;***************************************************************************** ;* trellis-64.asm: x86_64 trellis quantization ;***************************************************************************** ;* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 x264 project ;* ;* Authors: Loren Merritt ;* ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;* (at your option) any later version. ;* ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;* GNU General Public License for more details. ;* ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA. ;* ;* This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license. ;* For more information, contact us at licensing@x264.com. ;***************************************************************************** ; This is a pretty straight-forward translation of the C code, except: ; * simd ssd and psy: 2x parallel, handling the 2 candidate values of abs_level. ; * simd trellis_coef0, ZERO_LEVEL_IDX, and the coef0 part of the main loop: ; 4x parallel, handling 4 node_ctxs of the same coef (even if some of those ; nodes are invalid). ; * Interprocedural register allocation. Eliminates argument-passing overhead ; to trellis_coef* subroutines. Also reduces codesize. ; Optimizations that I tried, and rejected because they were not faster: ; * Separate loops for node_ctx [4..7] or smaller subsets of [0..3]. ; Costs too much icache compared to the negligible speedup. ; * There are only 21 possible sets of live node_ctxs; we could keep track of ; exactly which set we're in and feed that (along with abs_level) into a jump ; table instead of the switch to select a trellis_coef subroutine. This would ; eliminate all branches about which node_ctxs are live, but costs either a ; bunch of icache or a bunch of call/ret, and the jump table itself is ; unpredictable. ; * Separate versions of trellis_coef* depending on whether we're doing the 1st ; or the 2nd of the two abs_level candidates. This would eliminate some ; branches about if(score is better). ; * Special case more values of coef. I had a coef2 at some intermediate point ; in the optimization process, but it didn't end up worthwhile in conjunction ; with all the other optimizations. ; * Unroll or simd writeback. I don't know why this didn't help. %include "x86inc.asm" %include "x86util.asm" SECTION_RODATA pd_8: times 4 dd 8 pd_m16: times 4 dd -16 pd_0123: dd 0, 1, 2, 3 pd_4567: dd 4, 5, 6, 7 sq_1: dq 1, 0 pq_128: times 2 dq 128 pq_ffffffff: times 2 dq 0xffffffff cextern cabac_entropy cextern cabac_transition cextern cabac_size_unary cextern cabac_transition_unary cextern dct4_weight_tab cextern dct8_weight_tab cextern dct4_weight2_tab cextern dct8_weight2_tab cextern last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8 cextern significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8 cextern coeff_flag_offset_chroma_422_dc SECTION .text %define TRELLIS_SCORE_BIAS 1<<60 %define SIZEOF_NODE 16 %define CABAC_SIZE_BITS 8 %define LAMBDA_BITS 4 %macro SQUARE 2 ; dst, tmp ; could use pmuldq here, to eliminate the abs. but that would involve ; templating a sse4 version of all of trellis, for negligible speedup. %if cpuflag(ssse3) pabsd m%1, m%1 pmuludq m%1, m%1 %elif HIGH_BIT_DEPTH ABSD m%2, m%1 SWAP %1, %2 pmuludq m%1, m%1 %else pmuludq m%1, m%1 pand