1050 11A430e 851 1117 552.00 YES YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.WebKitIBPlugin YES 851 851 YES YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.WebKitIBPlugin PluginDependencyRecalculationVersion YES VLCApplication FirstResponder NSApplication 7 2 {{173, 155}, {600, 275}} 1886912512 About VLC media player NSWindow View {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} {231.86799999999999, 107} 256 YES 256 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {600, 275} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage about_bg 2 2 0 NO YES 256 YES 2304 YES 2322 YES YES Apple HTML pasteboard type Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x6D6F6F76 NSColor pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NSStringPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT RTFD pasteboard type NeXT Rich Text Format v1.0 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {356, 85} YES 6 356 1 100666208 0 1 MCAwIDAgMAA YES YES NSBackgroundColor NSColor YES 6 System selectedTextBackgroundColor 3 MC42NjY2NjY2NjY3AA 6 System selectedTextColor 3 MAA YES YES NSColor NSCursor NSUnderline YES 1 MCAwIDEAA {8, -8} 13 0 6 {564, 10000000} {371, 125} {4, 4} 0 4 256 {{-100, -100}, {15, 99}} _doScroller: 1 256 {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} 1 _doScroller: 1 0.94565220000000005 {{209, 20}, {371, 125}} 133120 256 {{209, 197}, {371, 18}} YES -2077098431 138413056 Version 0.9.0-svn Grischenko (PPC/x86) LucidaGrande-Bold 12 16 6 System textBackgroundColor 3 MQA 1 MC4xNTcwMjQ5OSAwLjE1NzAyNDk5IDAuMTU3MDI0OTkAA 256 {{209, 178}, {371, 16}} YES -2077098431 138413056 Copyright (c) 1997-2008 the VideoLAN team LucidaGrande 10 2832 1 MC4xNTcwMjQ5OSAwLjE1NzAyNDk5IDAuMTU3MDI0OTkAA 256 {{209, 151}, {371, 26}} YES -2078147071 138412032 Compiled by fpk with llvm-gcc 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.11.00) 1 MC4xNTcwMjQ5OSAwLjE1NzAyNDk5IDAuMTU3MDI0OTkAA 256 {{209, 223}, {371, 29}} YES 69336577 138412032 VLC media player LucidaGrande 24 16 6 System controlColor 6 System controlTextColor 256 {{69, 12}, {87, 32}} YES 67239424 134217728 Licence LucidaGrande 13 1040 -2038284033 1 200 25 {600, 275} {{0, 0}, {1280, 778}} {231.86799999999999, 129} {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} about VLAboutBox 15 2 {{336, 164}, {480, 400}} 1886912512 Help NSWindow View {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} {213, 107} 256 YES 274 YES YES Apple HTML pasteboard type Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple URL pasteboard type Apple Web Archive pasteboard type NSColor pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NSStringPboardType NeXT RTFD pasteboard type NeXT Rich Text Format v1.0 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type WebURLsWithTitlesPboardType public.png public.url public.url-name {{0, 40}, {480, 360}} YES YES WebKitDefaultFixedFontSize WebKitDefaultFontSize WebKitMinimumFontSize YES YES YES 256 {{20, 8}, {39, 25}} YES 67239424 134217728 LucidaGrande-Bold 20 16 -2038284033 35 LucidaGrande 20 16 200 25 256 {{67, 8}, {39, 25}} YES 67239424 134217728 LucidaGrande-Bold 18 16 -2038284033 35 LucidaGrande 18 16 200 25 256 {{114, 8}, {39, 25}} YES 67239424 134217728 -2038284033 35 200 25 {480, 400} {{0, 0}, {1280, 778}} {213, 129} {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} help 15 2 {{356, 183}, {480, 360}} 1886912512 Licence NSWindow View {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} {480, 360} 256 YES 274 YES 2304 YES 2322 {478, 14} YES 6 478 1 100674401 0 YES YES NSBackgroundColor NSColor YES YES YES NSColor NSUnderline YES 1 6 {478, 10000000} {114, 0} {{1, 1}, {478, 358}} {4, -5} 1 4 -2147483392 {{-30, 1}, {15, 344}} _doScroller: 1 256 {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} 1 _doScroller: 1 0.94565220000000005 {480, 360} 133650 {480, 360} {{0, 0}, {1280, 778}} {480, 382} {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308} gpl YES o_credits_textview 1353 o_credits_scrollview 1355 o_about_window 1356 delegate 1357 o_name_version_field 2236 o_copyright_field 2237 o_revision_field 2238 o_help_window 2242 o_help_web_view 2243 o_gpl_btn 2248 showGPL: 2249 o_gpl_window 2250 o_name_field 2252 o_gpl_field 2255 o_help_home_btn 2259 o_help_bwd_btn 2260 o_help_fwd_btn 2261 helpGoHome: 2262 frameLoadDelegate 2265 goForward: 2266 goBack: 2267 YES 0 YES -2 File's Owner -1 First Responder 1345 YES About 1344 YES 1348 YES 1342 2231 YES 2232 YES 2233 YES 2234 YES 2235 YES 2244 YES 1349 VLAboutBox 2239 YES Help 2240 YES 2241 2256 YES 2257 YES 2258 YES 2245 YES Licence 2246 YES 2253 YES 2254 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 -3 Application YES YES -3.IBPluginDependency 1342.IBPluginDependency 1342.ImportedFromIB2 1344.IBPluginDependency 1344.ImportedFromIB2 1345.