--[[ Get information about a movie from IMDb Copyright © 2009-2010 VideoLAN and AUTHORS Authors: Jean-Philippe André (jpeg@videolan.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. --]] -- TODO: Use simplexml module to simplify parsing -- Global variables url = nil -- string title = nil -- string titles = {} -- table, see code below -- Some global variables: widgets dlg = nil -- dialog txt = nil -- text field list = nil -- list widget button_open = nil -- button widget html = nil -- rich text (HTML) widget waitlbl = nil -- text label widget -- Script descriptor, called when the extensions are scanned function descriptor() return { title = "IMDb - The Internet Movie Database" ; version = "1.0" ; author = "Jean-Philippe André" ; url = 'http://www.imdb.org/'; shortdesc = "The Internet Movie Database"; description = "
The Internet Movie Database

" .. "Get information about movies from the Internet " .. "Movie Database (IMDb).
This Extension will show " .. "you the cast, a short plot summary and a link to " .. "the web page on imdb.org." ; capabilities = { "input-listener" } } end -- Remove trailing & leading spaces function trim(str) if not str then return "" end return string.gsub(str, "^%s*(.*)+%s$", "%1") end -- Update title text field. Removes file extensions. function update_title() local item = vlc.input.item() local name = item and item:name() if name ~= nil then name = string.gsub(name, "(.*)(%.%w+)$", "%1") end if name ~= nil then txt:set_text(trim(name)) end end -- Function called when the input (media being read) changes function input_changed() update_title() end -- First function to be called when the extension is activated function activate() create_dialog() end -- This function is called when the extension is disabled function deactivate() end -- Create the main dialog with a simple search bar function create_dialog() dlg = vlc.dialog("IMDb") dlg:add_label("Movie Title:", 1, 1, 1, 1) local item = vlc.input.item() txt = dlg:add_text_input(item and item:name() or "", 2, 1, 1, 1) dlg:add_button("Search", click_okay, 3, 1, 1, 1) -- Show, if not already visible dlg:show() end -- Dialog closed function close() -- Deactivate this extension vlc.deactivate() end -- Called when the user presses the "Search" button function click_okay() vlc.msg.dbg("[IMDb] Searching for " .. txt:get_text()) -- Search IMDb: build URL title = string.gsub(string.gsub(txt:get_text(), "[%p%s%c]", "+"), "%++", " ") url = "http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=" .. string.gsub(title, " ", "+") -- Recreate dialog structure: delete useless widgets if html then dlg:del_widget(html) html = nil end if list then dlg:del_widget(list) dlg:del_widget(button_open) list = nil button_open = nil end -- Ask the user to wait some time... local waitmsg = 'Searching for ' .. title .. " on IMDb..." if not waitlbl then waitlbl = dlg:add_label(waitmsg, 1, 2, 3, 1) else waitlbl:set_text(waitmsg) end dlg:update() -- Download the data local s, msg = vlc.stream(url) if not s then vlc.msg.warn("[IMDb] " .. msg) waitlbl:set_text('Sorry, an error occured while searching for ' .. title .. ".
Please try again later.") return end -- Fetch HTML data local data = s:read(65000) if not data then vlc.msg.warn("[IMDb] Not data received!") waitlbl:set_text('Sorry, an error occured while searching for ' .. title .. ".
Please try again later.") return end -- Probe result & parse it if string.find(data, "
") then -- We found a direct match parse_moviepage(data) else -- We have a list of results to parse parse_resultspage(data) end end -- Called when clicked on the "Open" button function click_open() -- Get user selection selection = list:get_selection() if not selection then return end local sel = nil for idx, selectedItem in pairs(selection) do sel = idx break end if not sel then return end local imdbID = titles[sel].id -- Update information message url = "http://www.imdb.org/title/" .. imdbID .. "/" title = titles[sel].title dlg:del_widget(list) dlg:del_widget(button_open) list = nil button_open = nil waitlbl:set_text("Loading IMDb page for " .. title .. ".") dlg:update() local s, msg = vlc.stream(url) if not s then waitlbl:set_text('Sorry, an error occured while looking for ' .. title .. ".") vlc.msg.warn("[IMDb] " .. msg) return end data = s:read(65000) if data and string.find(data, "
") then parse_moviepage(data) else waitlbl:set_text('Sorry, no results found for ' .. title .. ".") end end -- Parse the results page and find titles, years & URL's function parse_resultspage(data) vlc.msg.dbg("[IMDb] Analysing results page") -- Find titles titles = {} local count = 0 local idxEnd = 1 while idxEnd ~= nil do -- Find title types local titleType = nil _, idxEnd, titleType = string.find(data, "([^<]*Titles[^<]*)", idxEnd) local _, _, nextTitle = string.find(data, "([^<]*Titles[^<]*)", idxEnd) if not titleType then break else -- Find current scope local table = nil if not nextTitle then _, _, table = string.find(data, "(.*)
", idxEnd) else nextTitle = string.gsub(nextTitle, "%(", "%%(") nextTitle = string.gsub(nextTitle, "%)", "%%)") _, _, table = string.find(data, "(.*)
.*"..nextTitle, idxEnd) end if not table then break end local pos = 0 local thistitle = nil -- Find all titles in this scope while pos ~= nil do local _, _, link = string.find(table, "]*>([^<]+)", pos) if not thistitle then break end -- this would not be normal behavior... local _, _, year = string.find(table, "\((%d+)\)", pos) -- Add this title to the list count = count + 1 local _, _, imdbID = string.find(link, "/([^/]+)/$") thistitle = replace_html_chars(thistitle) titles[count] = { id = imdbID ; title = thistitle ; year = year ; link = link } end end end -- Did we find anything at all? if not count or count == 0 then waitlbl:set_text('Sorry, no results found for ' .. title .. ".") return end -- Sounds good, we found some results, let's display them waitlbl:set_text(count .. " results found for " .. title .. ".") list = dlg:add_list(1, 3, 3, 1) button_open = dlg:add_button("Open", click_open, 3, 4, 1, 1) for idx, title in ipairs(titles) do --list:add_value("[" .. title.id .. "] " .. title.title .. " (" .. title.year .. ")", idx) list:add_value(title.title .. " (" .. title.year .. ")", idx) end end -- Parse a movie description page function parse_moviepage(data) -- Title & year title = string.gsub(data, "^.*(.*).*$", "%1") local text = "

