# - Find library containing Mpeg2() # The following variables are set if Mpeg2 is found. If Mpeg2 is not # found, Mpeg2_FOUND is set to false. # Mpeg2_FOUND - System has Mpeg2. # Mpeg2_LIBRARIES - Link these to use Mpeg2. # Mpeg2_CFLAGS - Link these to use Mpeg2. if (NOT Mpeg2_SEARCHED) include(CheckLibraryExists) set(Mpeg2_SEARCHED TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "") set(Mpeg2_FOUND FALSE CACHE INTERNAL "") pkg_check_modules(Mpeg2 mpeg2) if (NOT Mpeg2_FOUND) find_library(Mpeg2_LIBRARY NAMES mpeg2) if (Mpeg2_LIBRARY) set(Mpeg2_LIBRARIES "${Mpeg2_LIBRARY}" CACHE INTERNAL "") set(Mpeg2_FOUND TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "") endif (Mpeg2_LIBRARY) endif (NOT Mpeg2_FOUND) if (Mpeg2_FOUND) if (NOT Mpeg2_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found Mpeg2 in: ${Mpeg2_LIBRARIES}") endif (NOT Mpeg2_FIND_QUIETLY) else (Mpeg2_FOUND) if (Mpeg2_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the library containing Mpeg2") endif (Mpeg2_FIND_REQUIRED) endif (Mpeg2_FOUND) mark_as_advanced(Mpeg2_LIBRARIES) endif(NOT Mpeg2_SEARCHED)