Instructions to code your own VLC Lua playlist script. $Id$ Examples: See dailymotion.lua, googlevideo.lua, metacafe.lua, youbtube.lua and youtube_homepage.lua . VLC Lua playlist modules should define two functions: * probe(): returns true if we want to handle the playlist in this script * parse(): read the incoming data and return playlist item(s) The playlist is a table of playlist objects. A playlist object has the following members: .path: the item's full path / URL .name: the item's name in playlist (OPTIONAL) .title: the item's Title (OPTIONAL, meta data) .artist: the item's Artist (OPTIONAL, meta data) .genre: the item's Genre (OPTIONAL, meta data) .copyright: the item's Copyright (OPTIONAL, meta data) .album: the item's Album (OPTIONAL, meta data) .tracknum: the item's Tracknum (OPTIONAL, meta data) .description: the item's Description (OPTIONAL, meta data) .rating: the item's Rating (OPTIONAL, meta data) .date: the item's Date (OPTIONAL, meta data) .setting: the item's Setting (OPTIONAL, meta data) .url: the item's URL (OPTIONAL, meta data) .language: the item's Language (OPTIONAL, meta data) .nowplaying: the item's NowPlaying (OPTIONAL, meta data) .publisher: the item's Publisher (OPTIONAL, meta data) .encodedby: the item's EncodedBy (OPTIONAL, meta data) .arturl: the item's ArtURL (OPTIONAL, meta data) .trackid: the item's TrackID (OPTIONAL, meta data) .options: a list of VLC options (OPTIONAL) example: .options = { "fullscreen" } .duration: stream duration in seconds (OPTIONAL) .meta: custom meta data (OPTIONAL, meta data) A .meta field is a table of custom meta categories which each have custom meta properties. example: .meta = { ["Google video"] = { ["docid"] = "-5784010886294950089"; ["GVP version"] = "1.1" }; ["misc"] = { "Hello" = "World!" } } Invalid playlist items will be discarded by VLC. VLC defines a global vlc object with the following members: * vlc.path: the URL string (without the leading http:// or file:// element) * vlc.access: the access used ("http" for http://, "file" for file://, etc.) * vlc.peek( ): return the first characters from the playlist file. * ): read characters from the playlist file. THIS FUNCTION CANNOT BE USED IN peek(). * vlc.readline(): return a new line of playlist data on each call. THIS FUNCTION CANNOT BE USED IN peek(). * vlc.decode_uri( ): decode %xy characters in a string. * vlc.resolve_xml_special_chars( ): decode &abc; characters in a string. * vlc.msg_dbg( ): print a debug message. * vlc.msg_warn( ): print a warning message. * vlc.msg_err( ): print an error message. * vlc.msg_info( ): print an info message. Lua scripts are tried in alphabetical order in the user's VLC config director luaplaylist/ subdirectory, then in the global VLC luaplaylist/ directory. Lua documentation is available on . VLC uses Lua 5.1 All the Lua standard libraries are available.