# vim:syntax=automake ## Howto # For each Q_OBJECT: # - Add the .moc.cpp to BUILT_SOURCES and nodist_SOURCES_qt4 # - Add the .cpp to SOURCES_qt4 # - Add the .hpp to EXTRA_DIST # For each UI # - Add it to EXTRA_DIST # - Add the .h to nodist_SOURCES_qt4 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects MOSTLYCLEANFILES = $(UIH) CLEANFILES += dialogs/about.hpp SUFFIXES += .ui .h .hpp .moc.cpp nodist_SOURCES_qt4 = \ main_interface.moc.cpp \ menus.moc.cpp \ dialogs_provider.moc.cpp \ input_manager.moc.cpp \ playlist_model.moc.cpp \ dialogs/playlist.moc.cpp \ dialogs/mediainfo.moc.cpp \ dialogs/extended.moc.cpp \ dialogs/messages.moc.cpp \ dialogs/errors.moc.cpp \ dialogs/preferences.moc.cpp \ dialogs/interaction.moc.cpp \ dialogs/sout.moc.cpp \ dialogs/help.moc.cpp \ dialogs/gototime.moc.cpp \ dialogs/open.moc.cpp \ dialogs/podcast_configuration.moc.cpp \ dialogs/vlm.moc.cpp \ components/extended_panels.moc.cpp \ components/infopanels.moc.cpp \ components/preferences_widgets.moc.cpp \ components/complete_preferences.moc.cpp \ components/simple_preferences.moc.cpp \ components/open.moc.cpp \ components/interface_widgets.moc.cpp \ components/playlist/panels.moc.cpp \ components/playlist/selector.moc.cpp \ util/input_slider.moc.cpp \ util/customwidgets.moc.cpp \ resources.cpp \ ui/equalizer.h \ ui/video_effects.h \ ui/open_file.h \ ui/open_disk.h \ ui/open_net.h \ ui/open_capture.h \ ui/open.h \ ui/vlm.h \ ui/podcast_configuration.h \ ui/sprefs_audio.h \ ui/sprefs_input.h \ ui/sprefs_interface.h \ ui/sprefs_subtitles.h \ ui/sprefs_video.h \ ui/sprefs_hotkeys.h \ ui/streampanel.h \ ui/sout.h if ENABLE_QT4 BUILT_SOURCES += $(nodist_SOURCES_qt4) dialogs/about.hpp endif resources.cpp: res.qrc $(RCC) -name vlc -o $@ $< .hpp.moc.cpp: $(MOC) -o $@ $< .ui.h: mkdir -p -- ui rm -f $@ $@.tmp echo "#define Q_(a,b) QString::fromUtf8(_(a))" > $@.tmp $(UIC) -tr "Q_" $< >> $@.tmp sed -e 's/Q_(\"_(\\\"\(.*\)\\\")"/Q_("\1"/' $@.tmp >$@ rm -f $@.tmp dialogs/help.cpp: dialogs/about.hpp dialogs/about.hpp: Modules.am $(top_srcdir)/COPYING $(top_srcdir)/THANKS $(top_srcdir)/AUTHORS mkdir -p -- dialogs echo "/* Automatically generated file - DO NOT EDIT */" > dialogs/about.hpp.tmp echo "static const char psz_license[] =" >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp cat $(top_srcdir)/COPYING | sed s/'"'/'\\"'/g | awk '{ print "\""$$0"\\n\"" }' >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp echo ";" >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp echo "static const char psz_thanks[] =" >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp grep -v '$$Id:' $(top_srcdir)/THANKS | sed s/'"'/'\\"'/g | awk '{ print "\""$$0"\\n\"" }'|sed s/"<.*.> "// >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp echo ";" >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp echo "static const char psz_authors[] =" >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp grep N: $(top_srcdir)/AUTHORS | cut -d" " -f 2- | sed s/'"'/'\\"'/g | awk '{ print "\""$$0"\\n\"" }' >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp echo ";" >> dialogs/about.hpp.tmp mv -f -- dialogs/about.hpp.tmp dialogs/about.hpp SOURCES_qt4 = qt4.cpp \ menus.cpp \ main_interface.cpp \ dialogs_provider.cpp \ input_manager.cpp \ playlist_model.cpp \ dialogs/playlist.cpp \ dialogs/preferences.cpp \ dialogs/mediainfo.cpp \ dialogs/extended.cpp \ dialogs/messages.cpp \ dialogs/errors.cpp \ dialogs/interaction.cpp \ dialogs/sout.cpp \ dialogs/help.cpp \ dialogs/gototime.cpp \ dialogs/open.cpp \ dialogs/vlm.cpp \ dialogs/podcast_configuration.cpp \ components/extended_panels.cpp \ components/infopanels.cpp \ components/preferences_widgets.cpp \ components/complete_preferences.cpp \ components/simple_preferences.cpp \ components/open.cpp \ components/interface_widgets.cpp \ components/playlist/standardpanel.cpp \ components/playlist/selector.cpp \ util/input_slider.cpp \ util/customwidgets.cpp noinst_HEADERS = \ qt4.hpp \ menus.hpp \ main_interface.hpp \ dialogs_provider.hpp \ input_manager.hpp \ playlist_model.hpp \ dialogs/playlist.hpp \ dialogs/mediainfo.hpp \ dialogs/extended.hpp \ dialogs/messages.hpp \ dialogs/errors.hpp \ dialogs/preferences.hpp \ dialogs/interaction.hpp \ dialogs/sout.hpp \ dialogs/about.hpp \ dialogs/help.hpp \ dialogs/gototime.hpp \ dialogs/open.hpp \ dialogs/vlm.hpp \ dialogs/podcast_configuration.hpp \ components/extended_panels.hpp \ components/infopanels.hpp \ components/preferences_widgets.hpp \ components/complete_preferences.hpp \ components/simple_preferences.hpp \ components/open.hpp \ components/interface_widgets.hpp \ components/playlist/panels.hpp \ components/playlist/selector.hpp \ util/input_slider.hpp \ util/directslider.hpp \ util/customwidgets.hpp \ util/qvlcframe.hpp EXTRA_DIST += \ res.qrc \ ui/equalizer.ui \ ui/video_effects.ui \ ui/open_file.ui \ ui/open_disk.ui \ ui/open_net.ui \ ui/open_capture.ui \ ui/open.ui \ ui/podcast_configuration.ui \ ui/sprefs_audio.ui \ ui/sprefs_input.ui \ ui/sprefs_interface.ui \ ui/sprefs_hotkeys.ui \ ui/sprefs_subtitles.ui \ ui/sprefs_video.ui \ ui/streampanel.ui \ ui/sout.ui \ ui/vlm.ui \ pixmaps/advprefs_audio.png \ pixmaps/advprefs_codec.png \ pixmaps/advprefs_extended.png \ pixmaps/advprefs_intf.png \ pixmaps/advprefs_playlist.png \ pixmaps/advprefs_sout.png \ pixmaps/advprefs_video.png \ pixmaps/capture-card_16px.png \ pixmaps/cdda_16px.png \ pixmaps/disc_16px.png \ pixmaps/file-asym_16px.png \ pixmaps/file-wide_16px.png \ pixmaps/folder-blue_16px.png \ pixmaps/folder-grey_16px.png \ pixmaps/go-next.png \ pixmaps/menus_help_16px.png \ pixmaps/menus_info_16px.png \ pixmaps/menus_messages_16px.png \ pixmaps/menus_preferences_16px.png \ pixmaps/menus_quit_16px.png \ pixmaps/menus_settings_16px.png \ pixmaps/menus_stream_16px.png \ pixmaps/network_16px.png \ pixmaps/next_16px.png \ pixmaps/next.png \ pixmaps/noart.png \ pixmaps/pause_16px.png \ pixmaps/pause.png \ pixmaps/play_16px.png \ pixmaps/playlist_16px.png \ pixmaps/playlist_add.png \ pixmaps/playlist.png \ pixmaps/playlist_repeat_all.png \ pixmaps/playlist_repeat_off.png \ pixmaps/playlist_repeat_one.png \ pixmaps/playlist_shuffle_off.png \ pixmaps/playlist_shuffle_on.png \ pixmaps/play.png \ pixmaps/previous_16px.png \ pixmaps/previous.png \ pixmaps/record_16px.png \ pixmaps/spref_cone_Audio_64.png \ pixmaps/spref_cone_Hotkeys_64.png \ pixmaps/spref_cone_Input_64.png \ pixmaps/spref_cone_Interface_64.png \ pixmaps/spref_cone_Subtitles_64.png \ pixmaps/spref_cone_Video_64.png \ pixmaps/stop_16px.png \ pixmaps/stop.png \ pixmaps/tape_16px.png \ pixmaps/type_directory.png \ pixmaps/type_file.png \ pixmaps/type_net.png \ pixmaps/type_node.png \ pixmaps/type_playlist.png \ pixmaps/type_unknown.xpm \ pixmaps/volume-high.png \ pixmaps/volume-low.png \ pixmaps/volume-muted.png