" .. title .. "

" text = text .. "


" -- Real URL url = string.gsub(data, "^.*]+>([%w%s]+)", nextIdx) end if not director then director = "(Unknown)" end text = text .. "" -- Main genres local genres = "" local first = true for genre, _ in string.gmatch(data, "/Sections/Genres/(%w+)/\">") do if first then genres = genres .. "" else genres = genres .. "" end first = false end text = text .. genres -- List main actors local actors = "" local first = true for nm, char in string.gmatch(data, "" first = false end text = text .. actors .. "
Director" .. director .. "
Genres" .. genre .. "
" .. genre .. "
Cast]+>([%w%s]+) ... ]+>([%w%s]+)") do if not first then actors = actors .. "
" end actors = actors .. "" .. nm .. "" .. char .. "
" waitlbl:set_text("
" .. title .. "
") if list then dlg:del_widget(list) dlg:del_widget(button_open) end html = dlg:add_html(text .. "
Loading summary...", 1, 3, 3, 1) dlg:update() text = text .. "

Plot Summary

" local s, msg = vlc.stream(url .. "plotsummary") if not s then vlc.msg.warn("[IMDb] " .. msg) return end local data = s:read(65000) -- We read only the first summary _, _, summary = string.find(data, "

([^<]+)") if not summary then summary = "(Unknown)" end text = text .. "

" .. summary .. "

" text = text .. "

Source IMDb

" .. url .. "

" html:set_text(text) end -- Convert some HTML characters into UTF8 function replace_html_chars(txt) if not txt then return nil end -- return vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars(txt) for num in string.gmatch(txt, "&#x(%x+);") do -- Convert to decimal (any better way?) dec = 0 for c in string.gmatch(num, "%x") do cc = string.byte(c) - string.byte("0") if (cc >= 10 or cc < 0) then cc = string.byte(string.lower(c)) - string.byte("a") + 10 end dec = dec * 16 + cc end txt = string.gsub(txt, "&#x" .. num .. ";", string.char(dec)) end return txt end