m%1, [pq_ffffffff] %endif %endmacro %macro LOAD_DUP 2 ; dst, src %if cpuflag(ssse3) movddup %1, %2 %else movd %1, %2 punpcklqdq %1, %1 %endif %endmacro ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; int trellis_cabac_4x4_psy( ; const int *unquant_mf, const uint8_t *zigzag, int lambda2, ; int last_nnz, dctcoef *orig_coefs, dctcoef *quant_coefs, dctcoef *dct, ; uint8_t *cabac_state_sig, uint8_t *cabac_state_last, ; uint64_t level_state0, uint16_t level_state1, ; int b_ac, dctcoef *fenc_dct, int psy_trellis ) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro TRELLIS 4 %define num_coefs %2 %define dc %3 %define psy %4 cglobal %1, 4,15,9 %assign level_tree_size 64*8*2*4 ; could depend on num_coefs, but nonuniform stack size would prevent accessing args from trellis_coef* %assign pad 96 + level_tree_size + 16*SIZEOF_NODE + 16-gprsize-(stack_offset&15) SUB rsp, pad DEFINE_ARGS unquant_mf, zigzag, lambda2, ii, orig_coefs, quant_coefs, dct, cabac_state_sig, cabac_state_last %if WIN64 %define level_statem rsp+stack_offset+80 ; r9m, except that we need to index into it (and r10m) as an array %else %define level_statem rsp+stack_offset+32 %endif %define b_acm r11m ; 4x4 only %define b_interlacedm r11m ; 8x8 only %define i_coefsm1 r11m ; dc only %define fenc_dctm r12m %define psy_trellism r13m %if num_coefs == 64 shl dword b_interlacedm, 6 %define dct_weight1_tab dct8_weight_tab %define dct_weight2_tab dct8_weight2_tab %else %define dct_weight1_tab dct4_weight_tab %define dct_weight2_tab dct4_weight2_tab %endif %define stack rsp %define last_nnzm [stack+0] %define zigzagm [stack+8] mov last_nnzm, iid mov zigzagm, zigzagq %if WIN64 == 0 %define orig_coefsm [stack+16] %define quant_coefsm [stack+24] mov orig_coefsm, orig_coefsq mov quant_coefsm, quant_coefsq %endif %define unquant_mfm [stack+32] %define levelgt1_ctxm [stack+40] %define ssd stack+48 %define cost_siglast stack+80 %define level_tree stack+96 ; trellis_node_t is layed out differently than C. ; struct-of-arrays rather than array-of-structs, for simd. %define nodes_curq r7 %define nodes_prevq r8 %define node_score(x) x*8 %define node_level_idx(x) 64+x*4 %define node_cabac_state(x) 96+x*4 lea nodes_curq, [level_tree + level_tree_size] lea nodes_prevq, [nodes_curq + 8*SIZEOF_NODE] mov r6, TRELLIS_SCORE_BIAS mov [nodes_curq + node_score(0)], r6 mov dword [nodes_curq + node_level_idx(0)], 0 movd mm0, [level_statem + 0] punpcklbw mm0, [level_statem + 4] punpcklwd mm0, [level_statem + 8] %define level_state_packed mm0 ; version for copying into node.cabac_state pcmpeqb m7, m7 ; TRELLIS_SCORE_MAX movq [nodes_curq + node_score(1)], m7 mova [nodes_curq + node_score(2)], m7 %define levels_usedq r4 %define levels_usedd r4d mov dword [level_tree], 0 mov levels_usedd, 1 %define abs_levelq r9 %define abs_leveld r9d %define abs_coefq r14 %define zigzagiq r5 %define zigzagid r5d %if num_coefs == 8 mov dword levelgt1_ctxm, 8 %else mov dword levelgt1_ctxm, 9 %endif %if psy LOAD_DUP m6, psy_trellism %define psy_trellis m6 %elif dc LOAD_DUP m6, [unquant_mfq] paddd m6, m6 %define unquant_mf m6 %endif %ifdef PIC %if dc == 0 mov unquant_mfm, unquant_mfq %endif ; Keep a single offset register to PICify all global constants. ; They're all relative to "beginning of this asm file's .text section", ; even tables