= Frequently Asked Questions = == 1. Is it possible to use JVLC in a Java Applet? == Yes and No. Yes because it's a Java program and even if it contains native code, it is still possible to deploy the applet (take a look at [http://www.raditha.com/java/jni/ this] article). No because native code for the Windows and MacOS platforms still needs to be written. == 2. Is it possible to use JVLC in Windows (or MacOS)? == It's not possible at the moment. JVLC is composed of two parts, a Java multiplatform part and a C++ native code part. The native code has only been tested on GNU/Linux platforms, but I'm looking forward to porting it to Win32 and Darwin platforms. == 3. What features of Videolan are available to JVLC? == JVLC contains all the features available in Videolan. In fact, JVLC uses Videolan core as its core, so JVLC is capable of everything Videolan can do. == 4. Why shouldn't I use JMF (Java Media Framework) for multimedia applications? == Well, JVLC and Videolan are free (as in freedom) software, so you can extend and adapt them to your needs, while JMF is free as in beer. Furthermore JVLC is really straightforward and simple to use. == 5. How can I help you with this application? == Try the software and report any errors or bugs you find to me. This application needs porting to MS/Windows and MacOS, if you are able to implement the JNI for these platforms you may contribute the code.