% intf: added `--vout' to playlist intf: added `dummy' to playlist -- #videolan % bon j'ai trouvé d'où venait les trashs d'images t'es un dieu bin justement ct de ma faute :) t'es une merde -- #videolan % p_bit_stream->buffer |=((u32) *(p_bit_stream->byte_stream.p_byte++)) << (24 - p_bit_stream->i_available); psychopathes -- #videolan % xav - AZRTYUUUUOP"'(-È oups je devrais pas nettoyer mon clavier par ici :) -- #videolan % sam : {#][^#{~]@[ ;P bbp ? sam : pouette ah :) ok, gotta sleep now it was very nice having this interesting discussion with you -- #videolan % spudec error: index mismatch (0x0331 != 0x0000) spudec error: unknown command 0x7d NovaKANE: yeah if you could cut a slice of VOB it would be pretty helpful hey, don't you plan on making fair use of your DVDs I'll give my good friend Jack a call -- #videolan % vlc is using about 3% cpu with no audio/video 3% ? the interface isn't bloated enough then :) -- #videolan % -+- djk sets topic on #videolan to: "VideoLAN - 100% skin free DVD!" % so, i think it's time for a mass exodus to libdvdcss. ack! hold on a minute what? did you feel a great disturbance in the force? -- #livid % héhé, mais j'ai acheté une voiture :) ouaaah oh, quoi ? une petite 206 toute noire ce qu'il dit pas c'est que c'est une s16 ;) ah 16 bits signés ? -- #videolan % je l'ai pas testé, hein, faut pas déconner non plus c le boulot des users de tester -- #videolan % j ai du retard ds le son quand je stream du dvd. sur ton iPAQ ? nan laptop et le CPU n est pas a 100% et j utilise le dsp ah c'est dommage fais un test de grossesse, on sait jamais -- #videolan % CHRISTIAN MARILLAT IS A COMPLETE ____ ___ ____ _ ___ _ _____ _ ____ _ | _ \_ _/ ___| |/ / | | | ____| / \ | _ \ | | | | | | | | | ' /| |_| | _| / _ \ | | | | | | | |_| | | |___| . \| _ | |___ / ___ \| |_| | |_| |____/___\____|_|\_\_| |_|_____/_/ \_\____/ (_) -- #videolan % you really shouldn't have touched a computer when you were a little boy _it_ came to me -- #videolan % hehe : Open failed !: Success -- #videolan % vlc rulez it dont work what doesn't work ? vlc rulez -- #videolan % What time is it (for you)? 6:16 am Are you a teacher or an student? I'm a student teacher are in bed right now what are you doing in life ? I am a teacher of Computer Science... -- #videolan % and you, do you have some movies in svcd format? [...] je lui ai envoye un cones.svcd c'etait un lien vers /dev/zero -- #videolan % -!- Meuuh [www-data@brahma.via.ecp.fr] has joined #videolan Meuuh! Meuuh. -- #videolan % --filter distort:transform:distort rocks :) hey, I don't have enough processing power for --filter distort:transform:distort:transform:distort :( -- #videolan % c'est bon, Jérôme m'a envoyé le truc sans virus cette fois -- #videolan % anyway, why should we care? as soon as we release libvlc, it'll be in the MPlayer CVS :) -- #videolan % I read a Jean-Claude Vandamme interview yesterday and it works well except for the sound Do you really want to have the sound for Jean-Claude Van Damme? -- #videolan % I'm using the gtk+ interface in kde3 silly heheh i use the gnome interface in gnome CALL ME CRAZY -- #videolan % $grabeuh heheheuhrahaaheuwaheuhehrabeugraaaahawhahrahaa !! hey THAT was a nice grabeuh -- #videolan % hi vax, how's work ? beuhh .. another question ? :P heuh, how's you girlfriend ? ;-) -- #videolan % BTW, there is "Jeanne et le garçon formidable" on M6 this movie is so great jlj you debug the http plug-in ? :p well, you're so busy with Virginie Ledoyen, so I had to do it :) -- #videolan % The VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone. -- Jack Valenti (president of the MPAA) on April 12, 1982 % then we need to update download.html what do we still have ? the mail, freshmeat, the videolan.org news cvs tag regression tests bwaahahahahahAHAHAHA mouhahaha -- #videolan % fils de p_aout -- #videolan % by the way i've never learnt the way to make figlets lool ... /exec -o figlet -f small 'ali is so stupid !' I'm not absolutely positive it was a good idea to teach her it's like handing a rocket launcher to a 6yr old ... -- #videolan % <|sF|Vengance|> do u have any videos of porn u can send me? -- #videolan % -+- Ourumov [www-data@brahma.via.ecp.fr] has joined #videolan hey anybody here know videolan ? -*- SignOff: Ourumov (Client Quit) -- #videolan %