#!/usr/bin/python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Oracle. All rights reserved. # # Author: Darrick J. Wong # Run bcachefsck in parallel, but avoid thrashing. import subprocess import json import threading import time import sys import os import argparse import signal import dbus from io import TextIOWrapper from pathlib import Path from datetime import timedelta from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone retcode = 0 terminate = False debug = False def DEVNULL(): '''Return /dev/null in subprocess writable format.''' try: from subprocess import DEVNULL return DEVNULL except ImportError: return open(os.devnull, 'wb') def find_mounts(): '''Map mountpoints to physical disks.''' def find_bcachefs_mounts(bdev, fs, lastdisk): '''Attach all lastdisk to each fs found under bdev.''' if bdev['fstype'] == 'bcachefs' and bdev['mountpoint'] is not None: mnt = bdev['mountpoint'] if mnt in fs: fs[mnt].add(lastdisk.split(':')) else: fs[mnt] = set(lastdisk.split(':')) if 'children' not in bdev: return for child in bdev['children']: find_bcachefs_mounts(child, fs, lastdisk) fs = {} cmd=['lsblk', '-o', 'NAME,KNAME,TYPE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT', '-J'] result = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result.wait() if result.returncode != 0: return fs sarray = [x.decode(sys.stdout.encoding) for x in result.stdout.readlines()] output = ' '.join(sarray) bdevdata = json.loads(output) # The lsblk output had better be in disks-then-partitions order for bdev in bdevdata['blockdevices']: lastdisk = bdev['kname'] find_bcachefs_mounts(bdev, fs, lastdisk) return fs def backtick(cmd): '''Generator function that yields lines of a program's stdout.''' p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) for line in TextIOWrapper(p.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): yield line.strip() def remove_killfunc(killfuncs, fn): '''Ensure fn is not in killfuncs.''' try: killfuncs.remove(fn) except: pass class scrub_control(object): '''Control object for bcachefsck.''' def __init__(self): pass def start(self): '''Start scrub and wait for it to complete. Returns -1 if the service was not started, 0 if it succeeded, or 1 if it failed.''' assert False def stop(self): '''Stop scrub.''' assert False class scrub_subprocess(scrub_control): '''Control object for bcachefsck subprocesses.''' def __init__(self, mnt): cmd = ['bcachefs', 'fsck'] cmd += '@bcachefsck_args@'.split() cmd += [mnt] self.cmdline = cmd self.proc = None def start(self): '''Start bcachefsck and wait for it to complete. Returns -1 if the service was not started, 0 if it succeeded, or 1 if it failed.''' global debug if debug: print('run ', ' '.join(self.cmdline)) try: self.proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmdline) self.proc.wait() except: return -1 proc = self.proc self.proc = None return proc.returncode def stop(self): '''Stop bcachefsck.''' global debug if debug: print('kill ', ' '.join(self.cmdline)) if self.proc is not None: self.proc.terminate() def run_subprocess(mnt, killfuncs): '''Run a killable program. Returns program retcode or -1 if we can't start it.''' try: p = scrub_subprocess(mnt) killfuncs.add(p.stop) ret = p.start() remove_killfunc(killfuncs, p.stop) return ret except: return -1 # systemd doesn't like unit instance names with slashes in them, so it # replaces them with dashes when it invokes the service. Filesystem paths # need a special --path argument so that dashes do not get mangled. def path_to_serviceunit(path): '''Convert a pathname into a systemd service unit name.''' svcname = 'bcachefsck@.service' cmd = ['systemd-escape', '--template', svcname, '--path', path] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() for line in proc.stdout: return line.decode(sys.stdout.encoding).strip() def fibonacci(max_ret): '''Yield fibonacci sequence up to but not including max_ret.''' if max_ret < 1: return x = 0 y = 1 yield 1 z = x + y while z <= max_ret: yield z x = y y = z z = x + y class scrub_service(scrub_control): '''Control object for bcachefsck systemd service.''' def __init__(self, mnt): self.unitname = path_to_serviceunit(mnt) self.prop = None self.unit = None self.bind() def bind(self): '''Bind to the dbus proxy object for this service.''' sysbus = dbus.SystemBus() systemd1 = sysbus.get_object('org.freedesktop.systemd1', '/org/freedesktop/systemd1') manager = dbus.Interface(systemd1, 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager') path = manager.LoadUnit(self.unitname) svc_obj = sysbus.get_object('org.freedesktop.systemd1', path) self.prop = dbus.Interface(svc_obj, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') self.unit = dbus.Interface(svc_obj, 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit') def __dbusrun(self, lambda_fn): '''Call the lambda function to execute something on dbus. dbus exceptions result in retries with Fibonacci backoff, and the bindings will be rebuilt every time.''' global debug fatal_ex = None for i in fibonacci(30): try: return lambda_fn() except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e: if debug: print(e) fatal_ex = e time.sleep(i) self.bind() raise fatal_ex def state(self): '''Retrieve the active state for a systemd service. As of systemd 249, this is supposed to be one of the following: "active", "reloading", "inactive", "failed", "activating", or "deactivating". These strings are not localized.''' global debug l = lambda: self.prop.Get('org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit', 'ActiveState') try: return self.