--[[ Parse CUE files $Id$ Copyright (C) 2009 Laurent Aimar This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. --]] -- Probe function. function probe() if( not string.match( string.upper( vlc.path ), ".CUE$" ) ) then return false end header = vlc.peek( 2048 ) return string.match( header, "FILE.*WAVE%s*[\r\n]+" ) or string.match( header, "FILE.*AIFF%s*[\r\n]+" ) or string.match( header, "FILE.*MP3%s*[\r\n]+" ) end -- Helpers function is_utf8( src ) return vlc.strings.from_charset( "UTF-8", src ) == src end function cue_string( src ) if not is_utf8( src ) then -- Convert to UTF-8 since it's probably Latin1 src = vlc.strings.from_charset( "ISO_8859-1", src ) end local sub = string.match( src, "^\"(.*)\".*$" ); if( sub ) then return sub end return string.match( src, "^(%S+).*$" ) end function cue_path( src ) if( string.match( src, "^/" ) or string.match( src, "^\\" ) or string.match( src, "^[%l%u]:\\" ) ) then return vlc.strings.make_uri(src) end local slash = string.find( string.reverse( vlc.path ), '/' ) local prefix = vlc.access .. "://" .. string.sub( vlc.path, 1, -slash ) -- FIXME: postfix may not be encoded correctly (esp. slashes) local postfix = vlc.strings.encode_uri_component(src) return prefix .. postfix end function cue_track( global, track ) if( track.index01 == nil ) then return nil end t = {} t.path = cue_path( track.file or global.file ) t.title = track.title t.album = global.title t.artist = track.performer or global.performer t.genre = track.genre or global.genre t.date = track.date or global.date t.description = global.comment t.tracknum = track.num t.options = { ":start-time=" .. track.index01} return t end function cue_append( tracks, global, track ) local t = cue_track( global, track ) if( t ~= nil ) then if( #tracks > 0 ) then local prev = tracks[#tracks] table.insert( prev.options, ":stop-time=" .. track.index01) end table.insert( tracks, t ) end end -- Parse function. function parse() p = {} global_data = nil data = {} file = nil while true do line = vlc.readline() if not line then break end cmd, arg = string.match( line, "^%s*(%S+)%s*(.*)$" ) if( cmd == "REM" and arg ) then subcmd, value = string.match( arg, "^(%S+)%s*(.*)$" ) if( subcmd == "GENRE" and value ) then data.genre = cue_string( value ) elseif( subcmd == "DATE" and value ) then data.date = cue_string( value ) elseif( subcmd == "COMMENT" and value ) then data.comment = cue_string( value ) end elseif( cmd == "PERFORMER" and arg ) then data.performer = cue_string( arg ) elseif( cmd == "TITLE" and arg ) then data.title = cue_string( arg ) elseif( cmd == "FILE" ) then file = cue_string( arg ) elseif( cmd == "TRACK" ) then if( not global_data ) then global_data = data else cue_append( p, global_data, data ) end data = { file = file, num = string.match( arg, "^(%d+)" ) } elseif( cmd == "INDEX" ) then local idx, m, s, f = string.match( arg, "(%d+)%s+(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)" ) if( idx == "01" and m ~= nil and s ~= nil and f ~= nil ) then data.index01 = m * 60 + s + f / 75 end end end cue_append( p, global_data, data ) return p end