{ "Name" = "VLC suite"; "Description" = "VLC commands."; "Commands" = { "OpenURL" = { Name = "OpenURL"; Description = "Open a URL"; }; "GetURL" = { Name = "GetURL"; Description = "Get a URL"; }; "play" = { Name = "play"; Description = "Start playing the current playlistitem or pause it when it is already playing."; }; "stop" = { Name = "stop"; Description = "Stop playing the current playlistitem."; }; "previous" = { Name = "previous"; Description = "Go to the previous item in the playlist or the previous chapter in the DVD/VCD."; }; "next" = { Name = "next"; Description = "Go to the next item in the playlist or the next chapter in the DVD/VCD."; }; "fullscreen" = { Name = "fullscreen"; Description = "Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode."; }; "mute" = { Name = "mute"; Description = "Mute the audio"; }; "volumeUp" = { Name = "volumeUp"; Description = "Bring the volume up by one step. There are 32 steps from 0 to 100% volume."; }; "volumeDown" = { Name = "volumeDown"; Description = "Bring the volume down by one step. There are 32 steps from 0 to 100% volume."; }; }; }