that aren't in this file. ; (Any address in .text would work, this one was just convenient.) lea r0, [$$] %define GLOBAL +r0-$$ %else %define GLOBAL %endif TRELLIS_LOOP 0 ; node_ctx 0..3 TRELLIS_LOOP 1 ; node_ctx 1..7 .writeback: ; int level = bnode->level_idx; ; for( int i = b_ac; i <= last_nnz; i++ ) ; dct[zigzag[i]] = SIGN(level_tree[level].abs_level, orig_coefs[zigzag[i]]); ; level = level_tree[level].next; mov iid, last_nnzm add zigzagq, iiq neg iiq %if num_coefs == 16 && dc == 0 mov r2d, b_acm add iiq, r2 %endif %define dctq r10 mov r0d, [nodes_curq + node_level_idx(0) + rax*4] .writeback_loop: movzx r2, byte [zigzagq + iiq] %if cpuflag(ssse3) movd m0, [level_tree + r0*4] movzx r0, word [level_tree + r0*4] psrld m0, 16 movd m1, [dctq + r2*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF] %if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH psignd m0, m1 movd [dctq + r2*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF], m0 %else psignw m0, m1 movd r4d, m0 mov [dctq + r2*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF], r4w %endif %else mov r5d, [level_tree + r0*4] %if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH mov r4d, dword [dctq + r2*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF] %else movsx r4d, word [dctq + r2*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF] %endif movzx r0d, r5w sar r4d, 31 shr r5d, 16 xor r5d, r4d sub r5d, r4d %if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH mov [dctq + r2*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF], r5d %else mov [dctq + r2*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF], r5w %endif %endif inc iiq jle .writeback_loop mov eax, 1 .return: ADD rsp, pad RET %if num_coefs == 16 && dc == 0 .return_zero: pxor m0, m0 mova [r10+ 0], m0 mova [r10+16], m0 %if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH mova [r10+32], m0 mova [r10+48], m0 %endif jmp .return %endif %endmacro ; TRELLIS %macro TRELLIS_LOOP 1 ; ctx_hi .i_loop%1: ; if( !quant_coefs[i] ) mov r6, quant_coefsm %if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH mov abs_leveld, dword [r6 + iiq*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF] %else movsx abs_leveld, word [r6 + iiq*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF] %endif ; int sigindex = num_coefs == 64 ? significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[b_interlaced][i] : ; num_coefs == 8 ? coeff_flag_offset_chroma_422_dc[i] : i; mov r10, cabac_state_sigm %if num_coefs == 64 mov r6d, b_interlacedm %ifdef PIC add r6d, iid movzx r6d, byte [significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8 + r6 GLOBAL] %else movzx r6d, byte [significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8 + r6 + iiq] %endif movzx r10, byte [r10 + r6] %elif num_coefs == 8 movzx r13, byte [coeff_flag_offset_chroma_422_dc + iiq GLOBAL] movzx r10, byte [r10 + r13] %else movzx r10, byte [r10 + iiq] %endif test abs_leveld, abs_leveld jnz %%.nonzero_quant_coef %if %1 == 0 ; int cost_sig0 = x264_cabac_size_decision_noup2( &cabac_state_sig[sigindex], 0 ) ; * (uint64_t)lambda2 >> ( CABAC_SIZE_BITS - LAMBDA_BITS ); ; nodes_cur[0].score -= cost_sig0; movzx r10, word [cabac_entropy + r10*2 GLOBAL] imul r10, lambda2q shr r10, CABAC_SIZE_BITS - LAMBDA_BITS sub [nodes_curq + node_score(0)], r10 %endif ZERO_LEVEL_IDX %1, cur jmp .i_continue%1 %%.nonzero_quant_coef: ; int sign_coef = orig_coefs[zigzag[i]]; ; int abs_coef = abs( sign_coef ); ; int q = abs( quant_coefs[i] ); movzx zigzagid, byte [zigzagq+iiq] movd m0, abs_leveld mov r6, orig_coefsm %if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH LOAD_DUP m1, [r6 + zigzagiq*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF] %else LOAD_DUP m1, [r6 + zigzagiq*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF - 2] psrad m1, 16 ; sign_coef %endif punpcklqdq m0, m0 ; quant_coef %if cpuflag(ssse3) pabsd m0, m0 pabsd m2, m1 ; abs_coef %else pxor m8, m8 pcmpgtd m8, m1 ; sign_mask pxor m0, m8 pxor m2, m1, m8 psubd m0, m8 psubd m2, m8 %endif psubd m0, [sq_1] ; abs_level movd abs_leveld, m0 xchg nodes_curq, nodes_prevq ; if( i < num_coefs-1 ) ; int lastindex = num_coefs == 64 ? last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[i] : i; ; num_coefs == 8 ? coeff_flag_offset_chroma_422_dc[i] : i ; cost_siglast[0] = x264_cabac_size_decision_noup2( &cabac_state_sig[sigindex], 0 ); ; cost_sig1 = x264_cabac_size_decision_noup2( &cabac_state_sig[sigindex], 1 ); ; cost_siglast[1] = x264_cabac_size_decision_noup2( &cabac_state_last[lastindex], 0 ) + cost_sig1; ; cost_siglast[2] = x264_cabac_size_decision_noup2( &cabac_state_last[lastindex], 1 ) + cost_sig1; %if %1 == 0 %if dc && num_coefs != 8 cmp iid, i_coefsm1 %else cmp iid, num_coefs-1 %endif je %%.zero_siglast %endif movzx r11, word [cabac_entropy + r10*2 GLOBAL] xor r10, 1 movzx r12, word [cabac_entropy + r10*2 GLOBAL] mov [cost_siglast+0], r11d mov r10, cabac_state_lastm %if num_coefs == 64 movzx r6d, byte [last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8 + iiq GLOBAL] movzx r10, byte [r10 + r6] %elif num_coefs == 8 movzx r10, byte [r10 + r13] %else movzx r10, byte [r10 + iiq] %endif movzx r11, word [cabac_entropy + r10*2 GLOBAL] add r11, r12 mov [cost_siglast+4], r11d %if %1 == 0 xor r10, 1 movzx r10, word [cabac_entropy + r10*2 GLOBAL] add r10, r12 mov [cost_siglast+8], r10d %endif %%.skip_siglast: ; int unquant_abs_level = ((unquant_mf[zigzag[i]] * abs_level + 128) >> 8); ; int d = abs_coef - unquant_abs_level; ; uint64_t ssd = (int64_t)d*d * coef_weight[i]; %if dc pmuludq m0, unquant_mf %else %ifdef PIC mov r10, unquant_mfm LOAD_DUP m3, [r10 + zigzagiq*4] %else LOAD_DUP m3, [unquant_mfq + zigzagiq*4] %endif pmuludq m0, m3 %endif paddd m0, [pq_128] psrld m0, 8 ; unquant_abs_level %if psy || dc == 0 mova m4, m0 %endif psubd m0, m2 SQUARE 0, 3 %if dc psllq m0, 8 %else LOAD_DUP m5, [dct_weight2_tab + zigzagiq*4 GLOBAL] pmuludq m0, m5 %endif %if psy test iid, iid jz %%.dc_rounding ; int predicted_coef = fenc_dct[zigzag[i]] - sign_coef ; int psy_value = abs(unquant_abs_level + SIGN(predicted_coef, sign_coef)); ; int psy_weight = dct_weight_tab[zigzag[i]] * h->mb.i_psy_trellis; ; ssd1[k] -= psy_weight * psy_value; mov r6, fenc_dctm %if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH LOAD_DUP m3, [r6 + zigzagiq*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF] %else LOAD_DUP m3, [r6 + zigzagiq*SIZEOF_DCTCOEF - 2] psrad m3, 16 ; orig_coef %endif %if cpuflag(ssse3) psignd m4, m1 ; SIGN(unquant_abs_level, sign_coef) %else PSIGN d, m4, m8 %endif psubd m3, m1 ; predicted_coef paddd m4, m3 %if cpuflag(ssse3) pabsd m4, m4 %else ABSD m3, m4 SWAP 4, 3 %endif LOAD_DUP m1, [dct_weight1_tab + zigzagiq*4 GLOBAL] pmuludq m1, psy_trellis pmuludq m4, m1 psubq m0, m4 %if %1 %%.dc_rounding: %endif %endif %if %1 == 0 mova [ssd], m0 %endif %if dc == 0 && %1 == 0 test iid, iid jnz %%.skip_dc_rounding %%.dc_rounding: ; Optimize rounding for DC coefficients in DC-only luma 4x4/8x8 blocks. ; int d = abs_coef - ((unquant_abs_level + (sign_coef>>31) + 8)&~15); ; uint64_t ssd = (int64_t)d*d * coef_weight[i]; psrad m1, 31 ; sign_coef>>31 paddd m4, [pd_8] paddd m4, m1 pand m4, [pd_m16] ; (unquant_abs_level + (sign_coef>>31) + 8)&~15 psubd m4, m2 ; d SQUARE 4, 3 pmuludq m4, m5 mova [ssd], m4 %%.skip_dc_rounding: %endif mova [ssd+16], m0 %assign stack_offset_bak stack_offset cmp abs_leveld, 1 jl %%.switch_coef0 %if %1 == 0 mov r10, [ssd] ; trellis_coef* args %endif movq r12, m0 ; for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) ; nodes_cur[j].score = TRELLIS_SCORE_MAX; %if cpuflag(ssse3) mova [nodes_curq + node_score(0)], m7 mova [nodes_curq + node_score(2)], m7 %else ; avoid store-forwarding stalls on k8/k10 %if %1 == 0 movq [nodes_curq + node_score(0)], m7 %endif movq [nodes_curq + node_score(1)], m7 movq [nodes_curq + node_score(2)], m7 movq [nodes_curq + node_score(3)], m7 %endif mova [nodes_curq + node_score(4)], m7 mova [nodes_curq + node_score(6)], m7 je %%.switch_coef1 %%.switch_coefn: call trellis_coefn.entry%1 call trellis_coefn.entry%1b jmp .i_continue1 %%.switch_coef1: call trellis_coef1.entry%1 call trellis_coefn.entry%1b jmp .i_continue1 %%.switch_coef0: call trellis_coef0_%1 call trellis_coef1.entry%1b .i_continue%1: dec iid %if num_coefs == 16 && dc == 0 cmp iid, b_acm %endif jge .i_loop%1 call trellis_bnode_%1 %if %1 == 0 %if num_coefs == 16 && dc == 0 jz .return_zero %else jz .return %endif jmp .writeback %%.zero_siglast: xor r6d, r6d mov [cost_siglast+0], r6 mov [cost_siglast+8], r6d jmp %%.skip_siglast %endif %endmacro ; TRELLIS_LOOP ; just a synonym for %if %macro IF0 1+ %endmacro %macro IF1 1+ %1 %endmacro %macro ZERO_LEVEL_IDX 2 ; ctx_hi, prev ; for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) ; nodes_cur[j].level_idx = levels_used; ; level_tree[levels_used].next = (trellis_level_t){ .next = nodes_cur[j].level_idx, .abs_level = 0 }; ; levels_used++; add levels_usedd, 3 and levels_usedd, ~3 ; allow aligned stores movd m0, levels_usedd pshufd m0, m0, 0 IF%1 mova m1, m0 paddd m0, [pd_0123] IF%1 paddd m1, [pd_4567] mova m2, [nodes_%2q + node_level_idx(0)] IF%1 mova m3, [nodes_%2q + node_level_idx(4)] mova [nodes_curq + node_level_idx(0)], m0 IF%1 mova [nodes_curq + node_level_idx(4)], m1 mova [level_tree + (levels_usedq+0)*4], m2 IF%1 mova [level_tree + (levels_usedq+4)*4], m3 add levels_usedd, (1+%1)*4 %endmacro INIT_XMM sse2 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_4x4, 16, 0, 0 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_8x8, 64, 0, 0 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_4x4_psy, 16, 0, 1 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_8x8_psy, 64, 0, 1 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_dc, 16, 1, 0 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_chroma_422_dc, 8, 1, 0 INIT_XMM ssse3 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_4x4, 16, 0, 0 