General CasparCG FAQ

Where can I find the documentation for the configuration file (casparcg.config)?

All available options are defined in the commented <!– –> section found at the bottom of the file.

When I start CasparCG all I get is an empty console window?

You probably have an AMD/ATI graphics card which are not fully compatible with CasparCG 2.0.

NOTE: The currently “unstable” CasparCG 2.1 has better AMD/ATI support and also a cpu fallback.

How can I get fill and key to two separate outputs? e.g. two screens.

It is possible to only output key to an output using the “key-only” option.


What kind of transition animations are supported?

CasparCG can do PUSH, WIPE, SLIDE and MIX using the LOAD, LOADBG and PLAY commands.

It is also possible to create more advanced custom transitions using MIXER commands.