** ** Sample autoboot code fragment ** ** These are the calling conventions for the Diag routine ** ** A7 -- points to at least 2K of stack ** A6 -- ExecBase ** A5 -- ExpansionBase ** A3 -- your board's ConfigDev structure ** A2 -- Base of diag/init area that was copied ** A0 -- Base of your board ** ** Your Diag routine should return a non-zero value in D0 for success. ** If this value is NULL, then the diag/init area that was copied ** will be returned to the free memory pool. ** INCLUDE "exec/types.i" INCLUDE "exec/nodes.i" INCLUDE "exec/resident.i" INCLUDE "libraries/configvars.i" INCLUDE "libraries/expansionbase.i" ; LVO's resolved by linking with library amiga.lib XREF _LVOFindResident ROMINFO EQU 0 ROMOFFS EQU $4000 * ROMINFO defines whether you want the AUTOCONFIG information in * the beginning of your ROM (set to 0 if you instead have PALS * providing the AUTOCONFIG information instead) * * ROMOFFS is the offset from your board base where your ROMs appear. * Your ROMs might appear at offset 0 and contain your AUTOCONFIG * information in the high nibbles of the first $40 words ($80 bytes). * Or, your autoconfig ID information may be in a PAL, with your * ROMs possibly being addressed at some offset (for example $2000) * from your board base. This ROMOFFS constant will be used as an * additional offset from your configured board address when patching * structures which require absolute pointers to ROM code or data. *----- We'll store Version and Revision in serial number VERSION EQU 37 ; also the high word of serial number REVISION EQU 1 ; also the low word of serial number * See the Addison-Wesley Amiga Hardware Manual for more info. MANUF_ID EQU 2011 ; CBM assigned (2011 for hackers only) PRODUCT_ID EQU 1 ; Manufacturer picks product ID BOARDSIZE EQU $10000 ; How much address space board decodes SIZE_FLAG EQU 3 ; Autoconfig 3-bit flag for BOARDSIZE ; 0=$800000(8meg) 4=$80000(512K) ; 1=$10000(64K) 5=$100000(1meg) ; 2=$20000(128K) 6=$200000(2meg) ; 3=$40000(256K) 7=$400000(4meg) CODE ; Exec stuff AllocMem EQU -198 InitResident EQU -102 FindResident EQU -96 OpenLibrary EQU -552 CloseLibrary EQU -414 OpenResource EQU -$1F2 AddResource EQU -$1E6 Enqueue EQU -$10E AddMemList EQU -$26A ; Expansion stuff MakeDosNode EQU -144 AddDosNode EQU -150 AddBootNode EQU -36 ; PiSCSI stuff PiSCSIAddr1 EQU $80000010 PiSCSIAddr2 EQU $80000014 PiSCSIAddr3 EQU $80000018 PiSCSIAddr4 EQU $8000001C PiSCSIDebugMe EQU $80000020 PiSCSIDriver EQU $80000040 PiSCSINextPart EQU $80000044 PiSCSIGetPart EQU $80000048 PiSCSIGetPrio EQU $8000004C PiSCSIGetFS EQU $80000060 PiSCSINextFS EQU $80000064 PiSCSICopyFS EQU $80000068 PiSCSIFSSize EQU $8000006C PiSCSISetFSH EQU $80000070 PiSCSILoadFS EQU $80000084 PiSCSIGetFSInfo EQU $80000088 PiSCSIDbg1 EQU $80001010 PiSCSIDbg2 EQU $80001014 PiSCSIDbg3 EQU $80001018 PiSCSIDbg4 EQU $8000101C PiSCSIDbg5 EQU $80001020 PiSCSIDbg6 EQU $80001024 PiSCSIDbg7 EQU $80001028 PiSCSIDbg8 EQU $8000102C PiSCSIDbgMsg EQU $80001000 ******* RomStart *************************************************** ********************************************************************** RomStart: ******* DiagStart ************************************************** DiagStart: ; This is the DiagArea structure whose relative offset from ; your board base appears as the Init Diag vector in your ; autoconfig ID information. This structure is designed ; to use all relative pointers (no patching needed). dc.b