2002/03/05 VLC for Windows Cross-Compile HOWTO - 0.1 *EASY* VLC cross-compilation using Linux for a Windows client Bill Eldridge & Gildas Bazin 0) MSYS & mingw 1) Download software packages 2) Unpack sources 3) Configure vlc 4) Make 5) Package for Windows 6) Further resources 0) MSYS & mingw As of version 1.0.5, the MSYS part of MingW has released an environment that will let you configure and compile packages for mingw directly on Windows. http://mingw.sourceforge.net Combined with the SDL & GTK development packages, this is enough to compile vlc without cross-compiling on Linux. However, for those of us who like Linux and want to cross-compile (say to automate nightly builds), read on. 1) Download software packages Download all the software needed to /usr/local/src/VLC - including pre-compiled mingw32 cross-compiler for linux, SDL, gtk, directx, and of course vlc. You will also need various run-time DLLs on your Windows machine when you go to run the program. Go to http://www.videolan.org/vlc/windows.html and download: - mingw32 cross-compiler for linux: linux-cross-mingw32-10022002.tar.bz2 - SDL-devel-1.2.3-mingw32.tar.gz (you can also go to www.libsdl.org) - gtk-win32-10022002.tar.bz2 development files. - the directx 7 headers. (Instead of downloading the whole directx SDK form Microsoft) Get vlc from: http://www.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/snapshots/ (who needs a release version? you're compiling, after all :) or grab the cvs at: http://www.videolan.org/cvs.html using the command: cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.videolan.org:/var/cvs/videolan -z3 co vlc (and no, you don't need to log in, that's why it's "anonymous") 2) Unpack sources Unpack all your sources to the right place: [Note that you can put SDL & gtk in a different place, but then you'll have to edit the sdl-config & gtk-config. directx can go anywhere - you'll just set that path when you do vlc's configure] cd to your Source directory SRCDIR=`pwd` # /usr/local/src/VLC seems good, no? tar -jxvf linux-cross-mingw32-10022002.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local tar -zxf SDL-devel-1.2.3-mingw32.tar.gz -C /usr/local/cross-tools cd /usr/local/cross-tools ln -s i586-mingw32msvc i386-mingw32msvc tar -xf SDL-1.2.3/i386-mingw32msvc.tgz rm -rf SDL-1.2.3 cd $SRCDIR tar xjvf gtk-win32-10022002.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local mkdir /usr/local/directx unzip -d /usr/local/directx/include dxheaders.zip tar -jxf .bz2 # Unless you used cvs cd vlc 3) Configure vlc rm config.cache config.status make clean # or "make distclean" for pretty pretty PATH=/usr/local/cross-tools/bin:$PATH \ CC=i586-mingw32msvc-gcc \ ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc \ --target=i586-mingw32msvc --build=i386-linux \ --with-directx=/usr/local/directx \ --with-gtk-config-path=/usr/local/gtk-win32/bin \ --with-sdl-config-path=/usr/local/cross-tools/i586-mingw32msvc/bin 4) make vlc PATH=/usr/local/cross-tools/bin:$PATH \ make 5) Package for Windows mkdir /usr/local/src/winvlc mkdir /usr/local/src/winvlc/plugins mkdir /usr/local/src/winvlc/share cp vlc.exe /usr/local/src/winvlc/ cp plugins/*.so /usr/local/src/winvlc/plugins/ cp share/*.psf /usr/local/src/winvlc/share/ cd /usr/local/src strip winvlc/vlc.exe winvlc/plugins/*.so zip -r winvlc.zip winvlc Now place winvlc in your ftp/html downloads, or copy to your dos disk or move to a floppy (only about 270K) Uncompress to C:\winvlc Don't forget to place all the GTK and SDL dll's from the development packages you downloaded on http://www.videolan.org/vlc/windows.html in c:\winvlc cd c:\winvlc vlc -v Note: -v gives you errors in case something's not being found, otherwise not needed. 6) Further resources (for this or other cross-compilation projects): At this time, mingw32_2.95.3.7-3_i386.deb and mingw32-runtime_1.2-1_i386.deb were at: http://packages.debian.org/testing/devel/mingw32.html http://packages.debian.org/testing/devel/mingw32-runtime.html and possibly on your CD - you might be able to find later versions, or save bandwidth, if you care. (Of course we'll only be testing what we put on the VideoLan website). While these are "Debian" packages, they work on Redhat and possibly elsewhere - download dpkg for your system and do something like: dpkg -x mingw32_2.95.3.7-3_i386.deb /tmp/ming dpkg -x mingw32-runtime_1.2-1_i386.deb /tmp/ming mv /tmp/ming/usr /usr/local/cross-tools Full DX-7 headers, libs & directx.h (the Peter Puck version) can be found at: http://fceultra.sourceforge.net/dev There are other versions of GTK for Windows available, but the one provided here has been hacked specifically for VideoLan.