__dbusrun(l) except Exception as e: if debug: print(e, file = sys.stderr) return 'failed' def wait(self, interval = 1): '''Wait until the service finishes.''' global debug # Use a poll/sleep loop to wait for the service to finish. # Avoid adding a dependency on python3 glib, which is required # to use an event loop to receive a dbus signal. s = self.state() while s not in ['failed', 'inactive']: if debug: print('waiting %s %s' % (self.unitname, s)) time.sleep(interval) s = self.state() if debug: print('waited %s %s' % (self.unitname, s)) if s == 'failed': return 1 return 0 def start(self): '''Start the service and wait for it to complete. Returns -1 if the service was not started, 0 if it succeeded, or 1 if it failed.''' global debug if debug: print('starting %s' % self.unitname) try: self.__dbusrun(lambda: self.unit.Start('replace')) return self.wait() except Exception as e: print(e, file = sys.stderr) return -1 def stop(self): '''Stop the service.''' global debug if debug: print('stopping %s' % self.unitname) try: self.__dbusrun(lambda: self.unit.Stop('replace')) return self.wait() except Exception as e: print(e, file = sys.stderr) return -1 def run_service(mnt, killfuncs): '''Run scrub as a service.''' try: svc = scrub_service(mnt) except: return -1 killfuncs.add(svc.stop) retcode = svc.start() remove_killfunc(killfuncs, svc.stop) return retcode def run_scrub(mnt, cond, running_devs, mntdevs, killfuncs): '''Run a scrub process.''' global retcode, terminate print("Scrubbing %s..." % mnt) sys.stdout.flush() try: if terminate: return # Run per-mount systemd bcachefsck service only if we ourselves # are running as a systemd service. if 'SERVICE_MODE' in os.environ: ret = run_service(mnt, killfuncs) if ret == 0 or ret == 1: print("Scrubbing %s done, (err=%d)" % (mnt, ret)) sys.stdout.flush() retcode |= ret return if terminate: return # Invoke bcachefsck manually if we're running in the foreground. # We also permit this if we're running as a cronjob where # systemd services are unavailable. ret = run_subprocess(mnt, killfuncs) if ret >= 0: print("Scrubbing %s done, (err=%d)" % (mnt, ret)) sys.stdout.flush() retcode |= ret return if terminate: return print("Unable to start scrub tool.") sys.stdout.flush() finally: running_devs -= mntdevs cond.acquire() cond.notify() cond.release() def signal_scrubs(signum, cond): '''Handle termination signals by killing bcachefsck children.''' global debug, terminate if debug: print('Signal handler called with signal', signum) sys.stdout.flush() terminate = True cond.acquire() cond.notify() cond.release() def wait_for_termination(cond, killfuncs): '''Wait for a child thread to terminate. Returns True if we should abort the program, False otherwise.''' global debug, terminate if debug: print('waiting for threads to terminate') sys.stdout.flush() cond.acquire() try: cond.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: terminate = True cond.release() if not terminate: return False print("Terminating...") sys.stdout.flush() while len(killfuncs) > 0: fn = killfuncs.pop() fn() return True def scan_interval(string): '''Convert a textual scan interval argument into a time delta.''' if string.endswith('y'): year = timedelta(seconds = 31556952) return year * float(string[:-1]) if string.endswith('q'): return timedelta(days = 90 * float(string[:-1])) if string.endswith('mo'): return timedelta(days = 30 * float(string[:-2])) if string.endswith('w'): return timedelta(weeks = float(string[:-1])) if string.endswith('d'): return timedelta(days = float(string[:-1])) if string.endswith('h'): return timedelta(hours = float(string[:-1])) if string.endswith('m'): return timedelta(minutes = float(string[:-1])) if string.endswith('s'): return timedelta(seconds = float(string[:-1])) return timedelta(seconds = int(string)) def utcnow(): '''Create a representation of the time right now, in UTC.''' dt = datetime.utcnow() return dt.replace(tzinfo = timezone.utc) def main(): '''Find mounts, schedule bcachefsck runs.''' def thr(mnt, devs): a = (mnt, cond, running_devs, devs, killfuncs) thr = threading.Thread(target = run_scrub, args = a) thr.start() global retcode, terminate, debug parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( \ description = "Scrub all mounted bcachefs filesystems.") parser.add_argument("--debug", help = "Enabling debugging messages.", \ action = "store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: debug = True fs = find_mounts() # Schedule scrub jobs... running_devs = set() killfuncs = set() cond = threading.Condition() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda s, f: signal_scrubs(s, cond)) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda s, f: signal_scrubs(s, cond)) while len(fs) > 0: if len(running_devs) == 0: mnt, devs = fs.popitem() running_devs.update(devs) thr(mnt, devs) poppers = set() for mnt in fs: devs = fs[mnt] can_run = True for dev in devs: if dev in running_devs: can_run = False break if can_run: running_devs.update(devs) poppers.add(mnt) thr(mnt, devs) for p in poppers: fs.pop(p) # Wait for one thread to finish if wait_for_termination(cond, killfuncs): break # Wait for the rest of the threads to finish while len(killfuncs) > 0: wait_for_termination(cond, killfuncs) # If we're being run as a service, the return code must fit the LSB # init script action error guidelines, which is to say that we compress # all errors to 1 ("generic or unspecified error", LSB 5.0 section # 22.2) and hope the admin will scan the log for what actually # happened. # # We have to sleep 2 seconds here because journald uses the pid to # connect our log messages to the systemd service. This is critical # for capturing all the log messages if the scrub fails, because the # fail service uses the service name to gather log messages for the # error report. if 'SERVICE_MODE' in os.environ: time.sleep(2) if retcode != 0: retcode = 1 sys.exit(retcode) if __name__ == '__main__': main()