bug #09/11/2001-1: (FIXED 20/11/2001, by JP Saman) Makefile.opts.in and Makefile.opts static libmad.a library is not filled in automatically by configure. It should say in Makefile.opts LIB_MAD=lib/libmad.a bug #09/11/2001-2: (FIXED december 2001) Libmad is not included in the vlc source code. It is assumed that the library is already available on the machine where the plugin is compiled on. The configure option --with-libmad tells the script where libmad.a or libmad.so library and mad.h include file are installed. E.g. if libmad.a is in /usr/lib and mad.h is in /usr/include then the configure option should be --with-libmad=/usr bug #12/11/2001-1 (FIXED january 2002) smoothen out audio in libmad_output callback function, by optimizing conversion routines. After investigation and experimenting I found out that my input routine and output routine were not balanced correctly with respect to buffer sizes. A lot of data got lost. I fixed that, but still need a bater scaling/smoothing routine for the audio. I tried a simpler audio scale function, but it did not improve the audio much. Not even on Intel machine, so I suspect the audio decoding to need a bit too much time. The next thing to try is to steer the decoding process by hand (going to a lower level API). Rewriting mad plugin to use a lower level API was not needed. I found the problem by reviewing libmad example code madlld and bbplay. This resulted in a partial rewrite a some parts and a lot of testing. There are still some issues when trying on different CPU's but this will sort itself gradually. bug #20/11/2001-1 (FIXED 25/11/2001, by JP Saman) synchronization between audio and video output is lost. In libmad_output a timestamp is set on the audio data, but it points to a later video frame, then when the audio data was read. How can I set the correct timestamp on the audio fifo at the time it was read from the bitstream, so that it matches the video frame it belongs to? Solution: Do it in two steps, in the input function save i_pts of fifo and in output function pass saved i_pts to aout_fifo.