DAC_WORDWIDE+DAC_CONFIGTIME ; da_Config dc.b 0 ; da_Flags dc.w $4000 ; da_Size dc.w DiagEntry-DiagStart ; da_DiagPoint dc.w BootEntry-DiagStart ; da_BootPoint dc.w DevName-DiagStart ; da_Name dc.w 0 ; da_Reserved01 dc.w 0 ; da_Reserved02 ******* Resident Structure ***************************************** Romtag: dc.w RTC_MATCHWORD ; UWORD RT_MATCHWORD rt_Match: dc.l Romtag-DiagStart ; APTR RT_MATCHTAG rt_End: dc.l EndCopy-DiagStart ; APTR RT_ENDSKIP dc.b RTW_COLDSTART ; UBYTE RT_FLAGS dc.b VERSION ; UBYTE RT_VERSION dc.b NT_DEVICE ; UBYTE RT_TYPE dc.b 20 ; BYTE RT_PRI rt_Name: dc.l DevName-DiagStart ; APTR RT_NAME rt_Id: dc.l IdString-DiagStart ; APTR RT_IDSTRING rt_Init: dc.l Init-RomStart ; APTR RT_INIT ******* Strings referenced in Diag Copy area ************************ DevName: dc.b 'pi-scsi.device',0,0 ; Name string IdString dc.b 'PISCSI v0.8',0 ; Id string DosName: dc.b 'dos.library',0 ; DOS library name ExpansionName: dc.b "expansion.library",0 LibName: dc.b "pi-scsi.device",0,0 DosDevName: dc.b 'ABC',0 ; dos device name for MakeDosNode() ; (dos device will be ABC:) ds.w 0 ; word align ******* DiagEntry ************************************************** ********************************************************************** * * success = DiagEntry(BoardBase,DiagCopy, configDev) * d0 a0 a2 a3 * * Called by expansion architecture to relocate any pointers * in the copied diagnostic area. We will patch the romtag. * If you have pre-coded your MakeDosNode packet, BootNode, * or device initialization structures, they would also need * to be within this copy area, and patched by this routine. * ********************************************************************** DiagEntry: align 2 nop nop nop move.l #1,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l a3,PiSCSIAddr1 nop nop nop nop nop nop lea patchTable-RomStart(a0),a1 ; find patch table adda.l #ROMOFFS,a1 ; adjusting for ROMOFFS * Patch relative pointers to labels within DiagCopy area * by adding Diag RAM copy address. These pointers were coded as * long relative offsets from base of the DiagArea structure. * dpatches: move.l a2,d1 ;d1=base of ram Diag copy dloop: move.w (a1)+,d0 ;d0=word offs. into Diag needing patch bmi.s bpatches ;-1 is end of word patch offset table add.l d1,0(a2,d0.w) ;add DiagCopy addr to coded rel. offset bra.s dloop * Patches relative pointers to labels within the ROM by adding * the board base address + ROMOFFS. These pointers were coded as * long relative offsets from RomStart. * bpatches: move.l a0,d1 ;d1 = board base address add.l #ROMOFFS,d1 ;add offset to where your ROMs are rloop: move.w (a1)+,d0 ;d0=word offs. into Diag needing patch bmi.s endpatches ;-1 is end of patch offset table add.l d1,0(a2,d0.w) ;add ROM address to coded relative offset bra.s rloop endpatches: moveq.l #1,d0 ; indicate "success" rts ******* BootEntry ************************************************** ********************************************************************** BootEntry: align 2 move.l #2,PiSCSIDebugMe lea DosName(pc),a1 jsr FindResident(a6) tst.l d0 beq.b .End move.l d0,a0 move.l RT_INIT(a0),a0 jmp (a0) .End moveq.l #1,d0 ; indicate "success" rts * * End of the Diag copy area which is copied to RAM * EndCopy: ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* * * Beginning of ROM driver code and data that is accessed only in * the ROM space. This must all be position-independent. * patchTable: * Word offsets into