Jean-Baptiste Kempf Open true 0 0 556 387 0 0 400 0 Dialog Show extended options Show &more options Caching cacheSpinBox Change the caching for the media Qt::AlignRight ms 65535 100 Qt::Horizontal 16 24 Start Time startTimeTimeEdit Play another media synchronously (extra audio file, ...) Extra media slaveText Select the file Browse... MRL advancedLineInput true Complete MRL for VLC internal Edit Options Change the start time for the media Qt::AlignRight QDateTimeEdit::SecondSection HH'H':mm'm':ss's'.zzz Qt::LocalTime Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 QDialogButtonBox::NoButton 0 0 70 0 Play QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup Tab advancedCheckBox cacheSpinBox startTimeTimeEdit slaveCheckbox slaveText slaveBrowseButton playButton buttonsBox slaveCheckbox clicked(bool) slaveLabel setVisible(bool) 54 384 63 410 slaveCheckbox clicked(bool) slaveText setVisible(bool) 127 387 136 406 slaveCheckbox clicked(bool) slaveBrowseButton setVisible(bool) 219 102 386 131