--[==========================================================================[ http.lua: HTTP interface module for VLC --[==========================================================================[ Copyright (C) 2007 the VideoLAN team $Id$ Authors: Antoine Cellerier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. --]==========================================================================] --[==========================================================================[ Configuration options: * host: A host to listen on. * dir: Directory to use as the http interface's root. * no_error_detail: If set, do not print the Lua error message when generating a page fails. * no_index: If set, don't build directory indexes --]==========================================================================] require "common" vlc.msg.info("Lua HTTP interface") open_tag = "" function escape(s) return (string.gsub(s,"([%^%$%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])","%%%1")) end function process_raw(filename) local input = io.open(filename):read("*a") -- find the longest [===[ or ]=====] type sequence and make sure that -- we use one that's longer. local str="X" for str2 in string.gmatch(input,"[%[%]]=*[%[%]]") do if #str < #str2 then str = str2 end end str=string.rep("=",#str-1) --[[ FIXME: is still a problem. The closing '?>' needs to be printed using '?" ?>' to prevent a parse error. --]] local code0 = string.gsub(input,escape(close_tag)," print(["..str.."[") local code1 = string.gsub(code0,escape(open_tag),"]"..str.."]) ") local code = "print(["..str.."["..code1.."]"..str.."])" --[[ Uncomment to debug if string.match(filename,"vlm_cmd.xml$") then io.write(code) io.write("\n") end --]] return assert(loadstring(code,filename)) end function process(filename) local mtime = 0 -- vlc.net.stat(filename).modification_time local func = false -- process_raw(filename) return function(...) local new_mtime = vlc.net.stat(filename).modification_time if new_mtime ~= mtime then -- Re-read the file if it changed if mtime == 0 then vlc.msg.dbg("Loading `"..filename.."'") else vlc.msg.dbg("Reloading `"..filename.."'") end func = process_raw(filename) mtime = new_mtime end return func(...) end end function callback_error(path,url,msg) local url = url or "<page unknown>" return [[ Error loading ]]..url..[[

Error loading ]]..url..[[

]]..(config.no_error_detail and "Remove configuration option `no_error_detail' on the server to get more information." or tostring(msg))..[[

Lua 5.1 Reference Manual

]] end function dirlisting(url,listing,acl_) local list = {} for _,f in ipairs(listing) do if not string.match(f,"^%.") then table.insert(list,"
  • "..f.."
  • ") end end list = table.concat(list) local function callback() return [[ Directory listing ]]..url..[[

    Directory listing ]]..url..[[

    ]] end return h:file(url,"text/html",nil,nil,acl_,callback,nil) end function file(h,path,url,acl_,mime) local generate_page = process(path) local callback = function(data,request) -- FIXME: I'm sure that we could define a real sandbox -- redefine print local page = {} local function pageprint(...) for i=1,select("#",...) do if i== 1 then table.insert(page,tostring(select(i,...))) else table.insert(page," "..tostring(select(i,...))) end end end _G._GET = parse_url_request(request) local oldprint = print print = pageprint local ok, msg = pcall(generate_page) -- reset print = oldprint if not ok then return callback_error(path,url,msg) end return table.concat(page) end return h:file(url or path,mime,nil,nil,acl_,callback,nil) end function rawfile(h,path,url,acl_) local filename = path local mtime = 0 -- vlc.net.stat(filename).modification_time local page = false -- io.open(filename):read("*a") local callback = function(data,request) local new_mtime = vlc.net.stat(filename).modification_time if mtime ~= new_mtime then -- Re-read the file if it changed if mtime == 0 then vlc.msg.dbg("Loading `"..filename.."'") else vlc.msg.dbg("Reloading `"..filename.."'") end page = io.open(filename):read("*a") mtime = new_mtime end return page end return h:file(url or path,nil,nil,nil,acl_,callback,nil) end function parse_url_request(request) if not request then return {} end t = {} for k,v in string.gmatch(request,"([^=&]+)=?([^=&]*)") do local k_ = vlc.strings.decode_uri(k) local v_ = vlc.strings.decode_uri(v) if t[k_] ~= nil then local t2 if type(t[k_]) ~= "table" then t2 = {} table.insert(t2,t[k_]) t[k_] = t2 else t2 = t[k_] end table.insert(t2,v_) else t[k_] = v_ end end return t end local function find_datadir(name) local list = vlc.misc.datadir_list(name) for _, l in ipairs(list) do local s = vlc.net.stat(l) if s then return l end end error("Unable to find the `"..name.."' directory.") end http_dir = config.dir or find_datadir("http") do local oldpath = package.path package.path = http_dir.."/?.lua" local ok, err = pcall(require,"custom") if not ok then vlc.msg.warn("Couldn't load "..http_dir.."/custom.lua") else vlc.msg.dbg("Loaded "..http_dir.."/custom.lua") end package.path = oldpath end local files = {} local mimes = { txt = "text/plain", html = "text/html", xml = "text/xml", js = "text/javascript", css = "text/css", png = "image/png", ico = "image/x-icon", } local function load_dir(dir,root,parent_acl) local root = root or "/" local has_index = false local my_acl = parent_acl do local af = dir.."/.hosts" local s = vlc.net.stat(af) if s and s.type == "file" then -- We found an acl my_acl = vlc.acl(false) my_acl:load_file(af) end end local d = vlc.net.opendir(dir) for _,f in ipairs(d) do if not string.match(f,"^%.") then local s = vlc.net.stat(dir.."/"..f) if s.type == "file" then local url if f == "index.html" then url = root has_index = true else url = root..f end local ext = string.match(f,"%.([^%.]-)$") local mime = mimes[ext] -- print(url,mime) if mime and string.match(mime,"^text/") then table.insert(files,file(h,dir.."/"..f,url,my_acl,mime)) else table.insert(files,rawfile(h,dir.."/"..f,url,my_acl)) end elseif s.type == "dir" then load_dir(dir.."/"..f,root..f.."/",my_acl) end end end if not has_index and not config.no_index then -- print("Adding index for", root) table.insert(files,dirlisting(root,d,my_acl)) end end local u = vlc.net.url_parse( config.host or "" ) h = vlc.httpd(u.host,u.port) load_dir( http_dir ) while not vlc.misc.lock_and_wait() do end -- everything happens in callbacks -- FIXME: We shouldn't need to do this ourselves. for i=1,#files do getmetatable(files[i]).__gc(files[i]) files[i] = nil end