseHandle () { Destroy (handle, null); return true; } }; /** * LibVLC Instance provides basic media player features from VLC, * such as play/pause/stop and flat playlist management. */ public class Instance : BaseObject { Dictionary items; internal Instance (InstanceHandle self) : base (self) { items = new Dictionary (); } /** * Creates a MediaDescriptor. * @param mrl Media Resource Locator (file path or URL) * @return create MediaDescriptor object. */ public MediaDescriptor CreateDescriptor (string mrl) { U8String umrl = new U8String (mrl); DescriptorHandle dh = DescriptorHandle.Create (self, umrl, ex); ex.Raise (); return new MediaDescriptor (dh); } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_loop")] static extern void PlaylistLoop (InstanceHandle self, bool b, NativeException ex); /** Sets the playlist loop flag. */ public bool Loop { set { PlaylistLoop (self, value, ex); ex.Raise (); } } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_play")] static extern void PlaylistPlay (InstanceHandle self, int id, int optc, U8String[] optv, NativeException ex); /** Plays the next playlist item (if not already playing). */ public void Play () { PlaylistPlay (self, -1, 0, new U8String[0], ex); ex.Raise (); } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_pause")] static extern void PlaylistPause (InstanceHandle self, NativeException ex); /** Toggles pause (starts playing if stopped, pauses if playing). */ public void TogglePause () { PlaylistPause (self, ex); ex.Raise (); } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_isplaying")] static extern int PlaylistIsPlaying (InstanceHandle self, NativeException ex); /** Whether the playlist is running, or paused/stopped. */ public bool IsPlaying { get { int ret = PlaylistIsPlaying (self, ex); ex.Raise (); return ret != 0; } } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_stop")] static extern void PlaylistStop (InstanceHandle self, NativeException ex); /** Stops playing. */ public void Stop () { PlaylistStop (self, ex); ex.Raise (); } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_next")] static extern void PlaylistNext (InstanceHandle self, NativeException ex); /** Switches to next playlist item, and starts playing it. */ public void Next () { PlaylistNext (self, ex); ex.Raise (); } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_prev")] static extern void PlaylistPrev (InstanceHandle self, NativeException ex); /** Switches to previous playlist item, and starts playing it. */ public void Prev () { PlaylistPrev (self, ex); ex.Raise (); } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_clear")] static extern void PlaylistClear (InstanceHandle self, NativeException ex); /** Clears the whole playlist. */ public void Clear () { PlaylistClear (self, ex); ex.Raise (); foreach (PlaylistItem item in items.Values) item.Close (); items.Clear (); } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_add_extended")] static extern int PlaylistAdd (InstanceHandle self, U8String uri, U8String name, int optc, U8String[] optv, NativeException e); /** * Appends an item to the playlist, with options. * @param mrl Media Resource Locator (file name or URL) * @param name playlist item user-visible name * @param opts item options (see LibVLC documentation for details) * @return created playlist item. */ public PlaylistItem Add (string mrl, string name, string[] opts) { U8String umrl = new U8String (mrl); U8String uname = new U8String (name); U8String[] optv = new U8String[opts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < opts.Length; i++) optv[i] = new U8String (opts[i]); int id = PlaylistAdd (self, umrl, uname, optv.Length, optv, ex); ex.Raise (); PlaylistItem item = new PlaylistItem (id); items.Add (id, item); return item; } /** * Appends an item with options. * @param mrl Media Resource Locator (file name or URL) * @param opts item options (see LibVLC documentation for details) * @return created playlist item. */ public PlaylistItem Add (string mrl, string[] opts) { return Add (mrl, null, opts); } /** * Appends an item to the playlist. * @param mrl Media Resource Locator (file name or URL) * @param name playlist item user-visible name * @return created playlist item. */ public PlaylistItem Add (string mrl, string name) { return Add (mrl, name, new string[0]); } /** * Appends an item to the playlist. * @param mrl Media Resource Locator (file name or URL) * @return created playlist item. */ public PlaylistItem Add (string mrl) { return Add (mrl, null, new string[0]); } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_playlist_delete_item")] static extern int PlaylistDelete (InstanceHandle self, int id, NativeException e); /** * Removes an item from the playlist. * @param item playlist item (as obtained from Add()) */ public void Delete (PlaylistItem item) { int id = item.Id; PlaylistDelete (self, id, ex); ex.Raise (); item.Close (); items.Remove (id); } }; /** * A playlist item. */ public class PlaylistItem { int id; bool deleted; internal PlaylistItem (int id) { this.id = id; this.deleted = false; } internal void Close () { deleted = true; } internal int Id { get { if (deleted) throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Playlist item deleted"); return id; } } }; /** Safe handle for unmanaged LibVLC media descriptor */ public sealed class DescriptorHandle : NonNullHandle { private DescriptorHandle () { } [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_media_new")] public static extern DescriptorHandle Create (InstanceHandle inst, U8String mrl, NativeException ex); [DllImport ("libvlc-control.dll", EntryPoint="libvlc_media_release")] public static extern void Release (IntPtr ptr); protected override bool ReleaseHandle () { Release (handle); return true; } }; /** * Media descriptor. Not implemented yet. */ public class MediaDescriptor : BaseObject { internal MediaDescriptor (DescriptorHandle self) : base (self) { } }; };