Diag area where pointers need Diag copy address added dc.w rt_Match-DiagStart dc.w rt_End-DiagStart dc.w rt_Name-DiagStart dc.w rt_Id-DiagStart dc.w -1 * Word offsets into Diag area where pointers need boardbase+ROMOFFS added dc.w rt_Init-DiagStart dc.w -1 ******* Romtag InitEntry ********************************************** ************************************************************************* Init: ; After Diag patching, our romtag will point to this ; routine in ROM so that it can be called at Resident ; initialization time. ; This routine will be similar to a normal expansion device ; initialization routine, but will MakeDosNode then set up a ; BootNode, and Enqueue() on eb_MountList. ; align 2 move.l a6,-(a7) ; Push A6 to stack move.w #$00B8,$dff09a ; Disable interrupts during init move.l #3,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l a3,PiSCSIAddr4 movea.l 4,a6 move.l $10000040,d1 move.l #$feffeeff,$10000040 move.l $10000040,d0 cmp.l #$feffeeff,d0 bne.s NoZ3 move.l d1,$10000040 move.l #$8000000,d0 ; Add some Z3 fast RAM if it hasn't been moved (Kick 1.3) move.l #$405,d1 move.l #10,d2 move.l #$10000000,a0 move.l #0,a1 jsr AddMemList(a6) NoZ3: move.l #11,PiSCSIDebugMe lea LibName(pc),a1 jsr FindResident(a6) move.l #10,PiSCSIDebugMe cmp.l #0,d0 bne.s SkipDriverLoad ; Library is already loaded, jump straight to partitions move.l #4,PiSCSIDebugMe movea.l 4,a6 move.l #$40000,d0 moveq #0,d1 jsr AllocMem(a6) ; Allocate memory for the PiStorm to copy the driver to move.l d0,PiSCSIDriver ; Copy the PiSCSI driver to allocated memory and patch offsets move.l #5,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l d0,a1 move.l #0,d1 movea.l 4,a6 add.l #$02c,a1 jsr InitResident(a6) ; Initialize the PiSCSI driver SkipDriverLoad: move.l #9,PiSCSIDebugMe jsr LoadFileSystems(pc) FSLoadExit: lea ExpansionName(pc),a1 moveq #0,d0 jsr OpenLibrary(a6) ; Open expansion.library to make this work, somehow move.l a6,a4 move.l d0,a6 move.l #7,PiSCSIDebugMe PartitionLoop: move.l PiSCSIGetPart,d0 ; Get the available partition in the current slot beq.w EndPartitions ; If the next partition returns 0, there's no additional partitions move.l d0,a0 jsr MakeDosNode(a6) ;cmp.l #0,PiSCSIGetFSInfo ; This does not work for some reason... not massively surprising... ;beq.s SkipLoadFS ;move.l d0,PiSCSILoadFS ; Attempt to load the file system driver from data/fs ;cmp.l #$FFFFFFFF,PiSCSIAddr4 ;beq SkipLoadFS ;jsr LoadFileSystems(pc) SkipLoadFS: move.l d0,PiSCSISetFSH move.l d0,PiSCSIAddr2 ; Put DeviceNode address in PiSCSIAddr2, because I'm useless move.l d0,a0 move.l PiSCSIGetPrio,d0 move.l #0,d1 move.l PiSCSIAddr1,a1 * Uncomment these lines to test AddDosNode/Enqueue stuff * Or comment them out all the way down to and including SkipEnqueue: to use the AddBootNode method instead. cmp.l #-128,d0 bne.s EnqueueNode * BOOL AddDosNode( LONG bootPri, ULONG flags, struct DeviceNode *deviceNode ); * amicall(ExpansionBase, 0x96, AddDosNode(d0,d1,a0)) move.l #38,PiSCSIDebugMe jsr AddDosNode(a6) bra.w SkipEnqueue * VOID Enqueue( struct List *list, struct Node *node ); * amicall(SysBase, 0x10e, Enqueue(a0,a1)) EnqueueNode: exg a6,a4 ;move.l #35,PiSCSIDebugMe ;move.l #BootNode_SIZEOF,PiSCSIDebugMe ;move.l #NT_BOOTNODE,PiSCSIDebugMe ;move.l #LN_TYPE,PiSCSIDebugMe ;move.l #LN_PRI,PiSCSIDebugMe ;move.l #LN_NAME,PiSCSIDebugMe ;move.l #eb_MountList,PiSCSIDebugMe ;move.l #35,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l #BootNode_SIZEOF,d0 move.l #$10001,d1 jsr AllocMem(a6) ; Allocate memory for the BootNode move.l d0,PiSCSIAddr3 move.l #36,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l d0,a1 move.b #NT_BOOTNODE,LN_TYPE(a1) move.l PiSCSIGetPrio,d0 move.b d0,LN_PRI(a1) move.l PiSCSIAddr2,bn_DeviceNode(a1) move.l PiSCSIAddr1,LN_NAME(a1) lea eb_MountList(a4),a0 jsr Enqueue(a6) exg a6,a4 SkipEnqueue: * BOOL AddBootNode( LONG bootPri, ULONG flags, struct DeviceNode *deviceNode, struct ConfigDev *configDev ); * amicall(ExpansionBase, 0x24, AddBootNode(d0,d1,a0,a1)) * Comment out the line below to test AddDosNode/Enqueue stuff * jsr AddBootNode(a6) move.l #1,PiSCSINextPart ; Switch to the next partition bra.w PartitionLoop EndPartitions: move.l #8,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l a6,a1 move.l #800,PiSCSIDebugMe movea.l 4,a6 move.l #801,PiSCSIDebugMe jsr CloseLibrary(a6) move.l #802,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l (a7)+,a6 ; Pop A6 from stack move.l #803,PiSCSIDebugMe move.w #$80B8,$dff09a ; Re-enable interrupts move.l #804,PiSCSIDebugMe moveq.l #1,d0 ; indicate "success" move.l #805,PiSCSIDebugMe rts align 4 FileSysName dc.b 'FileSystem.resource',0 FileSysCreator dc.b 'PiStorm',0 CurFS: dc.l $0 FSResource: dc.l $0 align 2 LoadFileSystems: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) ; Push registers to stack move.l #30,PiSCSIDebugMe movea.l 4,a6 ReloadResource: lea FileSysName(pc),a1 jsr OpenResource(a6) tst.l d0 bne FSRExists move.l #33,PiSCSIDebugMe ; FileSystem.resource isn't open, create it ; Code based on WinUAE filesys.asm moveq #32,d0 ; sizeof(FileSysResource) move.l #$10001,d1 jsr AllocMem(a6) move.l d0,a2 move.b #8,8(a2) ; NT_RESOURCE lea FileSysName(pc),a0 move.l a0,10(a2) ; node name lea FileSysCreator(pc),a0 move.l a0,14(a2) ; fsr_Creator lea 18(a2),a0 move.l a0,(a0) ; NewList() fsr_FileSysEntries addq.l #4,(a0) move.l a0,8(a0) lea $150(a6),a0 ; ResourceList move.l a2,a1 jsr -$f6(a6) ; AddTail move.l a2,a0 move.l a0,d0 FSRExists: move.l d0,PiSCSIAddr2 ; PiSCSIAddr2 is now FileSystem.resource move.l #31,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l PiSCSIAddr2,a0 move.l PiSCSIGetFS,d0 cmp.l #0,d0 beq.w FSDone FSNext: move.l #45,PiSCSIDebugMe lea fsr_FileSysEntries(a0),a0 move.l a0,d2 move.l LH_HEAD(a0),d0 beq.w NoEntries FSLoop: move.l #34,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l d0,a1 move.l #35,PiSCSIDebugMe cmp.l fse_DosType(a1),d7 move.l #36,PiSCSIDebugMe beq.w AlreadyLoaded move.l #37,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l LN_SUCC(a1),d0 bne.w FSLoop move.l #390,PiSCSIDebugMe bra.w NoEntries align 2 NoEntries: move.l #39,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l PiSCSIFSSize,d0 move.l #40,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l #$10001,d1 move.l #41,PiSCSIDebugMe jsr AllocMem(a6) move.l d0,PiSCSIAddr3 move.l d0,a0 move.l #1,PiSCSICopyFS move.b #NT_RESOURCE,LN_TYPE(a0) AlreadyLoaded: move.l #480,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l PiSCSIAddr2,a0 move.l #1,PiSCSINextFS move.l PiSCSIGetFS,d0 cmp.l #0,d0 bne.w FSNext FSDone: move.l #37,PiSCSIDebugMe move.l #32,PiSCSIDebugMe ; Couldn't open FileSystem.resource, Kick 1.2/1.3? movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; Pop registers from stack rts FSRes dc.l 0 dc.l 0 dc.b NT_RESOURCE dc.b 0 dc.l FileSysName dc.l FileSysCreator .Head dc.l .Tail .Tail dc.l 0 dc.l .Head dc.b NT_RESOURCE dc.b 0