; Copyright 2005-2015 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ; ; This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. Threading Building Blocks is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ; version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Threading Building Blocks is ; distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ; implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ; See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of ; the GNU General Public License along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the ; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ; ; As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without ; restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline ; functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce ; an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered ; by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other ; reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. EXPORTS ; frontend.cpp scalable_calloc scalable_free scalable_malloc scalable_realloc scalable_posix_memalign scalable_aligned_malloc scalable_aligned_realloc scalable_aligned_free scalable_msize scalable_allocation_mode scalable_allocation_command __TBB_malloc_safer_free __TBB_malloc_safer_realloc __TBB_malloc_safer_msize __TBB_malloc_safer_aligned_msize __TBB_malloc_safer_aligned_realloc ; memory pool stuff ?pool_create@rml@@YAPEAVMemoryPool@1@_JPEBUMemPoolPolicy@1@@Z ?pool_create_v1@rml@@YA?AW4MemPoolError@1@_JPEBUMemPoolPolicy@1@PEAPEAVMemoryPool@1@@Z ?pool_destroy@rml@@YA_NPEAVMemoryPool@1@@Z ?pool_malloc@rml@@YAPEAXPEAVMemoryPool@1@_K@Z ?pool_free@rml@@YA_NPEAVMemoryPool@1@PEAX@Z ?pool_reset@rml@@YA_NPEAVMemoryPool@1@@Z ?pool_realloc@rml@@YAPEAXPEAVMemoryPool@1@PEAX_K@Z ?pool_aligned_realloc@rml@@YAPEAXPEAVMemoryPool@1@PEAX_K2@Z ?pool_aligned_malloc@rml@@YAPEAXPEAVMemoryPool@1@_K1@Z ?pool_identify@rml@@YAPEAVMemoryPool@1@PEAX@Z