DVD driver for Darwin and Mac OS X ================================== This experimental kernel extension (KEXT) for Darwin is a wrapper for the DVD-related kernel IOKit functions. It was written for two main reasons: - the lack of userland support for DVD key negociation functions - the fact that the kernel locks mounted device, preventing raw device reads if the DVD is mounted Building the driver =================== You can either load the project in Project Builder and press the "build" icon, or open a terminal window and type "pbxbuild". Installing the driver ===================== Open a terminal window, and type "kextload build/DVDioctl.kext", or whatever the path to the build tree is. You need to be root in order to do this. Using the driver ================ The driver creates a special /dev/dvd block device upon loading. When a process tries to open this device, it looks for an IODVDMedia object and opens it. All further operation done to the /dev/dvd device are then forwarded to the IODVDMedia device.