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_8x8, 64, 0, 0 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_4x4_psy, 16, 0, 1 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_8x8_psy, 64, 0, 1 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_dc, 16, 1, 0 TRELLIS trellis_cabac_chroma_422_dc, 8, 1, 0 %define stack rsp+gprsize %define scoreq r14 %define bitsq r13 %define bitsd r13d INIT_XMM %macro clocal 1 ALIGN 16 global mangle(x264_%1) mangle(x264_%1): %1: %assign stack_offset stack_offset_bak+gprsize %endmacro %macro TRELLIS_BNODE 1 ; ctx_hi clocal trellis_bnode_%1 ; int j = ctx_hi?1:0; ; trellis_node_t *bnode = &nodes_cur[j]; ; while( ++j < (ctx_hi?8:4) ) ; if( nodes_cur[j].score < bnode->score ) ; bnode = &nodes_cur[j]; %assign j %1 mov rax, [nodes_curq + node_score(j)] lea rax, [rax*8 + j] %rep 3+3*%1 %assign j j+1 mov r11, [nodes_curq + node_score(j)] lea r11, [r11*8 + j] cmp rax, r11 cmova rax, r11 %endrep mov r10, dctm and eax, 7 ret %endmacro ; TRELLIS_BNODE TRELLIS_BNODE 0 TRELLIS_BNODE 1 %macro TRELLIS_COEF0 1 ; ctx_hi clocal trellis_coef0_%1 ; ssd1 += (uint64_t)cost_sig * lambda2 >> ( CABAC_SIZE_BITS - LAMBDA_BITS ); mov r11d, [cost_siglast+0] imul r11, lambda2q shr r11, CABAC_SIZE_BITS - LAMBDA_BITS add r11, [ssd+16] %if %1 == 0 ; nodes_cur[0].score = nodes_prev[0].score + ssd - ssd1; mov scoreq, [nodes_prevq + node_score(0)] add scoreq, [ssd] sub scoreq, r11 mov [nodes_curq + node_score(0)], scoreq %endif ; memcpy mov scoreq, [nodes_prevq + node_score(1)] mov [nodes_curq + node_score(1)], scoreq mova m1, [nodes_prevq + node_score(2)] mova [nodes_curq + node_score(2)], m1 %if %1 mova m1, [nodes_prevq + node_score(4)] mova [nodes_curq + node_score(4)], m1 mova m1, [nodes_prevq + node_score(6)] mova [nodes_curq + node_score(6)], m1 %endif mov r6d, [nodes_prevq + node_cabac_state(3)] mov [nodes_curq + node_cabac_state(3)], r6d %if %1 mova m1, [nodes_prevq + node_cabac_state(4)] mova [nodes_curq + node_cabac_state(4)], m1 %endif ZERO_LEVEL_IDX %1, prev ret %endmacro ; TRELLIS_COEF0 TRELLIS_COEF0 0 TRELLIS_COEF0 1 %macro START_COEF 1 ; gt1 ; if( (int64_t)nodes_prev[0].score < 0 ) continue; mov scoreq, [nodes_prevq + node_score(j)] %if j > 0 test scoreq, scoreq js .ctx %+ nextj_if_invalid %endif ; f8_bits += x264_cabac_size_decision2( &n.cabac_state[coeff_abs_level1_ctx[j]], abs_level > 1 ); %if j >= 3 movzx r6d, byte [nodes_prevq + node_cabac_state(j) + (coeff_abs_level1_offs>>2)] ; >> because node only stores ctx 0 and 4 movzx r11, byte [cabac_transition + r6*2 + %1 GLOBAL] %else movzx r6d, byte [level_statem + coeff_abs_level1_offs] %endif %if %1 xor r6d, 1 %endif movzx bitsd, word [cabac_entropy + r6*2 GLOBAL] ; n.score += ssd; ; unsigned f8_bits = cost_siglast[ j ? 1 : 2 ]; %if j == 0 add scoreq, r10 add bitsd, [cost_siglast+8] %else add scoreq, r12 add bitsd, [cost_siglast+4] %endif %endmacro ; START_COEF %macro END_COEF 1 ; n.score += (uint64_t)f8_bits * lambda2 >> ( CABAC_SIZE_BITS - LAMBDA_BITS ); imul bitsq, lambda2q shr bitsq, CABAC_SIZE_BITS - LAMBDA_BITS add scoreq, bitsq ; if( n.score < nodes_cur[node_ctx].score ) ; SET_LEVEL( n, abs_level ); ; nodes_cur[node_ctx] = n; cmp scoreq, [nodes_curq + node_score(node_ctx)] jae .ctx %+ nextj_if_valid mov [nodes_curq + node_score(node_ctx)], scoreq %if j == 2 || (j <= 3 && node_ctx == 4) ; if