project('plocate', 'cpp', default_options: ['buildtype=debugoptimized','cpp_std=c++17'], version: '1.0.0-pre') cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp') uringdep = dependency('liburing', required: false) zstddep = dependency('libzstd') if not uringdep.found() add_project_arguments('-DWITHOUT_URING', language: 'cpp') endif executable('plocate', ['plocate.cpp', 'io_uring_engine.cpp', 'turbopfor.cpp', 'parse_trigrams.cpp'], dependencies: [uringdep, zstddep], install: true, install_mode: ['rwxr-sr-x', 'root', 'mlocate']) executable('plocate-build', 'plocate-build.cpp', dependencies: [zstddep], install: true, install_dir: get_option('sbindir')) install_data('', install_dir: '/etc/cron.daily', rename: 'plocate') # Requires having TurboPFor checked out, so not built by default. # Unless you have a recent Meson, there's no apparently good way # of calling into that directory to run make, and we're not # replicating their build system, so it has to be manual. pfordir = meson.source_root() + '/TurboPFor-Integer-Compression' if run_command('[', '-r', pfordir + '/libic.a', ']').returncode() == 0 turbopfordep = declare_dependency( include_directories: include_directories('TurboPFor-Integer-Compression'), dependencies: meson.get_compiler('cpp').find_library('ic', dirs: pfordir)) executable('bench', ['bench.cpp', 'io_uring_engine.cpp'], dependencies: [uringdep, turbopfordep], build_by_default: false, install: false) endif