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 1345.IBPluginDependency 1345.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect 1345.ImportedFromIB2 1345.windowTemplate.hasMinSize 1345.windowTemplate.minSize 1348.IBPluginDependency 1348.ImportedFromIB2 1349.ImportedFromIB2 2231.IBPluginDependency 2231.ImportedFromIB2 2232.IBPluginDependency 2232.ImportedFromIB2 2233.IBPluginDependency 2233.ImportedFromIB2 2234.IBPluginDependency 2234.IBViewBoundsToFrameTransform 2234.ImportedFromIB2 2235.IBPluginDependency 2235.ImportedFromIB2 2239.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 2239.IBPluginDependency 2239.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect 2239.ImportedFromIB2 2239.windowTemplate.hasMinSize 2239.windowTemplate.minSize 2240.IBPluginDependency 2240.ImportedFromIB2 2241.IBPluginDependency 2241.ImportedFromIB2 2244.IBPluginDependency 2244.ImportedFromIB2 2245.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 2245.IBPluginDependency 2245.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect 2245.ImportedFromIB2 2245.windowTemplate.hasMinSize 2245.windowTemplate.minSize 2246.IBPluginDependency 2246.ImportedFromIB2 2253.IBPluginDependency 2253.ImportedFromIB2 2254.IBPluginDependency 2254.ImportedFromIB2 2256.IBPluginDependency 2256.ImportedFromIB2 2257.IBPluginDependency 2257.ImportedFromIB2 2258.IBPluginDependency 2258.ImportedFromIB2 2269.IBPluginDependency 2270.IBPluginDependency 2271.IBPluginDependency 2272.IBPluginDependency 2273.IBPluginDependency 2274.IBPluginDependency 2275.IBPluginDependency 2276.IBPluginDependency 2277.IBPluginDependency 2278.IBPluginDependency 2278.IBShouldRemoveOnLegacySave 2279.IBPluginDependency 2279.IBShouldRemoveOnLegacySave 2280.IBPluginDependency 2280.IBShouldRemoveOnLegacySave 2281.IBPluginDependency 2281.IBShouldRemoveOnLegacySave YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{363, 392}, {600, 275}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{363, 392}, {600, 275}} {231.86799999999999, 107} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin P4AAAL+AAABDUQAAwy8AAA com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{483, 244}, {480, 400}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{483, 244}, {480, 400}} {213, 107} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.WebKitIBPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{483, 330}, {480, 360}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{483, 330}, {480, 360}} {480, 360} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES YES YES YES 2283 YES FirstResponder NSObject IBUserSource VLAboutBox NSObject YES YES helpGoHome: showGPL: YES id id YES YES helpGoHome: showGPL: YES helpGoHome: id showGPL: id YES YES o_about_window o_copyright_field o_credits_scrollview o_credits_textview o_gpl_btn o_gpl_field o_gpl_window o_help_bwd_btn o_help_fwd_btn o_help_home_btn o_help_web_view o_help_window o_name_field o_name_version_field o_revision_field YES id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id YES YES o_about_window o_copyright_field o_credits_scrollview o_credits_textview o_gpl_btn o_gpl_field o_gpl_window o_help_bwd_btn o_help_fwd_btn o_help_home_btn o_help_web_view o_help_window o_name_field o_name_version_field o_revision_field YES o_about_window id o_copyright_field id o_credits_scrollview id o_credits_textview id o_gpl_btn id o_gpl_field id o_gpl_window id o_help_bwd_btn id o_help_fwd_btn id o_help_home_btn id o_help_web_view id o_help_window id o_name_field id o_name_version_field id o_revision_field id IBUserSource VLCApplication NSApplication IBUserSource 0 IBCocoaFramework com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.macosx com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.InterfaceBuilder3 YES 3 about_bg {128, 128}