this node hasn't previously needed to keep track of abs_level cabac_state, import a pristine copy of the input states movd [nodes_curq + node_cabac_state(node_ctx)], level_state_packed %elif j >= 3 ; if we have updated before, then copy cabac_state from the parent node mov r6d, [nodes_prevq + node_cabac_state(j)] mov [nodes_curq + node_cabac_state(node_ctx)], r6d %endif %if j >= 3 ; skip the transition if we're not going to reuse the context mov [nodes_curq + node_cabac_state(node_ctx) + (coeff_abs_level1_offs>>2)], r11b ; delayed from x264_cabac_size_decision2 %endif %if %1 && node_ctx == 7 mov r6d, levelgt1_ctxm mov [nodes_curq + node_cabac_state(node_ctx) + coeff_abs_levelgt1_offs-6], r10b %endif mov r6d, [nodes_prevq + node_level_idx(j)] %if %1 mov r11d, abs_leveld shl r11d, 16 or r6d, r11d %else or r6d, 1<<16 %endif mov [level_tree + levels_usedq*4], r6d mov [nodes_curq + node_level_idx(node_ctx)], levels_usedd inc levels_usedd %endmacro ; END_COEF %macro COEF1 2 %assign j %1 %assign nextj_if_valid %1+1 %assign nextj_if_invalid %2 %if j < 4 %assign coeff_abs_level1_offs j+1 %else %assign coeff_abs_level1_offs 0 %endif %if j < 3 %assign node_ctx j+1 %else %assign node_ctx j %endif .ctx %+ j: START_COEF 0 add bitsd, 1 << CABAC_SIZE_BITS END_COEF 0 %endmacro ; COEF1 %macro COEFN 2 %assign j %1 %assign nextj_if_valid %2 %assign nextj_if_invalid %2 %if j < 4 %assign coeff_abs_level1_offs j+1 %assign coeff_abs_levelgt1_offs 5 %else %assign coeff_abs_level1_offs 0 %assign coeff_abs_levelgt1_offs j+2 ; this is the one used for all block types except 4:2:2 chroma dc %endif %if j < 4 %assign node_ctx 4 %elif j < 7 %assign node_ctx j+1 %else %assign node_ctx 7 %endif .ctx %+ j: START_COEF 1 ; if( abs_level >= 15 ) ; bits += bs_size_ue_big(...) add bitsd, r5d ; bs_size_ue_big from COEFN_SUFFIX ; n.cabac_state[levelgt1_ctx] %if j == 7 ; && compiling support for 4:2:2 mov r6d, levelgt1_ctxm %define coeff_abs_levelgt1_offs r6 %endif %if j == 7 movzx r10, byte [nodes_prevq + node_cabac_state(j) + coeff_abs_levelgt1_offs-6] ; -6 because node only stores ctx 8 and 9 %else movzx r10, byte [level_statem + coeff_abs_levelgt1_offs] %endif ; f8_bits += cabac_size_unary[abs_level-1][n.cabac_state[levelgt1_ctx[j]]]; add r10d, r1d movzx r6d, word [cabac_size_unary + (r10-128)*2 GLOBAL] add bitsd, r6d %if node_ctx == 7 movzx r10, byte [cabac_transition_unary + r10-128 GLOBAL] %endif END_COEF 1 %endmacro ; COEFN clocal trellis_coef1 .entry0b: ; ctx_lo, larger of the two abs_level candidates mov r10, [ssd+8] sub r10, r11 mov r12, [ssd+24] sub r12, r11 .entry0: ; ctx_lo, smaller of the two abs_level candidates COEF1 0, 4 COEF1 1, 4 COEF1 2, 4 COEF1 3, 4 .ctx4: rep ret .entry1b: ; ctx_hi, larger of the two abs_level candidates mov r12, [ssd+24] sub r12, r11 .entry1: ; ctx_hi, smaller of the two abs_level candidates trellis_coef1_hi: COEF1 1, 2 COEF1 2, 3 COEF1 3, 4 COEF1 4, 5 COEF1 5, 6 COEF1 6, 7 COEF1 7, 8 .ctx8: rep ret %macro COEFN_PREFIX 1 ; int prefix = X264_MIN( abs_level - 1, 14 ); mov r1d, abs_leveld cmp abs_leveld, 15 jge .level_suffix%1 xor r5d, r5d .skip_level_suffix%1: shl r1d, 7 %endmacro %macro COEFN_SUFFIX 1 .level_suffix%1: ; bs_size_ue_big( abs_level - 15 ) << CABAC_SIZE_BITS; lea r5d, [abs_levelq-14] bsr r5d, r5d shl r5d, CABAC_SIZE_BITS+1 add r5d, 1<